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Thread: RuoExtraxi versus Desolation: a Venus drama, a special guest appearance by Apocalypse

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  1. #1
    Shadow Titanium
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Toronto, Canada

    RuoExtraxi versus Desolation: a Venus drama, a special guest appearance by Apocalypse

    Long time ago on July 30th of 2009, an aspiring blader named xReaverx and his girlfriend Zelria started a new guild called RuoExtraxi. The guild was created because the creators' former guild master (who will remain anonymous) set an unfair rule that an epic dropped in the guild must belong to him when he didn't work for it.

    Around June of 2009, another aspiring blader named Chippo stepped into this game named CABAL Online. Up to level ~100 he remained guildless. On one August day of the same year, he noticed a guild recruitment message by RuoExtraxi and decided to give it a try since the game had become hard for him.

    The then members of RuoExtraxi welcomed him with open arms and extreme friendliness that rivaled that of any genuine familial environment. Chippo learned a lot about the game and through the progression of nearly next two years, he stuck to his guns and stayed true to the guild's one and only principle: this is a family guild; make everyone feel belonged without segregation.

    In November of 2010, after a lot of changes with the game itself and having felt that the guild's members had thinned, Chippo made an absurd decision to leave the guild. That time, xReaverx, the true guild master of RuoExtraxi was going through a hard time with his real life and making ends meet. He entrusted the guild master to an up-and-coming and loyal member named SryBlader aka Craftinex/GoingToBoston.

    He joined another wonderful guild named Apocalypse. There is still some bad-mouthing going on regarding that guild, but when he was in there, he really liked the well-structured guild hierarchy and people's shared goal for the game: strive to achieve greatness no matter what others talk about you. Chippo enjoyed running the then extreme dungeons, such as Radiant Hall of Illusion Castle, Altar of Sienna B2F, and liked reading the guild chat on the guild's beating of Forgotten Temple B2F, which was the most difficult dungeon of the game at that time. There is no denying that there had been quite a lot of dramatic episodes within that guild too, but the guild members respected each other and took care of the small dramas humanely. Gradually Chippo grew really attached to Apocalypse and when it became a level 5 guild, he felt belonged during the celebration.

    Time did fly when he was having fun. After a few weeks, xReaverx, the true leader of RuoExtraxi made a lot of sacrifices in his real life to come back and nurture back what he and his then partner had begun. Even the other RuoExtraxi members who joined Apocalypse with Chippo returned to RuoExtraxi. Having not lost faith in xReaverx's words and moved by his renewed dedication to the game and the family guild, Chippo reluctantly returned after saying a bitter farewell to Apocalypse.

    A number of new loyal players arose within RuoExtraxi upon his return and all seemed to be going well. Unfortunately, not having been recovered fully from the previous guild abandonment, Chippo left RuoExtraxi again due to a mood swing and joined JupponGatana. It was a relatively small guild compared to Apocalypse, but the members were still trustworthy and friendly. After another group pleading to Chippo by RuoExtraxi, he returned home once again and swore never to leave home again no matter what happens.

    RuoExtraxi grew strong everyday because the members kept true to the principle set by xReaverx, the true leader of RuoExtraxi: this is a family guild; make everyone feel belonged without segregation. Sadly, xReaverx quit the game completely. Forgotten Temple B2F became conquered by RuoExtraxi as a result of the guild growing strong. The guild had become a force to be reckoned with.

    Athian from a dead guild joined RuoExtraxi as a result of him being in Forgotten Temple B2F parties. Chippo still respects him for who he is and hopes there won't be any hard feelings between them.

    About six months had passed after Athian's joining and a few more dedicated players. GoingToBoston, the then guild master of RuoExtraxi decided to call it quits and entrust the guild to Athian. Chippo was not online around that time and did not really want to take charge of the guild, had he could foresee what would happen. Chippo already had been a temporary guild master of RuoExtraxi in July of 2010 and he knew how difficult it was to manage a diverse community such as a CABAL guild. In fact, Athian approached another group of people who were not happy in their current guild and wanted to start their own. A number of these approached people had been running Forgotten Temple B2F with RuoExtraxi and had started to grow fond of each other.

    Upon GoingToBoston's leaving, Athian took charge of RuoExtraxi. Then came the merge of the mentioned group of people and about 40 new members related to that group.

    After the merge, RuoExtraxi suddenly grew weaker than how it used to be. Guild chat became flooded by new people with a bit too much sense of their belonging when they had only been in RuoExtraxi for a week or less. The merge had happened on the condition that the leader of that mentioned group take control of half of RuoExtraxi as co-leader. Little did RuoExtraxi know the repercussions of this acceptance.

    Zarniwoop, a loyal and long-time member of RuoExtraxi and a number of like-minded members of previous RuoExtraxi left the guild after its name changed to Desolation, a result of a biased voting won because the merged group had more number than RuoExtraxi. Most new people assumed they were promised a good CABAL life just by being in the guild and not putting as much effort as the existing and previous RuoExtraxi members had been doing. Perhaps the standards were a bit higher than they should had been. The leavers of RuoExtraxi created a new RuoExtraxi guild as a way to retaliate this upsetting event.

    Chippo remained in Desolation, with a tenacious mind to fix this split and bring everyone back together for the sake of xReaverx's principle: make everyone feel belonged without segregation. After a reluctant evening of Athian avoiding Chippo which led to a sleepless night, a plan to bring about structure to Desolation had been implemented. In Chippo's view, every guild member has the potential to have fun and be geared with end-game gears and run Forgotten Temple B2F together. To get there would require a lot of hard work, but if people were willing to help each other out and put individual effort, nothing seemed impossible. Segregation had to be eliminated, Chippo suggested. The newly formed groups were: Alts, 1-51, 52-79, 80-109, 110-139, 140-169, 170-180, and six Class Elite/Counsellor groups. The last groups were meant to be volunteering groups for experienced people qualified to give advice to up-and-coming players and lend helping hands. However, Officers group remained. This group has the power to invite/expel members, access guild warehouse, and withdraw guild fund. Most of the new Officers were chosen as a result of playing favorites by Athian and co-leader, who both used their not being on all the time as an excuse to let the Officers exercise what the guild master and co-leader can do. Segregation still remained in Desolation, and Chippo believes it will remain wedged in that guild as a malignant cancer.

    Although it is a pity to deliver a then level 4 guild (now level 5) to someone not capable of holding true to RuoExtraxi's family-mindedness in a silver platter, Chippo has come to a conclusion that he is willing to let go of the cancer-striken guild called Desolation in which people will forever be segregated based on their gear, level, and relationships.

    RuoExtraxi will forever be Chippo's home. The new RuoExtraxi, formed in August of 2011, will become even stronger, but will always remember to put family first rather than favorites first.

    Thank you for taking your time to read this from-the-heart passage. Chippo appreciates your reading time and wishes every reader a luck-filled CABAL life.
    Last edited by Chippo; 08-24-2011 at 10:16 AM. Reason: added the quitting of xReaverx

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