View Full Version : -,- post your lid runs and win a eov+6

10-06-2010, 07:20 PM
as the title says

10-06-2010, 08:06 PM
post SOD runs i like that idea.

10-06-2010, 08:10 PM
oh LiD runs, i knw some people on merc got more than my WI, currently i got like 1290ish around that number on my WI XD

if u add my runs on all chars, (almost 500 on FB, 100 on BL, 380ish on FS) id have quite a lot.. well thats over the course of over 2yrs of playing XD

10-06-2010, 08:11 PM
XD i did lids because it the cheapest dungeon on venus i think

10-06-2010, 08:28 PM
oh LiD runs, i knw some people on merc got more than my WI, currently i got like 1290ish around that number on my WI XD

if u add my runs on all chars, (almost 500 on FB, 100 on BL, 380ish on FS) id have quite a lot.. well thats over the course of over 2yrs of playing XD

LOL 1200 lids, whatd u make from the runs about 500m total? lolololol

10-06-2010, 08:28 PM
ok come on rowe, post ur sod runs.......post ur ss then big shot. i wanna see how many sod runs uuuuuuuu have completed.

10-06-2010, 08:30 PM
LOL 1200 lids, whatd u make from the runs about 500m total? lolololol

1.7b out of 830 runs. thats what people that doesnt buy alz do when they are broke in-game, we aint like u that flips burger for 6months-1yr to buy alz and get epic gears and rant all over the forums how epic u are when in reality u fail as much as ur retarded flipping burger job is. question, for yrs u workin on bk u havent been promoted yet? lmao

10-06-2010, 08:30 PM
cabal is down erik

10-06-2010, 08:33 PM
1.7b out of 830 runs. thats what people that doesnt buy alz do when they are broke in-game, we aint like u that flips burger for 6months-1yr to buy alz and get epic gears and rant all over the forums how epic u are when in reality u fail as much as ur retarded flipping burger job is. question, for yrs u workin on bk u havent been promoted yet? lmao

Cool story, too bad I've made over 5b in less than 450 SoD's and all the other money I've ever made in CABAL is well known and documented throughout these forums I'm sure, but if youd like to try to say I've purchased ALZ at least show some kind of proof, thanks. You know, proof??? Like how we had PROOF of you being a P3do Hentai watcher? And also had PROOF that you tried saying someone hacked your account when it didn't get hacked?

Also, if you're broke and need money, you've gotta be pretty terribad to have to resort to farming the easiest dungeon in the game.

10-06-2010, 08:35 PM
Cool story, too bad I've made over 5b in less than 450 SoD's and all the other money I've ever made in CABAL is well known and documented throughout these forums I'm sure, but if youd like to try to say I've purchased ALZ at least show some kind of proof, thanks. You know, proof??? Like how we had PROOF of you being a P3do Hentai watcher?

Just like how well known and documented the GM crafted orb you're using is right buddy?

10-06-2010, 08:37 PM
Just like how well known and documented the GM crafted orb you're using is right buddy?


10-06-2010, 08:39 PM
Just like how well known and documented the GM crafted orb you're using is right buddy?

Oh you mean the Orb I traded my 8 rate Forc blade for? If you're such an expert on the subject, you'd know all the people getting the Orbs crafted had no clue it was an ex-GM crafting them until afterwards when he was banned. If you're going to say we should have known, then how come people on Mercury had no clue DH was into Forcium blades? If you wanna talk about well documented f* ups in CABAL, I've got 1 word for you.


10-06-2010, 08:45 PM
People clearly knew DH was into forcium blades before he crafted a 8rate blade that you bought. (from that "f* up" server mercury) And people knew he was crafting blades since the game started years before he was on forcium. Nobody knew about any topaz crafter on either server. Not to mention that getting to deathblow on forcium orbs requires lvl4 artifact carts instead of sword. Sword carts are extremely common, not so much with artifact. I think someone would notice people spamming buying lvl4 artifact carts and forcy quartz cores by the truckload to get up to % to craft deathblow. But of course that didn't happen, a "random" character just MAGICALLY started crafting forcy orbs out of nowhere and nobody had ever heard from him. Yes totally legit and believable.

10-06-2010, 08:53 PM
People clearly knew DH was into forcium blades before he crafted a 8rate blade that you bought. (from that "f* up" server mercury) And people knew he was crafting blades since the game started years before he was on forcium. Nobody knew about any topaz crafter on either server. Not to mention that getting to deathblow on forcium orbs requires lvl4 artifact carts instead of sword. Sword carts are extremely common, not so much with artifact. I think someone would notice people spamming buying lvl4 artifact carts and forcy quartz cores by the truckload to get up to % to craft deathblow. But of course that didn't happen, a "random" character just MAGICALLY started crafting forcy orbs out of nowhere and nobody had ever heard from him. Yes totally legit and believable.

