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Conversation Between carowe27 and SukiNanda

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. yup yup
  2. Ah, still got all your +7 osm then eh? :P
  3. dropped him cause my gear can be switched between BL and WA easily
  4. What happened to your FB?
  5. yeah i know how you feel lol i got a new WA in the works. only lvl 16 atm
  6. Raz and Tuck helped me level a bit; up to 23 now, and I have like.. level 15 and up story quests to do, and I'm getting bored of them already, haha.
  7. so hows the new char doin ?
  8. Pretty much.
  9. this has turned into just plain crap. total BS
  10. Same as always, waiting another 2 weeks for EST to get back to me again. Lol.
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