View Full Version : familiar material

10-02-2010, 07:37 AM
when the hell are they coming in, you know the ones needed for lv9 basic crafting.

10-02-2010, 07:55 AM
they sound pretty... familiar...

10-02-2010, 01:08 PM
They're already in the game, they're just that rare. From what I hear on Euro servers they've "seen" 1 or 2 drop in the whole time since the game has been out. Too bad you need 10 per craft attempt. I think EST is just trying to say that lvl9 crafting just isn't meant to be with the rarity of cards and even more rare materials.

10-02-2010, 01:31 PM
They have about the same drop rate as seh from bloody harpies. Yea thats rare...

10-02-2010, 02:25 PM
i got one like 20years ago XD I think it was is LS... or FR?... forget.

10-02-2010, 02:47 PM
i got one like 20years ago XD I think it was is LS... or FR?... forget.

I know they have been found in LS in Eruo but idk about FGR

10-02-2010, 03:32 PM
I have one. Just need 9 more....

I'm guessing when they really want basic level 9 to be implemented, they will up the drop rate like they did with shiny yellow powder.

10-03-2010, 07:59 AM
Sorry but it does not exist in NA, I have hacked FT2 9,000 times and none.

10-03-2010, 09:42 AM
I have one, you can recognize some of the people/guilds there on venus as proof that I have one on venus server. Found it in eod b2f.


10-03-2010, 09:57 AM
Why do you have so many steamer cards?

10-03-2010, 10:02 AM
Why do you have so many steamer cards?

I'm too lazy to run them =/

10-03-2010, 10:33 AM
I'm too lazy to run them =/


10-06-2010, 11:23 PM
lol, we don't even have the lv9 cards here, what do u want the (un)familiar mineral for?

Just like the extender circuit card, pretty useless if we don't have the sel, sem, and seh(lv9) fc's.

10-06-2010, 11:31 PM
we do have lvl9 basic cards around, and im sure the rest are out there. FT2 is not that much spoiled. As u saw from the evidence of familliar mineral existing(which she said was on eodb2f drop), now from hundreds of runs, first person i see got one. Imagine lvl9 cards being that rare in ft2...maybe there about 10 runs per day in ft2 who knows....lol
only one i seen is perfect coating kit.

10-06-2010, 11:58 PM
lol that one was way back crappy ogp days...

10-07-2010, 12:00 AM
SeH is a Lv 6 Formula Card mkay.

10-07-2010, 12:03 AM
SeH is a Lv 6 Formula Card mkay.

there r 2 sehs, lv9 u obviously don't know

10-07-2010, 12:05 AM
SO! There's 3 for lvl9 WHAT R THOSE 3?

10-07-2010, 12:06 AM
perfect coat, perfect core, and seh

10-07-2010, 12:09 AM
there r 2 sehs, lv9 u obviously don't know

two SeH's? then no, I've never seen the Lv 9 one. Is it SeHH? Because SeH is a Lv 6 FC.

10-07-2010, 12:11 AM
perfect coat, perfect core, and seh

Do u know the req mats for those? N why is there another SEH card? Does it req diff mats? O.o err

10-07-2010, 12:11 AM
two SeH's? then no, I've never seen the Lv 9 one. Is it SeHH? Because SeH is a Lv 6 FC.

i dont like to call people nubs, but you are acting like one. Google it if you can. lvl9 seh has lower fail rate..supermega high success...lvl6 u can fail 20 times+ to make one.

10-07-2010, 12:13 AM
No, it's seh. The level 6 seh is with the force amplicator (or whatever the hell it's called) and has a terrible success rate. The level 9 seh craft has a similar success rate to the sel card but is extremely rare.

10-07-2010, 12:15 AM
i dont like to call people nubs, but you are acting like one. Google it if you can. lvl9 seh has lower fail rate..supermega high success...lvl6 u can fail 20 times+ to make one.

Well, that's retarded. Why even have a Lv 6 SeH card (and I do know it fails a lot). They could've added something useful instead.

10-07-2010, 12:21 AM
Do u know the req mats for those? N why is there another SEH card? Does it req diff mats? O.o err

like what macbowes said...

lv6 seh needs force amplicator (100m in PL), and ridiculously priced sem (going for 80-90m lately). 185m each try. And you won't get one in a batch of 10! Tha's how bad it is.

the lv9 seh is the originl pattern (lv7 sel, lv8 sem, and finally lv9 seh). That lv6 seh was just thrown out by EST (back in OGP), maybe in foresight cuz they dont expect people to be able to craft at lv9.

the required mats for all the se.x (srry, not wanting to be malicious here) include an extender circuit which you can also craft at lv6, I know I can. but I dont have the se.x cards to go with it.

10-07-2010, 12:38 AM
like what macbowes said...

lv6 seh needs force amplicator (100m in PL), and ridiculously priced sem (going for 80-90m lately). 185m each try. And you won't get one in a batch of 10! Tha's how bad it is.

the lv9 seh is the originl pattern (lv7 sel, lv8 sem, and finally lv9 seh). That lv6 seh was just thrown out by EST (back in OGP), maybe in foresight cuz they dont expect people to be able to craft at lv9.

the required mats for all the se.x (srry, not wanting to be malicious here) include an extender circuit which you can also craft at lv6, I know I can. but I dont have the se.x cards to go with it.

