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Thread: FS Question

  1. #1

    FS Question

    hey guys i need some opinions from pro FS players.. heres my questions...is it more important for FS to have more amps but less cd or more cd but less amps? Also, is it also good to have amps on weapons or pure cd? Another question is.. is it better to have low type weapons (like phery, tit, stits, aqua with pc dmg but low attack) or to have a high lvl weapons (like osm- sig,lapis-sig) but less cd but higher attack? if your curious about my fs.. its not for dungeons.. its more for war and pvp.. thanks

  2. #2

    well im not an fs but i'll try to help you out. as a fs u naturally have high crit dmg and rate. but u are lacking in base. there for u should go for high grade weapons. such as forci 26 cdi or forci amp +11 or higher.

    I'm actually 180 o.o

    ~Contra Mundi~

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    you can still have good CD with high base weapons,you can get more amp if i make a 7/7/24 helm bof6s amp rune

    all that good sht

  4. #4
    I'm guessing your gonna be farming low tier wars if so just stick with high cd weps.

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