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Thread: Decent FB...

  1. #51
    Shadow Titanium DrifterX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Spokane/ WA
    wth 50rate? you kidding me zzzz

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Two Builds:1 crit based the other crit+high base.

    first one crit based:low base(about 980) and 220+CD) depend on 55+rate.. to crit more.

    second build:1080+~1.1kbase) 50rate is enough for them due to high base and def.and 202+CD.

  3. #53
    I just wanna start by asking how the hell did you get all that def in osm the TG, i wear +10sig helm,glove,suit and +15 tg boot i dont have that much.
    and secondly its logical more rate the better. i have 55%/55% im sure i crit more than most people i pvp depending on there H.Rank , rate Resist etc.
    And if you wearing a red osm 40 dmg like you say it better be +15, cuz the attack on a +15 red osm is 180, sig or forci will do better, after all, a fb dps is better if you crit more.
    so keeping your attack base high is important for the times you didn't crit, and the times you do. like i always say im no pro. keep up the work on that fb your stats is off the chats for the grade your wearing, bb =)

  4. #54
    Having 964 defence with those gears are not possible with the gears you ae wearing right now even with the pets and runes. Unless you are wearing +7 or +8 guardian epulets.

    As I'm only level 132, these are the list of my gears
    *Osm +11 battlesuit (FB) with 7% amp and 50hp
    *+6 fighter epulet
    *Osm +10 battlehelm (FB) with 36% crit
    *TG battlegloves (FB) +11 with 5% amp
    *Forcium boots +10 (FB) with 100hp
    *Forcium katana +12 with 10% crit
    *Forcium orb +10 with 7% amp
    *RoF +9 x2
    *Merg ring
    *RoL +1

    As you can see, this character is my first and my main character and I hae put these gears to both be great at PvP and PvE. I also have a high defence (Over 920 with buff) and high atk.
    So what Im trying to say is judge my gears and Im also trying to say that 964 defence of yours are not possible.
    *Also, do not comment about my gears saying they are not good for wars or PvP, cause it is for me. I never lose PvP against any classes up to lvl 150. As my defence and accurate high attack will cover my lacking crit dmg and amp.

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