There's alot of things on our forums that is lacking from the EU forums which i can't understand, were both being run by the same company right? "Why must the forums lack one thing the other one haves?" that's just not being fair. Everything that we have that the EU forum doesn't have should be added to theirs and ours. Adding in more features then the ones that we have now, could be a bit more user friendly. Just somethings that i think should be fixed on here or things that aren't on our forums.

(if i forgot anything please feel free to add your comments below)

Avatars need to be a bit bigger like on EU forums, it seems like our avatars are a bit small when they are displaying. On the EU forums they have a basic member info right under their avatar which shows their current level, IGN and Class its a nice feature that we lack on here, we should have that too. Having a time-out counter on players that are logged in could help them as well, going away from the forum site more then 30 minutes the site logs you out? Maybe...

Example :

(Things to Keep)

Keeping the orb that turns green when a user is online is a one of the features i do like on our forums.

Have a Chat box feature
I say that because alot of threads in general discussion are off topic to the game. Most of the GM's are only getting on to either read useless threads on players that are stalking or something that isn't appropriate to forum guidelines Having a chatbox feature could cut down on the consecutive number count of threads being moved from general to off topic. Maybe moving the Off Topic section a little closer to the top of the forums. Something like a shout box similar to in game shout, you get a limit of 5 seconds from each post that you do on the chat box feature.

Users that are Online

Most of the user that are currently online usually show ,but there isn't a visible of who's who unless its a GM. Maybe have something that shows all your friends that isn't a + but shaded in a selective color. The Eu forums have it on a simple display that any person that is getting started on its forum can get who's who ,and it looks pretty self explanatory. Its not that our forums isn't easy to accuses but it is just to plain.. Maybe an example could show what i'm talking about. They have all the ranks of all the staff members to the users in plain sight.

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Again something that is on the EU forums that we lack. I know that most of us don't think its a useful feature, but i think its useful because threads like this or updates that need more elaborating could be featured on blogs. I know that that if you go to the Cabal Online website we can get it there, but i think having a blog tab on forums could be more user friendly, maybe we can give you feedback that is constructive not countless threads that have either players compiling about an event or begging for an event to come back. Having a rating system on the blogs section could benefit us and the GM's have a good idea on what to do with events, and to keep up with the players of Cabal.