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Conversation Between MagitekGirl and Valdoroth

10 Visitor Messages

  1. no my connection dc-ed and hten my launcher decided it wanted to only half work and delete a file so i had to copy it over from my external HD. :S
  2. sorry i didnt have anything interesting to talk about x.x

    im tiredd
  3. ooki... im on (MissMaglTek) the l's an L xD
  4. you're in merc i'm assuming then Well if you're on I can log on my lvl 4 BL in Merc (OvolotQailUthan) here in a min for a little bit to chat b4 i go to sleep.
  5. soo.. u play in venus... o.o
    i had good friends in venus..
  6. i guess so ^_^
  7. call it a coincidence coz i just got on :x
  8. that was a fast response o.o
  9. o.o
  10. Actually, I made her ( [GM] Daisy) sig lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10