Quote Originally Posted by Enso View Post
You can't be serious. You realize appeal to majority is a fallacy, right? Why not address someone's points instead of evading them?

However, to speak to your argument: I never see people looking for force bladers either, or bladers. I'm sure that means neither is of any value in dungeons. Am I right?

Also, my ideal party for dungeons does not include a gladiator, nor does it include a force archer. Does that mean neither is worth anything for end game party play? Absolutely not. Personal preference doesn't change something's utility.
Sorry, but FA is totally useless in EOD3, and I don't have FA in like 70% of my AFT2 run. The reason is, bosses hit too hard that FA can't heal everyone, and since we already have to use vitality pots, I'd rather have another SS+suppress from FS, or panic+suppress from WA, or AOC from FB to kill the bosses as fast as possible (ofc bosses never die in the duration of 1 panic/AOC)
FA's dps can't compare with the boost dmg to whole pt from 2nd panic/AOC.