Well i'll start out with my build...

Lvl 146 sFS
817atk, 887def, 54rate, 164 cdi, 41 samp

Osm Armhelm 30cdi +7
Osm Armsuit 50hp/7samp +7
Stit. ArmBoots and Gloves 7samp +7
AoP +5
x2 rol+1
x2 rof+9
x2 Vital Earrings (slotted, so they both give 50hp rather than 40hp)
x2 Bof+4
Kred Board
EoF +6
Belt of Damp

I asked a few people, but never got a believable answer, and I was wondering whether I should get FC 10cdi +6/7 crystal and blade or Osm/Lapis DMG(any%) +6/7 crystal and blade.
I would be replacing a Lapis +6 20cdi/3rate and a Osm +6 20cdi/3rate...

Alz is somewhat of an issue here, but I'm game for anything below 200-250mil. I need whichever one would help me hit harder, although I'm leaning towards Osm/Lapis 27dmg.
Thanks for ur help!