Hi all,

as the title says, is it possible that dungeon drops are somehow tied to your character level in some way? The reason I ask is because I noticed that as I get higher in level, dungeon drops mostly become higher grade stuff whereas before I got 90% lower grade stuff.

Now if this only happened on 1 character I'd say it was just luck of the drop...but since it's become a pattern I see with 6 of my characters (on multiple accounts) I'm starting to believe something else is going on other than luck.

For example when I do LID runs, at low level (usually under level 100) I get roughly 95% UCL's, FCL's, adept bracelets, earring of bless, regen rings and either no slot or 1 slot gears. Once I get above level 100, the drops seem to change to UCM's, FCM's and more 1 and 2 slotted item drops...and your occasional FCH's and UCH (still pretty rare but never got one of those under level 100).

By the way, this is not just noticeable in LID...it seem to happen in every single dungeon I run....it's just that LID, RS and EOD are the most noticeable right now because you start those dungeons much sooner than higher level dungeons.....as I approached level 140 I start noticing increased quality of drops in VC, IC and FT as well (those are primarily the dungeons I run lately).

So is it just my imagination or does anyone notice anything similar happening to them?