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Thread: Beginner's Guide

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  1. #1
    Shadow Titanium Leonhart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Where I need to be
    Know your cores:
    As you're adventuring through the levels you'll come across different types of core drops - Low Cores - Medium Cores - Upgrade Core (Highs) - Upgrade Core (Highest) and Force Cores. You can always tell if a core has dropped as it will make a 'bling' noise as it falls to the ground, a noise i love to hear

    Cores basically add stats to your weapons and armors - low, med, high and highest upgrade cores add +'s to your equipment making them stronger or more defensive (stats go up to +7), whereas a force core adds a special attribute to slotted equipment like HP + 50.

    Below is an explanation of each core so you know how to use them properly and not waste them.

    To use an upgrade core, Right Click the Core the select the piece of equipment (Armor/Weapons only) you want to upgrade with a left click.

    Be careful when using cores on equipment which is +4 or higher,

    if fail to upgrade to +6 your item will go back down to +3
    if fail to upgrade to +7 your item will go back to Zero.

    Upgrade +8/+9/+10/+11/+12
    Upgrade cores can upgrade your gears up to +7 through normal means. If you wish to go up to +12 you must visit the Core Alchemist.

    Due to the its insignificant increase and the risk of losing items, there are not that many players have done it ever since they introduced the system.

    Here is a SOP for upgrading items.

    1. The items you try to upgrade to +8 need to be at least +7.

    2. Talk to the Core Alchemists in any map. (if it has any)

    3. Select [Upgrade] -> [Item Level Upgrade]

    4. Put your items in the item column

    5. To increase the chance of success, you can put several kinds of cores in the Core column.

    Depend on the kind of cores you put in, it adds 1% to 2% more success rate (Max 50%)

    The picture is a simple demonstration…

    As it shows, without any cores, the success rate is 10% and the failure rate is 45%.

    (Note that depending on the item you upgrading, the success rate may vary)

    So…what’s the other 45%?

    100% – Success Rate – Failure Rate = the chance of destroy item.

    Force Core (highest) = increase 2% success rate and decrease 1% chance of destroy item.

    Upgrade Core (high) = increase 1% success rate.

    Force Core (high) = increase 1% success rate.

    Upgrade Core (highest) = increase 2% success rate and decrease 1% chance of destroy item.

    Slot Extender (Low) = no effect

    I know it does not make any sense and it seems like no logic at all…

    Well, it’s ESTsoft…what you gonna expect!

    Consider the effect each core gives and their price, Force Core (highest) is your best choose.

    6. After all your cores are set ready, just hit [Item Upgrade]

    Note that some fees will be applied for each upgrade.

    Unlike force core upgrade, the result will show instantly.

    If the upgrade succeed, there will be an announcement throughout the channel you in!

    7. The results:

    From +7 to +8, there are three possible results.

    The item goes to +8, the item stays at +7 (Upgrade failed), and the item is destroyed.

    From +8 to +9, there are three possible results.

    The items goes to +9, the items goes back to +7 (Upgrade failed), and the item is destroyed.

    (Note that if the item is account binding item, it will be un-extended instead of destroyed the item)

    * Low Core:
    Low cores are used for increasing stats on low grade equipment, they cannot be used on equipment like Titanium so if you want to practice using a core, practice with this one. Unequip your item your upgrading, right click on the Low Core and then left click on the item, if its successful it will tell you so and your item will now be +1.
    * Medium Core:
    Medium cores are used for increasing stats on Titanium or lower graded equipment and are used the same way as a Low Core.
    * Upgrade Core High:
    Red Cores are used for increasin stats on the high grade equipment and shouldnt be used on low grade weapon or armour. Osmium, Shadowtitanium etc, are what you need to be saving and using Red Cores on, anything else is waste. Just like Low and Med Cores, right click to use.
    * Upgrade Core Highest:
    The most rarest of the cores and white in appearance, can be used to upgrade Mythril grade equipment.
    * Force Core:
    Unlike the other cores you can only use force cores on items which are slotted and you have to go to the 'Core Alchemist' to use them.

    * When speaking to the Alchemist, click on 'Upgrade' to upgrade your weapon and then a new menu will appear. The Item space is to put the weapon or armor inside you want upgrading, the core space is to put your force core inside - i also put inside a low core as it will increase its chance of being successful (note: you can put 2-3 force cores inside and can get a chance at getting a level 2 upgrade but its completely random what you get), the Catalyst space is where u have to put another slotted weapon / armor inside and this determines your special upgrade.

