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Conversation Between Xiju and MamaMiaYoe

7 Visitor Messages

  1. looks pro do want
  2. waddya think?

  3. I found one. Thats how sig looks like accordinf to the thread I got it from. the file was just modified but that the glow color
  4. Thankyoo. Ill try it.
  5. tyty! as thanks! not nearly as many songs but i love these piano songs 3 songs from haruhi. after you extract it, open the folder and copy the 3 folders into your BMS folder. http://www.mediafire.com/?xjij9dg96bijpgm
  6. Inbox full but here ya go
    theres alot, jst browse and you might see something you would wanna try.

  7. Empty your inbox I have the orb you wanted.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7