View Full Version : Gifting

01-27-2012, 06:30 AM
Why exactly are costume giftboxes not available in Cabal Global?

Cabal NA sold dozens of costume giftboxes every day to players looking to make a quick profit off of those without the inclination to spend real money on the game, and this also was the case with BB+ 30 days and hair/face change kits(face change kits aren't even available, wtf?). I don't understand why EST would make these items exclusive and account binding, that only reduces their profits because most players who wouldn't buy them from the cash shop if they were available to buy in game won't buy them at all now. The players willing to buy them and sell in game for alz went a long way to make up for the completely F2P players who wouldn't spend a penny of RL cash on the game.

I myself put a pretty large chunk of money into Cabal NA, but I'm reluctant to do the same so far with Cabal Global seeing their poor cash shop management and customer service.

01-27-2012, 02:09 PM
if some1 wants to buy something from the cash shop with alz they can buy the vouchers then buy this item from the shop it's very simple

01-28-2012, 06:09 AM
Hahaha. My bad, didn't know about the vouchers. Thanks for the info.