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Conversation Between WIpwns and AngelScythe

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. lvl 168 fb
  2. Is Controversy,your FB, in Venus now?
    What lvl is it?
  3. how am i mad?
  4. where did I qq about? you are the one who is QQing but you refuse to show it. come on little kid, stop hiding your emotion.
  5. u so mad that u had to qq on my wall

  6. Im mad? proof it constructively or sthu son.

  7. no u just mad
  8. That's because I have to point out your ignorance. It's a pity to not let you know.
  9. u cared enough to post on my wall
  10. I don't give a f**k of what trollers like you say.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
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