I've always loved to look at first person videos in all the games I've played, and I know others are the same way so I just decided to make a quick video to add to the collection of wizard ones out there.

After watching Mat & Spurs, along with the occasional romp or angelbabe video, the output of videos seems to have been lackluster in regards to wiz lately, so that's why I'm trying to revamp it again.

It's not much of an accomplishment after the update & safeguard event, but still, I'd hope that at least some others might find it a little entertaining. xD

Looking to do other videos in the near future if anyone wants them to keep coming.

PS: inb4 typical NA forum trolling/bashing.

Also, it's up in 720/1080p on youtube if you are a qualityphile like myself and require better looking numbers popping up xD.