HAHA! I need those right about now. =x

10-07-2010, 09:08 AM
nice lol

01-09-2011, 04:55 AM
Selling familiar mineral :/ 1 piece of it msg me in game, :D

IGN: Presizion


01-09-2011, 11:08 AM
I have one, you can recognize some of the people/guilds there on venus as proof that I have one on venus server. Found it in eod b2f.

http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/8115/cabalver141101003101800.jpgI think I have 2 of those.... Just didn't think they were useful.

01-09-2011, 11:47 AM
if the 3 last formula cards no.121 122 and 123 came out most ppl would be rich since there gonna be easy to craft(BUT) there like SEH high chance of failure,but i wish they would bring out SEHH to craft

01-09-2011, 11:49 AM
No, it's seh. The level 6 seh is with the force amplicator (or whatever the hell it's called) and has a terrible success rate. The level 9 seh craft has a similar success rate to the sel card but is extremely rare.

since lvl 9 and the cards were already out b4 SEHH i believe its another thing other than SEHH

01-09-2011, 12:06 PM
it's for perfect coating kits

01-09-2011, 12:27 PM
it's for perfect coating kits

And PCH and PCHH.

01-09-2011, 01:54 PM
why wouldnt they have that many steamer cards =D

01-09-2011, 02:06 PM
Wow, people are dumb.

The last three formula cards are Perfect Core (High) (No. 121), Perfect Coating Kit (No. 122), and Slot Extender (High) (No. 123). The last card is SEH, not SEHH, not PCHH, and not anything else.

There are two formula cards that allow you to craft SEH, No. 90, which is extremely common and has a terrible success rate (I think it's 5%) and then there's No. 123, which is extremely rare, and has a success rate similar to that of the SEL formula card (No. 97). As of now, the level 9 formula cards are useless, because even if they did drop, there's probably only enough Familiar Minerals in existence on our servers to attempt a single craft.

01-09-2011, 09:51 PM
Wow, people are dumb.

The last three formula cards are Perfect Core (High) (No. 121), Perfect Coating Kit (No. 122), and Slot Extender (High) (No. 123). The last card is SEH, not SEHH, not PCHH, and not anything else.

There are two formula cards that allow you to craft SEH, No. 90, which is extremely common and has a terrible success rate (I think it's 5%) and then there's No. 123, which is extremely rare, and has a success rate similar to that of the SEL formula card (No. 97). As of now, the level 9 formula cards are useless, because even if they did drop, there's probably only enough Familiar Minerals in existence on our servers to attempt a single craft.

then why the hell they put 2 seh then explain that?(or maybe one has more success rate than the other)

01-09-2011, 09:53 PM
I think I have 2 of those.... Just didn't think they were useful.

i got 3 of those familiar mineral thingy droped in RS

01-09-2011, 09:56 PM
Wow, people are dumb.

The last three formula cards are Perfect Core (High) (No. 121), Perfect Coating Kit (No. 122), and Slot Extender (High) (No. 123). The last card is SEH, not SEHH, not PCHH, and not anything else.

There are two formula cards that allow you to craft SEH, No. 90, which is extremely common and has a terrible success rate (I think it's 5%) and then there's No. 123, which is extremely rare, and has a success rate similar to that of the SEL formula card (No. 97). As of now, the level 9 formula cards are useless, because even if they did drop, there's probably only enough Familiar Minerals in existence on our servers to attempt a single craft.

so you did you're homework i know where it drops now

01-09-2011, 10:04 PM
then why the hell they put 2 seh then explain that?(or maybe one has more success rate than the other)

First of all, don't post three times in a row. Secondly, I don't need to explain anything, what I'm saying is not an opinion, it's a fact. Learn the game.

01-09-2011, 10:19 PM
I think i got one from pF

01-09-2011, 11:11 PM
They drop from Derk, they just have an insanely low droprate.

01-10-2011, 12:55 AM
what is familiar mmaterial worth ???

01-10-2011, 12:59 AM
Nothing. Nobody can use them and even if someone could there aren't enough out there to do a single craft.

01-10-2011, 02:27 AM
u know what, why dont all the ppl who have this familiar mineral gather all teh minerals together and lets craft one lvl 9 item, just for the fun of it or to see what will happen or just for the fact of saying we did it.

01-10-2011, 05:18 AM
u know what, why dont all the ppl who have this familiar mineral gather all teh minerals together and lets craft one lvl 9 item, just for the fun of it or to see what will happen or just for the fact of saying we did it.

'cuz there's no FC 9 out there lol

old thread is old...people who still hazard guesses as to what those 3 slots are in lv9 are, hate to say, either dumb or too lazy to read this thread or google or are new to basic crafting and refuse to believe that EST since ogp days have placed a harder (to craft) seh out there in lieu of the original but virtually inexistent harder (to find) one, lol

and i'll bet, if u ask them which came first in terms of being included in the game, lv 6 seh or 9, they'd say 6 lol

01-11-2011, 12:58 PM
Nathaniel's been right.


Watch that video, it's a private server. But it's the same game files, just modified rates and stuff.
Look at the three items that can be crafted.