Okay so I know this doesn't belong here but this is the only forum that gets any attention.
This is a discussion for mostly "pro" players and we will be saying which is better WI or FB.
Now lets say that both chars are level 165 with same gears.

Gears For The WI:
+15 Sig Wi Suit/Boots/Gloves [With Regulars, HP and Hp Steal In Slots]
+15 Sig Wi Helm 7/40
2x +15 Topaz Orbs 40 CDI
Rol+2 (needed because the fact its a Wi, wont be needed on FB)
K red
2x BoS+7
Belt Of Damp+3
No Charm or Earrings.

Gears For The FB:
Same +15 Sig Stuff As WI
Same Helm for FB
+15 Topaz Orb 40 CDI
+15 Redosm Blade 40 CDI
Same Rings As Wi except for the Rol2 -> Cr2
EoF8/2x BoF+7
Other Than That Everything Is The Same!

Okay now this is the part we discuss! What does FB have over WI and what does WI have over FB? In The End Which Is Better And Why? (Speaking In N.WAR terms not dungeon).

P.S. I Know the WI Might Be missing some C. Rate I didn't calculate everything that much just the basics!

Comment Your Opinions Below!! Ty!