* Event Type: In-game
* Event Title: Vampires And Werewolves Take Over Event
* Event Summary:
Vampires And Werewolves are taking over cabal and its up to us to stop them.

There will be one vampire and one werewolf per map .
some will be stronger then the others depending on which map they are on.
the mobs will spawn every 5 hours after death.

Your prize will be droped from these monsters and you can getall drops will be account binding)
- All kind of Runes
-x999hp pots
-x999mp pots
-slot extenders
-Buff potions
-Bike Kits
- Glory Potions lvl 3 x7
- Plasma coating kits
- Boards (Duration from 3 days to 14 days)
- Blue Bikes (Duration from 3 days to Permanent)
- RW3 Bikes (Duration from 15 days to Permanent)
- EoX+7 (From 3 to 14 days)
- EoX+8 (From 3 to 14 days)
-ROL2 (Perm)(rare)

there will also be titles that comes along with this event

if you kill 10 vampires you will get this title
: Vampire Slayer'
if you kill 10 werewolves you will get this title
: Werewolf Hunter

. . . . Since we already have vampires and werewolfs in the game this shouldnt be a problem . . .

all this is my original ideas. . .