Hey so yeah , today i was impersonating a GM as always and couldnt belive what was going on , a seireitei , yes a seireitei member, thoose super smart ass mother fuckers who think that owns cabal, gave me his ID and Pass lol .Theres no need to say that i complettly drained his acc . Most of the items are not on the picture cuz they are on AH being sold for 50% they real price and most of em already sold
Note that im posting it here cuz i reachead my goal of 50b and i wont be scamming or trying to scamm anyone else, also note that the char only has thoose items cuz i use 1 acc to storage per scamm, and yes , i have over 15 accounts.
Here is the pic of the items im keepign from this bish =D

2 BOS+7
keeped the alz and used some of it to buy vouchers (i have a few chars to xfer)

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.