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Conversation Between Aryana and jimbo

10 Visitor Messages

  1. dont post anything to me plz
  2. sup havent spoken to u in a long while xD
  3. and u are very cute though. it suc.ks that your 13 though .....
  4. well i only talk to 16 and up but we could be cabal freinds i guess xD
  5. sorry im 13 . il be 14 soon though .. im pretty new im always on venus server after skool
  6. "get to know me?? hope your not one of them Perverts. My mom and dad arrested a guy last year for comeing over my house. he said he was 12 but looked like he was 30 or 50 yrs old"

    pfft no.... and good for him i got nieces thats 12 years old>"< filthy pervets i dont no how they live with them selves i watch date line mbc all the time... and btw how old are u ..im 19
  7. get to know me?? hope your not one of them Perverts. My mom and dad arrested a guy last year for comeing over my house. he said he was 12 but looked like he was 30 or 50 yrs old
  8. tell me something good besides your looks ^_^
  9. nah, but i wanna know u though xD
  10. hey do i know u ? XD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10