After my friend, VietStylez, got banned, I was done with this game. And so I went to Aion. Met new people here and there, but it just wasn't the same. I bought xFury's 40/7 for 350 USD before quitting, and it was enough for me to start playing again. Eventually with the help of my friends, I was geared up. Sort of. Longing to finish my set, I tried to buy Dillon's gear (F9Devil) with USD. One day, after playing around with guild warehouse, I found a way to "glitch" alz. It was amazing, my friends and I made billions every hour. I quickly used this glitch to gear myself, and, more importantly my friends. I quickly bought out all the "epic" gear in AH, and went on a UCHH spree - inflating the market tenfold. I even went to the lengths of bribing people with glitched alz. This has been eating me up on the inside. The guilt consumed me little by little. I wanted to take this time to apologize to the community and those negatively impacted by my actions. I am hereby taking full responsibility for the actions that I have caused, and aware of the impending consequences thereof.