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Thread: Extending !

  1. #11
    i decided how to waste my money : first, i buy a 16%craft 1 slot osm blade and make it 40% and do the same with a lapis/topaz crystal

  2. #12
    Osmium iNub's Avatar
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    FS also have a buff called "Crushing Blade" which adds *24% CRI / 45% CDI and it's not even a short. -.-

    *may not be exact figures, but pretty sure it's close.

  3. #13
    Osmium iNub's Avatar
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    This is how the extended slot bonuses work:

    <Edit> Just noticed that I forgot to mention about extending itself and not the bonuses.

    Extending (to my knowledge) has 100% chance of success. I've extended plenty of items without fail.
    When you extend an item it will remain +? whatever level you have upgraded it to. </Edit>

    Each upgrade in 2slot gear recieve 50% bonus and each upgrade in 1slot gear recieve 100% bonus.**
    Ex: 2slot Titanium GS w/ both slots filled with CDI = 40% When extended we all know it will have 50% CDI. Why?

    The first slot recieves a 20% bonus of the 20% CDI that's in that slot giving it an additional 4% Same with the second slot.
    On the third slot (if you put CDI in it), it will recieve a 10% bonus (20% first slot, 20% second slot, 10% extended slot - 50%)

    So when you put CDI in the third slot it comes out 10% of 20 (2%) thus making the GS 24 / 24 / 2 or 50% CDI

    1 slot gear recieves a 100% bonus because it only has 1 slot.
    Ex: If you have a PC 1 slot Osm Blade of DB (16% dmg craft) and you put CDI in the slot it will have total 26% CDI.
    If you extend this and put dmg in the second slot two things happen:

    1. The weapon will recieve 100% slot bonus for the 1st slot (10% CDI becomes 20%)
    2. Now that it's extended, it falls into the 2slot category so if you put CDI in the next slot it recieves a 50% bonus (10 x 50% = 5)

    The outcome will look like this: 16% craft dmg + 20% slot dmg + 5% slot dmg = 41% CDI (however, there is a 40% CDI cap on 1hand weapons / 80% for GS and DK)

    If you put two or more different upgrades in an item, they each recieve their appropriate bonuses.
    Ex: 2slot armor with 100HP and you put HP in 3rd slot you will have 130HP total.
    Since there's a 60% bonus for HP / MP it will look like this: (20% of 50 = 10 times the 3 slots = 30 bonus HP / MP)

    But if you put HP / MP in the item instead, they will both recieve their own 60% bonuses.
    Ex1: 2slot armor with 50HP / 50MP and you put HP in 3rd slot you will have 80HP / 65MP total.
    The slot bonuses will play out like this: For the MP slot (50 x 60% = 15 + 50 - 65 total) For the HP slots (50 x 30% = 15 times the 2 slots = 30 + 50 = 80 total)

    Ex2: 2slot armor with 50HP / 50MP and you put defense in 3rd slot you will have 65HP / 65MP / 3 defense total.
    Equasion would look like this: HP slot recieves it's 60% bonus (50 + 15 = 65) And the same for MP. The defense will recieve it's own 50% bonus (2 + 1 = 3 <-- We're so smart xP)

    **HP / MP recieve a 60% bonus when extended, CRI recieves a 40% bonus and Attack / Magic Attack recieve a 150% bonus when extended. X.amp however, is the only upgrade which does NOT recieve a bonus.

    Sorry for the wall of text, wish I had some kind of table or something to maybe make this less confusing for you. I didn't really proof read this so if I made a mistake somewhere please don't flame because like you guys I've been up all night waiting for update!! xP
    Last edited by iNub; 09-04-2010 at 06:40 AM.

  4. #14
    Osmium iNub's Avatar
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    === Other Notes ===

    If you have a 2slot PC dmg GS or DK (32% + 40%) and u extend it, do not put dmg in the 3rd slot as you will recieve 25% CDI bonus for the first 2 slots: 25% of 20 = 5 x 2 slots give you 72% + 10% which already exceeds that pesky 80% CAP so you would definitely be wasting the third slot if you put dmg in it. (A lot of people like to try for rate and get junk like alz or magic attack. xP)

    Opinion Time: If you're going to try for rate in one of these 2slot 32% CDI DKs or GSs, I'm going to try for it in the 1st slot.
    Reason Why: Sometimes you can random and get CDI which is certainly ok in this case because we get another chance at the 2nd slot no harm done. But the reason why I try for 1st slot is because:

    1. I don't have billions of alz to spend on SeH and then failing to +8 to break the slot and try extending again. (Since update I'm not sure if this is even a valid method to remove extended slots any more since the reason the slot broke in the first place is because the weapon breaks if it isn't extended. Now weapons don't break they just lose 2 upgrades until item is +6 or lower and then they lose 1 upgrade per failed attempt until +3 then it remains at +3. So maybe someone who extended an item can try for +8 or above and see what happens on a failed attempt.)

