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Thread: GameMasters : "Where are we at?"

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    Arrow GameMasters : "Where are we at?"

    Hello, everyone of the cabal community and game masters alike. I been kind of out of it since i really don't see any use of writing anything that is long or newspaper length. Since i have a couple of free hours to myself let me get something off my chess, and I want this to be looked at as a guide to you guys (The GM's) I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but it seems like the staff of EST for this game is really out of ideas and not accepting any ideas (there some that we can say that got in). You can say that you are listening to us (majority of us that beg for stuff to happen) to make a better game, but it seems like their could be a smoother and communicative way of running this game. Here's an example of what i mean if we ask for safeguards back you guys take awhile to listen but you eventually do it because of begging from half of the community, why can't you guys create a system for this community that haves a outline of what we should be expecting in the future? Maybe a outline of event dates and updates that are major to smaller ones, Its too much like a random spin of what you guys do for each and every update. This game is at the point of finishing (it seems like) i know most will disagree and say that this game will be still going, but i think this game haves two more years on its expiration date (kind of surprised this game is still going on to be honest with most of you) "why do I state that this game is about to end?" You can start a new account right now and see what i'm saying, this game got way to easy.

    When a game gets too easy people either quit playing it and move on to the next new game or just play it until they realize that the game is getting old. I think this game can get spice again like it was about 2 years ago, and i think it can be better then it was before if the GM's adept a system that we all can get use to. I'm like everyone else that play's this game we want it to be more fun,interactive, noticeable and basically new and i feel like were not getting that. You can say that we had a lot of changes to the game since ESTsoft took up the game since OGplanet, but there's always a "Why question" and i think the GMs should be really looking at the model of different games pros and cons. An idea that comes to mind is having a event calendar, update dates, and a user friendly upgrade system. Having someone response to the suggestions corner on forums maybe having a rate system of how good to bad a suggestion is to have the GMs look at it more quicker. Having a system that monitors players that uses a hacking tool, and having a three strike rule to serious hacks to minor ones. I think you guys have the game automatically doing this, but there could be more room for improvement. Back to the events that were currently getting a lot of players feel like all the events that are being presented to us are either recycled and non-creative ,and you guys look to us for fresh and new events that you guys can pick out.

    As always you guys set stuff up that aren't being monitored or giving us a status update of which one is being considered. Having a rating system could be a nice feature for us to feel like were not wasting our time writing up suggestions that aren't even being considered. One thing i do hate is when one us log onto the forums for this game ,and say "Bring back Ring of Luck +2","Bring back safeguards" or a Holiday Event you guys just give up and summit to that. That's not approaching a event creatively and either having a topic about user summing ideas if its not going to be consider seriously...seems like you guys did that to shut us up ( i could be wrong and you guys are waiting for the appropriate time to consider one or maybe we just didn't summit one that you guys liked) like i said before there should be a system that indicates us what is happening.

    To end this off... The reason behind this thread is this game we call cabal can be bigger then it is now, but there's something holding it back. Maybe i'm just thinking like this but this game is going to end, like it or not i don't see this game making it into 2013. On the Cabal 2 thing, if this game takes forever to come out with events and most updates are random, lack of any advertising what do you expect the second game to be like? You Game masters need to talk to the developers that produce this game and make them change this game around. Good day to everyone that read this and if you feel like i do then comment below if you don't then please share your reasons I would love to read what you guys see. Game Masters alike please let us know what your thinking.

    ~ Immortal Dilemma
    Last edited by Immortal Dilemma; 12-17-2011 at 11:28 PM.

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