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Conversation Between SilentM and SkyAlpha

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I want to get more into the computer animation part, but i havent taken any art courses tho....i want to try to get into animation from comp sci
  2. Um yeah Computer animation branches off from Computer science.
    I guess you can choose to learn the more technical side of things like programming languages and scripting. Or the artistic side, which is about creating 3d graphics, characters, etc. using various programs.
    Like I said, I personally went to an art university, so I had traditional art classes, 3d and 2d animation classes, and normal classes like math and english.
    I'm assuming if you study Computer Science you will have more classes about programming and computers as opposed to art like I did, which isn't so bad. It just depends on what you wan to do personally. ^.^
  3. thx for dat info o.o i heard dat somehow comp sci relates to comp animation x.x idk....cuz i applied for dat
  4. Ok, computer animation and/or game design, for the most part, is a major offered at art schools and technical schools. I can't really tell you any specific schools to check out because it depends on where you live.
    I personally went to the Art Institute in my city because I didn't want to relocate.
    Truthfully, I wouldn't recommend Art institute unless there are no other technical schools in your area that you want to go to. I suggest looking up animation schools on google and seeing if there are any good ones around your area.
    It's EXPENSIVE no matter where you go. My entire tuition was $75,000 and I hear tuition rates are rising.
    I had a scholarship, and financial aid to pay for about half of that tuition. The rest are loans @_@

    So make sure this is what you REALLY want to do. When you look for schools, take tours, ask lots of questions, and check out the classes they offer.
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