    2. Another reason I prefer 1st slot is because when you extend and you try to upgrade the slot with anything and it fails, you lose the bonus of the 2nd slot as well. Which if you managed rate in the 2nd slot, it's not gone because you failed to upgrade the 3rd slot. If you fail to upgrade again (because you're not upgrading the 2nd slot), you won't lose the 1st slot bonus. It's only the 2nd slot bonus u lose when upgrade fails.

    Anyone ever extend No-Slot gear? I mean, I know it sounds pointless but if someone's rich and had an extra SeL I'd like to know what happens to the upgrade since the slot bonus increases as the number of slots decreases. For it to even out, I would just imagine that extended No-Slot gear would recieve a bonus 150% greater than that of 1 slot gear. The difference from 2slot to 1slot = 100% But let's figure it out! xP

    2slot gloves (extended w/3 attack upgrades) has 2 + 2 + 3 = 7 Attack recieves 150% bonus (in 2slot gear. 300% in 1slot) so what has happened is: We slotted all 3 slots with ATK+2 and added the 150% bonus (or 50% bonus per slot it works either way, but we'll do it by slot) 2 x 50% = 1 times the 3 slots it looks like this: 3 + 3 + 1 = 7 ATK

    1slot gloves (extended w/2 attack upgrades) has 6 <--- 300% bonus + 1 <---- 50% bonus because again, once extended it now recieves 2slot bonuses instead of 1slot. This equasion stifles me a bit, but it's all in theory. I've never extended 1slot gloves with ATK, though 1slot gear bonuses are designed to = that of 2slot bonuses if same upgrade is being used. And of course to show this I have more examples. xP

    Ex1: 2slot PC Tit Blade of DB (16% dmg) and you put dmg in all 3 slots this is what happens. The first 2 slots look like this: 10% CDI + 10% CDI. When we extend we know since this item started as 2 slotted, it will recieve a 50% CDI bonus. So now it looks like this: 15% + 15% + 4% In theory it would be 15 + 15 + 5, but that would give us 41% and Cabal says we can only have 40% CDI in 1hand weapons.

    Ex2: 1slot PC Tit Blade of DB (16% dmg) and you put dmg in both slots this is what happens. The first slot recieves 100% bonus 10 + (10 x 100%) = 20 and 2nd slot recieves 50% bonus 10 x 50% = 5. (4 because of the cap). So either way, you will be able to have a 40% dmg 1hand weapon reguardless if it has 1 slot or 2. (Again, not sure about No-Slot item bonuses but I'm getting to that).

    This next one confuses (some) people. The infamous 8/25 1hand weapon. Most common question "why isn't it 8/26?" and here's the answer. We know that 25% CDI is not any kind of cap so why doesn't it go to 26% CDI or more?

    Ex1: 2slot PC Lapis Orb of DB (8% CRI) and you put dmg in both slots this is what happens. It's a 1hand weapon so it gets 10% CDI per slot (x2 = 20%) Now you extend it and notice that (as I hear all the time, the first 2 slots recieve +2 CDI and i laugh sooooo hard...) But in a way yes. The first 2 slots actually recieved 20% bonuses each. 10 x 20% = 2 <--- There's your +2 CDI kids! Same for the second slot. And now we think if we put dmg in the 3rd slot it should come out the same, but we only get (+1 CDI xP!!!) and we're angry as hell, right?

    It's because we only recieve a 50% CDI bonus. 40% of it is used up by the first 2 slots (10 x 20% + 10 x 20% = 24 or 10 + 2 + 10 + 2) and the other 10% is used on the 3rd slot (10 x 10% = 1) so this is why we have 25% dmg in 1hand weapons. (This is of course doubled for 2hand weapons or 50% CDI).

    If there's any question about crafted bonuses. Ex: bluestin martialboots of luck w/1 slot (empty) and craft bonus 50% 2slot drop. When you extend these the craft bonus remains the same. It's only upgrades in the slots which become affected by extending.
    Last edited by iNub; 09-03-2010 at 09:33 PM.

  5. #15
    Osmium iNub's Avatar
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    = = = = = Final Post I Promise xP = = = = =

    About extending the No-Slot gear. If ATK recieves 150% bonus in 2slot gloves and they can have total +7 ATK (extended), then for No-Slot gloves to obtain that same +7 Attack it would need to recieve a 350% slot bonus. But remember that ATK is the only upgrade that recieves a 150% bonus (in 2slot items) all others recieve a 50% bonus (unless it's HP/MP <-- 60% CRI <-- 40% X.amp <-- No Bonus)

    So let's use something that has a consistent slot bonus like CDI for instance.

