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Thread: Just Thought I Should Share

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  1. #15
    Shadow Titanium Jenus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Caylum View Post
    u realize that in ur screenshot firefox is selected on ur taskbar making it the ''on-top window" if ur SS was just of cabal for the chat why would you have firefox above it? you also said the text was edited by me yet u have Mword and Paint open....i know that doesnt mean to much seeing as how we cant see whats opened in them....

    "HACK" define this word please. cause ur sounding nub using it. if someone gives u their account info and you take their gear you did not HACK them. that is what i said in shouts. that even though u took it you did not break a rule because he GAVE you his info. so please whether ur a gold buyer or scammer or just a unfortunate person that got caught up and everyone is against you.... for my intellects sake use the right fn words in context.

    and if u notice in game your chat is scrolled all the way down. when did i ask u to screenshot the chat? cause i dont see me saying it. are u telling me not only did i plan all this but i asked for the SS of MY OWN chat hoping u would get a good part of the convo in the pic?

    and aside from that ....read the chat....

    ME "u didnt want me flashing ur gear"
    YOU "cause i knew what he(failwhale) would say"
    YOU"and i know u hate alz buyers"

    does 1+1 still = 2?

    i have yet to tell you what i actually think happened. but i guess i might as well.

    you were helping failwhale lvl his char over a 2 week period. in this 2 weeks he kept his bank/inv locked. but one night he forgot to lock it. failwhale also had your account info but when he noticed his gear missing he tried seeing if u borrowed it but your password was mysteriously changed in coincidential timing.

    then over time you gave him your new password for him to check for himself. but you had already traded the gear to another account. i know this account exists cause i helped u transfer alz from it to your current account.

    then about a month ago you left euphoria cause they thought u took jason's gear and joined my guild. at this time i was still oblivious to all of it and you let me borrow the boots and suit i mentioned before.

    and when you saw me linking it infront of failwhales alt (not even telling him whos it was) you flip out and want your gear back. i said no cause i wanted to get to the bottom of it. at that time you and failwhale were both long time friends and i didnt want to screw the innocent side of the situation.

    so me you and LittleMissCute entered a channel chat to talk privately about how you acquired the gear. you continued to tell us that you were in the process of buying 500m and the seller said he hacked some gear that wouldnt sell and asked if u wanted to buy it. you then told us that u purchased the gear not knowing it was fail's.

    i told u the only way u were getting ur gear back was to get in live chat with the site u bought from and ask for ur order history to prove once and for all that u purchased it.

    you then emailed me that very same edited picture i posted here to cover you taking his gear.

    i mean....isnt this quote u justifying in a way what i just accused you of doing?
    Well the only thing I see wrong about this whole situation is that when I ran across FailWhale he had all his gear. I fought him in war and he was just the same nothing changed. Also when I had noticed BeIius getting hacked he was missing all FORCE ARCHER gear non of his FB/FS gear since he got on his FB (Estellese-Proc) that war and warred with me that day. I had asked him what happened durning that day and guess what he said..."I was raided by my best friend. He took all of this characters gear sometime last night." (which mind you he was on his FA BeIius). I may or maynot have this conversation on screenshot. I don't remember if I SSed this or not but I do remember this converation because I keep tabs on people in T1 war. Which by the way all this gear that was taken was all Martial gear. From what I can tell all of this was framed because the time you guys said that he found his gear missing I had noticed Muramusa I think is his name...bad at remembering how to spell it...he was selling some stuff that looked just like the gear you are saying is missing. But really I've seen FailWhale in war alot after all this supposidly happened. Just wanted to let you know about this. I just remembered about all this so I couldn't let you know about it when you was talking to me in ventrilo.
    Last edited by Jenus; 08-14-2010 at 03:22 AM.

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