    The Catalyst must be Slotted +0 (have no extra stats)

    Below is a list of the level 1 enchantments and how to get them.

    * Attack + 4 :
    Item = Any Sword | Catalyst = Blade or Katana
    Item = Crystal or Orb | Catalyst = Blade or Katana
    Item = Gloves | Catalyst = Blade or Katana
    * Attack Rate + 50 :
    Item = Any Sword | Catalyst = Gloves
    Item = Crystal or Orb | Catalyst = Gloves
    Item = Gloves | Catalyst = Gloves
    * Critical Damage Increase :
    Item = Any Sword | Catalyst = Great Sword or Daikatana
    Item = Helm | Catalyst = Great Sword or Daikatana
    Item = Crystal or Orb | Catalyst = Great Sword or Daikatana
    * Defence + 2 :
    Item = Boots | Catalyst = Suit
    Item = Helm | Catalyst = Suit
    Item = Gloves | Catalyst= Suit
    Item = Suit | Catalyst = Suit
    * Defence Rate + 20 :
    Item = Boots | Catalyst = Boots
    Item = Helm | Catalyst = Boots
    Item = Gloves | Catalyst = Boots
    Item = Suit | Catalyst= Boots
    * HP + 50 :
    Item = Boots | Catalyst = Helm
    Item = Suit | Catalyst = Helm
    * Magic + 4 :
    Item = Any Sword | Catalyst = Crystal or Orb
    Item = Crystal or Orb | Catalyst = Crystal or Orb

    (As level 2 enchantments are random, it doesnt matter about catalyst.)

    Crafting Items:

    At Level 50 you can start to create your own items
    Crafting Guide: http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.ph...=3760#post3760

    Basic Quests

    Yes my friends, be glad to hear that CABAL has quests, many, MANY quests. Here's a run down of the types of quests you might face.

    Destroy Mobs: Some quests simply ask you to kill mobs. Whether it be 3 or 30, all you have to do is kill.
    Collection Quests: Some quests ask you to collect items from mobs instead of just kill them. These end up becoming the most hated quests in the game, so beware!
    Instant Dungeon: Some quests have you enter a disclosed location and successfully destory all mobs / find an NPC / kill the boss at the end. These are perhaps the most fun type of quest you can get.
    Environment Collection: Some quests ask you to run out to a special location on the map and get something from a statue or a structure. Very simple, but it usually requires you to run through mobs that are much higher level than you.
    NPC Socializing: Some quests require you to simply chat with an NPC and it's all done.

    The bulk of your quests will be received from level 1 - 40. On average you will have 5 or 6 quests per level, and quests are usually more than enough to level you up with minimal amounts of on the side training. I would mostly say it is because of quests that people can reach level 30-35 in 2 days.

    Be aware that every job has a slightly different quest list, and that difference is seen in their specific class quest list. The quest menu eventually branches off into different categories, and if you are a Blader, your Blader Quests will not be the same as say a Force Blader who has Force Blader Quests. Other than this slight difference, all classes get the same quests and it is advisable to find a friend to party and quest with.
    Skill Training and basic Skill information

    *Pulled from Force Blader Guide posted by Plun*
    *Tip* - Most of time different npc will ask you the same monster
    to save time and effort, accepct all the "same" cataloge quest and do all in once, eg.
    NPC1: Ask you kill 20 mummy blader
    NPC2: Ask you kill 15 mummy blader
    NPC3: Ask you hunt 10 item drop by mummy blader

    Sometime this might not work when your level is not enough to get required quest, eg.
    At level 34
    NPC1: Hunt 20 item drop by monster X
    NPC2: Hunt 10 item drop by monster Y

    When you finish hunting and leveled up,guess what!
    NPC1: Kill 50 monster X
    NPC2: Kill 50 monster Y

    Clicks on CabalWiki link up top for quests.

    Please keep up with Story Quests, as they are useful/important.

    Credits :
    DDark EU
    Last edited by Leonhart; 04-17-2010 at 07:38 AM.
    Hakuteiken - FB: 17X || Heartilly - Wiz:18X

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