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Thread: questions about pvp/pve combos and skills

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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by HARKDOG View Post
    so for pve with GD - terra cannon - fire cannon, it's ok?

    and thanks for the new tips
    GD> Shadow> Stone Cannon > Fire Cannon. You cant have sonic next then followed by GD, its gunna ruin the stun, you will have to wait til that stun from GD wears off, then sure go use Sonic to apply its stun.

    This is a situation you'll be exposed to in porta inferno when grinding alone. The monsters appear left right and back and front, even if you started combo mode to stunlock that particular group of mobs in front of you, there can and will be some "strays" that will go after you from the back or somewhere from a spot they instantly notice you. Now keeping up the combo mode to clear the group is okay if you have the appropriate amount of hp steal. If not, youre gunna need more work and thats when my advice comes in.

    If you dont have that appropriate amount, you'll be in trouble. The difference between me and Cathy is, he has vamp embedded on him (runes and gears), so no matter what group he hits, as long as he hits them it doesnt matter what attacks him from behind. I am not sure if he can see through what someone with lesser hp steal go through (my situation) though, since i dont have hp absorb rune and glove, he knows for a fact that I could manage it though, coz he's seen me in action when I grind

    I dont have my hp absorb upgrades, and I just rely heavily on a force absorb ring and drosnin earings (hp steal) to vamp and I can still make it, my 4.1k def rate does give misses but Ive also been working without it and still survive. Im in an old fashioned setting you can say. and im sure some people are the same. I have been doing it out of combo (the part where I get as much lures as I can) and the kb's from cannons help me delay that damage intake. If I use GD stun or Sonic Stun, my time to respond to another surprise attack from a "stray" will be less ....and i can miss too since im out of combo), hence why I use cannons 1.5 cast time to push them back as often as i can.

    For lower level or starting FA's without sonic or GD, dont lose hope in RS or whatever dungeon you try to grind alone when it comes to this issue. the kb buff (thrusting) helps for survival, just play your cannons right.
    Last edited by MamaMiaYoe; 04-26-2012 at 09:28 AM.
    In another dimension...Miavii is still alive

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