Quote Originally Posted by providen1990 View Post
Iam using a GeForce but it is on a laptop so I cant use the feature. I have heard about a way to use it on laptop but still I could not make it to work (I got the shadowplay to activate but I could not record video while playing cabal is it limited on only games that it support?)

Is there a free solfware I can use to compress stuff
Handbreak is free

Quote Originally Posted by Valdoroth View Post
There's a great solution to this that I myself use. It's a program called Handbreak. The icon looks like a pinapple. It compresses those files. Let me put it this way: I compressed 1.2 TB of fraps video into about 20Gb of video and didn't lose a single bit of resolution and quality. Yea. It's great and that's what I'd recommend using.