    Ex1: 2slot Osm GS extended with CDI in all 3 slots = 50% total CDI.
    Ex2: 1slot Osm GS extended with CDI in all 2 slots = 50% total CDI.
    Ex3: 0slot Osm GS extended with CDI in all 1 slots = 50% total CDI?

    I know "Ex1" is True. I've never extended a normal 1slot Osm GS, but if it's 1slot Osm GS of DB (PC 32% CDI) then it has total = 80% CDI after extended and dmg slotted. That means it gives at least 48% CDI, but it doesn't mean it does not give 50% We are unable to determine this because of the CDI cap. So a normal 1slot GS or DK would need to be extended to test this for sure, but it's all in theory. xP

    We'll say "Ex2" is also true because it wouldn't make any sense to have 48% CDI when extended. 1slot + extended. CDI in first = 100% bonus (40% CDI) + 50% CDI in 2nd slot (10%) = 50% <--- not 48%

    So in theory, for a GS or DK with no slots at all to obtain 50% CDI from 1 slot it would need a 150% slot bonus (20 + 20 x 50% = 50) or 20 + (20 x 150% = 30)
    Now we know that no-slot gear should recieve a 150% slot bonus (if the 2slot bonus is 50%), but what about something like HP in no-slot boots? Hmm. HP/MP recieves a 60% bonus in a 2slot item and extended it total 130HP or 130MP. For a no-slot item to obtain that much it would need a bonus of:

    Ex1: 1st> 50HP + (50 x 20% = 10) 2nd> 50HP + (50 x 20% = 10) 3rd (50 x 20% = 10) When we add it up we get 60 + 60 + 10 or 130HP/MP < - - 2slot gear (3 extended)
    Ex2: 1st> 50HP + (50 x 30% = 15) 2nd> 50HP + (50 x 30% = 15) When we add it up we get 65 + 65 or 130HP/MP < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1slot gear (2 extended)
    ^_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________Both of these examples have the same 60% slot bonus.

    Ex3: 50HP + (50 x 160% = 80) < - - Here I have added the difference to a no-slot (1slot extended) item to = that of the versions with more slots.

    Now in theory it looks like if the item has no slot and u extend it, it's going to recieve the normal slot bonus (40%, 50%, 60%, 150%) + an additional 100% to make up for the lack of slots. I've gone on about this for long enough now, but if u got a question u can probably PM me somehow or review this again and that may help also. Good day for now. xP
    Last edited by iNub; 09-02-2010 at 05:05 AM. Reason: they - > that

  6. #16
    Very nice detailed information.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheKingofTrolls View Post
    Very nice detailed information.
    too bad some of it is wrong lol. i just love this part

    Quote Originally Posted by iNub View Post
    1 slot gear recieves a 100% bonus because it only has 1 slot.
    Ex: If you have a PC 1 slot Osm Blade of DB (16% dmg craft) and you put CDI in the slot it will have total 26% CDI.
    If you extend this and put dmg in the second slot two things happen:

    1. The weapon will recieve 100% slot bonus for the 1st slot (10% CDI becomes 20%)
    2. Now that it's extended, it falls into the 2slot category so if you put CDI in the next slot it recieves a 50% bonus (10 x 50% = 5)

    The outcome will look like this: 16% craft dmg + 20% slot dmg + 5% slot dmg = 41% CDI (however, there is a 40% CDI cap on 1hand weapons / 80% for GS and DK)

  8. #18
    lol nice catch. I didn't read it to validate the data he provided. I only complimented him on providing detailed information to attemp to assist players.

  9. #19
    Osmium iNub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spur View Post
    too bad some of it is wrong lol. i just love this part
    If you put dmg in both slots that is what happens.

    If you would rather, you can call it 16% craft dmg + 12% slot dmg + 12% slot dmg = 40% <- - - it's actually 12.5% + 12.5% but because 25% exceeds the cap, we're cut off at 40% CDI.

    If you for whatever reason decide to mix it up and put CDI and a random (we'll say it comes out as magic attack), it will look like this:

    16% craft dmg + 12% CDI + 5 Magic Attack. Didn't mean to confuse anybody there, I was tired and waiting for update. But thinking about it again..... Am I wrong?
    Is it possible that a 1slot item would not recieve 20% CDI? It doesn't make any sense why it would not. I still believe (with scenario given above) that it would roll:

    16% craft dmg + 20% CDI + 5 Magic Attack. < - - If this is not the case I'd like a screenshot please if somebody has one. Though, I don't know of anybody who has
    randomed plus extended a 1slot item. I believe you think the 20% is too high because you're used to extending 2slot items. But as far as I know, once you fill the 2nd slot,
    this is going to roll 20% CDI / X your 2nd upgrade.

