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Thread: Slotted Titanium Weapons

  1. #1

    Slotted Titanium Weapons

    Anyone know if there is a good spot to farm for 1 slot Titanium weapons (mainly Greatswords)? The AH supply is pathetically low on Mercury and I'm not feeling the need to spend almost 2mil per sword.

  2. #2
    lvl 95 main quest

  3. #3
    S-Hounds, EX Cannons, Ruina Station, EoD and Undead Ground are probably your best spots.

    Level 8 Basic Crafter
    Level 5 Ring Crafter

  4. #4
    Spamming megaphones for these works well
    Characters: JoneFA - Level 16x FA (capella) [banned]

    Battle boot crafter:
    Currently up to level 7 - forcium

    Martial boot crafter:
    Currently up to level 3 - titanium *new*

    Buying list:
    -Battle Cart Lv3: 300k each
    -Battle Cart Lv4: 1m each
    -Osmium Battleboots 2 slots +0: 8m each
    -Thunder Discs Lv4: 4m each
    -Soul Disc Lv2: 5m per stack

  5. #5
    Shadow Titanium
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Dude, they drop everywhere on port lux and fort ruina maps...just gotta keep farming if you just need greatswords...

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