Anyone Here Quitting for a while or thinking about it?

If so post why!

I'm done with this pile of I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ as far as I know for the following reasons:

1.The Drop rate is riddiculous
2.The upgrade rate is also riddiculous
3.The economy is totally destroyed
4.The crit rate is also riddculous

Either use a real _______ing calculator or hire a _____ing american instead of this bull___. Wtf is wrong with u ppl and ur damn rates? I have 40 rate yet I crit once an entire day? Wtf is the matter with u guys.

but anyways o.o

Even if you aren't quitting just post the things that piss you off
should be something that is:
b)mostly in the power of the staff
c)widespread and common