    Everybody I know of who has bought or crafted a PC dmg weapon (w/ 1 slot) had every intention of extending w/ CDI in both slots. I haven't seen any with a random. We
    can review again to see what isn't adding up:

    Random 2 slot (blade, orb, kat, xtal) + 10% CDI + 10% CDI < - - And now we Extend this and add dmg upgrade to the last slot as well. This is the outcome of a 2slot b/o/k/c:

    The first slot recieves a 20% bonus of 10 or 2% CDI bonus making it 12% for the first slot. The second slot recieves this same bonus giving it also 12% and the last slot recieves
    a 10% bonus giving it 1% CDI. Because this weapon started with 2 slots, it recieves a 50% total CDI bonus over the slots with CDI. If the first 2 slots contained 10% + 10% CDI
    and the final slot was randomed, the first 2 slots would recieve a 25% CDI bonus instead of 20%

    This would make it look like this: 12.5% + 12.5% however, the game rounds given any circumstance. I mean obviously. Look at the drop rates. xP Now we are given a:

    Random 1 slot (blade, orb, kat, xtal) + 10% CDI < - - And we Extend this and add dmg upgrade to the new slot. Now the item looks like this:

    20% + 5% = 25% < - - It started with 1 slot so it recieves a 100% bonus instead of 50% (10 + 100% = 20). After it was extended it recieves upgrades based on 2 slot items, but
    only if the upgrade is the same! If a new upgrade is used (other than CDI) it also recieves it's own 100% bonus. Ex: 20% CDI + 100 attack rate. < - (i'm not sure how much attack rate weapons get in slot, but i think GS / DK is 100 normally so they would recieve 200 after and 1hand weapons would recieve 100)

    Read this again please:

    1 slot gear recieves a 100% bonus because it only has 1 slot.
    Ex: If you have a PC 1 slot Osm Blade of DB (16% dmg craft) and you put CDI in the slot it will have total 26% CDI.
    If you extend this and put dmg in the second slot two things happen:

    1. The weapon will recieve 100% slot bonus for the 1st slot (10% CDI becomes 20%)
    2. Now that it's extended, it falls into the 2slot category so if you put CDI in the next slot it recieves a 50% bonus (10 x 50% = 5)

    The outcome will look like this: 16% craft dmg + 20% slot dmg + 5% slot dmg = 41% CDI (however, there is a 40% CDI cap on 1hand weapons / 80% for GS and DK)

    Read this again please:

    1 slot gear recieves a 100% bonus because it only has 1 slot.
    Ex: If you have a PC 1 slot Osm Blade of DB (16% dmg craft) and you put CDI in the slot it will have total 26% CDI.
    If you extend this and put dmg in the second slot two things happen:

    1. The weapon will recieve 100% slot bonus for the 1st slot (10% CDI becomes 20%)
    2. Now that it's extended, it falls into the 2slot category so if you put CDI in the next slot it recieves a 50% bonus (10 x 50% = 5)

    The outcome will look like this: 16% craft dmg + 20% slot dmg + 5% slot dmg = 41% CDI (however, there is a 40% CDI cap on 1hand weapons / 80% for GS and DK)
    Last edited by iNub; 09-03-2010 at 11:00 AM. Reason: typo

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by iNub View Post
    If you put dmg in both slots that is what happens.

    If you would rather, you can call it 16% craft dmg + 12% slot dmg + 12% slot dmg = 40% <- - - it's actually 12.5% + 12.5% but because 25% exceeds the cap, we're cut off at 40% CDI.

    If you for whatever reason decide to mix it up and put CDI and a random (we'll say it comes out as magic attack), it will look like this:

    16% craft dmg + 12% CDI + 5 Magic Attack. Didn't mean to confuse anybody there, I was tired and waiting for update. But thinking about it again..... Am I wrong?
    Is it possible that a 1slot item would not recieve 20% CDI? It doesn't make any sense why it would not. I still believe (with scenario given above) that it would roll:

    16% craft dmg + 20% CDI + 5 Magic Attack. < - - If this is not the case I'd like a screenshot please if somebody has one. Though, I don't know of anybody who has
    randomed plus extended a 1slot item. I believe you think the 20% is too high because you're used to extending 2slot items. But as far as I know, once you fill the 2nd slot,
    this is going to roll 20% CDI / X your 2nd upgrade.
    are u trying to play with me? 12.5? 20? lol. please dont write paragraphs when u got no idea wat ure saying

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