I don't even want an emblem cause I find them annoying and the title is so meh not to mention temporary.

It just doesn't make sense that any one guild would be unfairly favored by a flawed system before and if it WAS it'd make sense for the GMs to say so. That said it should have at LEAST been shown what the scores were before and after the conversion instead of just been blanketly implemented and changed without a word.

I even think some people are QQing too much even if I see where they're coming from. But it seems crazy to go from 1st place by a comfortable margin to not even showing in the rankings. It's like if you were running a race of such a distance and your distance so far was measured in miles then they suddenly changed to kilometers and the rankings were all changed. By them self either ranking system should be fine but when you convert one to the other and things drastically change it's a big wtf moment.

This said imo what SHOULD have happened is they should have announced the flaw, had the previous updated standings then shown the new changed standings after the maintenance instead of randomly changing them mid-day without any notice or explanation.