Quote Originally Posted by iNub View Post
only way i can think of is this beserk:

8% rate craft w/ 10% rate and 20% dmg slots.

Extended it gets 14% rate +8% craft (22%) and 48% dmg when slotted again, with dmg.

As far as a 22/24, that would be a 1slot DB craft instead of 2slot.

What I don't get though is why the tard wants to buy extended items lawl. Just get the 1 or 2 slot 8% rate GS, extend it yourself (save 34 bucks), and add CDI to the other slot(s).
Dude your an idiot.. i never said i was actually gonna buy it? lawl? and tard? your so cool mang.. i dont have to waste 34 bucks? i could just buy vouchers? nice way to make yourself look like an idiot kkthnx... fyi i said i was LOOKING around... just incase you missed that somehow?

And KitKat my Ign is in my original selling post.. i said pm offers to Kai.. so yah thats my IGN