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Thread: Suggestions >.<

  1. #1

    Suggestions >.<

    Here some suggestion... mostly for Market Channel..

    - More Channels Please! i see returning players after merge now.

    - Can we have Trade Channel back for ppl to sell there items and make that channel's capacity bigger than any channels so ppl could go in and out of it.. right now CH6 is ALWAYS FULL.. (i heard GM Lorkan says Market Channel is Ch5 and yet not many ppl listen to it.. is it true though? if it is put it on Notice board or something so ppl will know or at least designate it and not just shout it).

    - There should be a time limit for ppl to stay on Market Channel because so many ppl are always afk on that channel! it should be the same as war when you get a WARNING if your afk inside war and u get disconnected if u dont get a point.. I think ppl should stay in the channel if they are doing (pvp, dungeons, or in personal shop) and disconnect anyone who is not doing any of those within the next 10mins with a WARNING so ppl will know.. basically same items are being shouted in Market Channel for every 5mins.. so u got 10- 15min to stay in that channel if your not doing anything and just checking sales..

    - Please make a block for Mega Shouts.. so many ppl talk on there and most ppl dont give a dam about it and we sometimes miss our own personal conversations on other chats because of it..

    New Feature*** (if possible, if not oh well) >.<


    If we can have a an option to click and be able to see ALL the ppl on personal shop in ALL channels without leaving the channel that we are on and be able to see the items they are selling just by clicking there names. It should also state the channel where that person is selling the items and be able to see that person's price for that item..so ppl dont have to go to market channel to be on personal shop and this will also prevents it from getting full all the time and also prevents Bloody Ice to be overcrowded with personal shops which creates more lag.. but still, there should be a Market Channel for people who dont use personal shop and dont have mega to shout their items for other ppl to see..
    Last edited by Cyrilz; 04-22-2013 at 07:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Only bad thing about limiting the time people can spend on the "trade" channel is that a lot of pople rather have a shop open, rather then putting things in auction house. And from my experience, people do that only when they go AFK. What they should do is just increase the size of the channels, get a bigger server to compensate for the increase in traffic an what not. Maybe have it so it kicks the people not in a Personal Shop?

    I'm down for blocking the Mega shouts. I don't need to see the same person spamming to sell some ty boots all day long. Not that I really care he's wasting money, just annoying.

  3. #3
    like i said.. ppl who actually do something on that channel should stay and ppl who are afk should be disconnected within 10min..If a person is on personal shop i think they should stay on that channel like i said.

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