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Thread: Massive lag!

  1. #1

    Unhappy Massive lag!

    First of all, I already know that this thread has been already posted by some other member out there. But, it seems that there's no any response or answers according to this problem. It would greatly help if the admins will respond to this problem and fix it as soon as possible. We are all having this **MASSIVE LAG** and it is not good. More and more players are already complaning about this lag. I hope they would fix this soon with the new update.
    Anyways, I want to thank all of the GM's and Admins who are doing their work. Thank you so much.

    PS: I also agreed with the topic that the other guy posted. It says about the *party vs party* thing. It would be great if they would include it in the next update.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I am not gonna say something that will offend the GM's or Admins but, are they trying to solve the *MASSIVE LAG* that is totally becoming more, more and more annoying! I hope that they will fix that *MASSIVE LAG* as soon as possible!

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