I'm currently Level 109 wizzard,, HR5 [still grinding for skill exp],, And here's my equips.
+9 Osm M.suit 7%MSA / 50HP
+9 Osm Boots and Gloves 7%MSA
+10 Osm M.helm of Fatal +20%CDI / +8%CRI
ROL+1 [3Pcs]
CR+2 [1Pc]
AOP +5
+9 Lapis Orb of DB +30%CDI

NO PET// NO KRED // NO EOS+7 // NO CR+2 [NEED 1 MORE] // NO MERGA <<Still in my list

I'm planning to stop at Level 109 Bracket to save some alz for my Accessories and items. Also Planning to buy Pherystine Orb of Fatal +26%CDI / +36%CDI and upgrade it to +15 and extend it.

Here is my Critical Stats.. 120%CDI // 43%CRI .. Needs advices on these fields:
1.) Hopefully if a Merga Ring drops, should i switch 1 ROL+1 with a CR+2 and makes my new Critical Stats to +135%CDI // 38%CRI. W/o Kred
2.) What should be the level of these skills with a TG / NWAR type wizzy?
AF - ?
EF - ? i delete this one. Is it okay?
G-mas - ?
Comp - ?
Trans - ?