You talk as if I was directly involved with the crafting of my Orb, which I clearly wasn't. Are you that ignorant? Tang has been on Topaz for like a year now, and have been trying to get into Forcium ever since then, so don't talk like you know about Venus crafters when you obviously don't. I do remember on OGP forums about people asking how/when DH got into Forcium blades. The only involvement I had with this Orb was trading my Forcium DB Blade for it, both +7, both PC rate, and both the same value. Do you realize there was 2 Redosmium crafters around before this orb was even created? You act like it would be totally unbelieveable to see someone in Forcium Orbs when at the same time DH was in Forcium Blades. Keep crying all you want, but if you wanna cry about my orb you might as well cry about the majority of the +7 accessories and +8 capes on both servers, since the majority of them were found by hackers.

10-06-2010, 08:53 PM
Mat, i ran over 550 sods, u know this. I dont have the luck that you had, yes its the easiest dungeon in the game. But what else is there to do........buy 10mil for 249 ecoins. ya know, in about 2 months IM GONNA BE RICH and so is est. but whatever, i work at Hardees. u ever try and eat a double double monster burger. gahhhhh, it was fun to try though. lmao

10-06-2010, 08:55 PM
Mat, i ran over 550 sods, u know this. I dont have the luck that you had, yes its the easiest dungeon in the game. But what else is there to do........buy 10mil for 249 ecoins. ya know, in about 2 months IM GONNA BE RICH and so is est. but whatever, i work at Hardees. u ever try and eat a double double monster burger. gahhhhh, it was fun to try though. lmao

lol wtf?

10-06-2010, 08:58 PM
You talk as if I was directly involved with the crafting of my Orb, which I clearly wasn't. Are you that ignorant? Tang has been on Topaz for like a year now, and have been trying to get into Forcium ever since then, so don't talk like you know about Venus crafters when you obviously don't. I do remember on OGP forums about people asking how/when DH got into Forcium blades. The only involvement I had with this Orb was trading my Forcium DB Blade for it, both +7, both PC rate, and both the same value. Do you realize there was 2 Redosmium crafters around before this orb was even created? You act like it would be totally unbelieveable to see someone in Forcium Orbs when at the same time DH was in Forcium Blades. Keep crying all you want, but if you wanna cry about my orb you might as well cry about the majority of the +7 accessories and +8 capes on both servers, since the majority of them were found by hackers.

Hackers aren't the same as GM generated gear. Aside the fact that there of course is multiple instances of gm generated gear on venus, that doesn't mean it should just be ignored. Just because you traded an item of equal value doesn't make your item magically legit. Thats like saying the people who bought all the items from the hacked GM shop on mercury should have been left with their items instead of them being removed like they were. Does it matter if you "knew" the item was illegit? no it just matters that it is. Try arguing that you didn't know what the speed limit was when you get fined for speeding.

10-06-2010, 09:00 PM
yea mat, my job is worse than urs, im just glad i dont have to make them forkin biscuits anymore at 4:30 am. working sux, but hey pays for my crack addiction to cabal.

10-06-2010, 09:19 PM
Hackers aren't the same as GM generated gear. Aside the fact that there of course is multiple instances of gm generated gear on venus, that doesn't mean it should just be ignored. Just because you traded an item of equal value doesn't make your item magically legit. Thats like saying the people who bought all the items from the hacked GM shop on mercury should have been left with their items instead of them being removed like they were. Does it matter if you "knew" the item was illegit? no it just matters that it is. Try arguing that you didn't know what the speed limit was when you get fined for speeding.

Sorry but what would you rather be able to do, hack FT B2F and find epic items, or trade an item worth 4B for another item worth 4B? I fail to see your logic here. The Orb crafter didn't even dent the community, and the majority of the Orbs he crafted went to MERCURY if you really wanna know. I remember Adami crafted tons of them and brought them to Merc to merchant afterwards. You're comparing imported hacked items to a CRAFTED item that can be obtained legitly? Good idea, that makes alot of sense, because an 8 rate 10 DMG Forcium orb is soooooooooo epic. Almost as epic as DH's 17 amp gloves, right?

10-06-2010, 09:24 PM
Your shiet still stank matri.

10-06-2010, 09:26 PM
Your shiet still stank matri.

Coming from a WI I could 2 shot with only my Lapis orb on?



10-06-2010, 09:26 PM
O_O i think he smells nice he just tried to sweet talk me into giving my gear to him (>.> almost worked ) <3 Matri

10-06-2010, 09:26 PM
O_O i think he smells nice he just tried to sweet talk me into giving my gear to him (>.> almost worked ) <3 Matri

sarcasm buddy.....

10-06-2010, 09:29 PM

You can 2 shot me all you want in your fantasy land.

10-06-2010, 09:31 PM

You can 2 shot me all you want in your fantasy land.

o.o translation:IT IS ONNN MATRIDONKEY xD

10-06-2010, 09:33 PM

You can 2 shot me all you want in your fantasy land.

PM me tomorrow when you're on, I guarantee you I'll 2 shot you.

10-06-2010, 09:34 PM
PM me tomorrow when you're on, I guarantee you I'll 2 shot you.

o.o matrimonkey thinks he can 2 shot o.o

10-06-2010, 09:41 PM
1. You prolly need both orbs.

2. You prolly gonna bm2.

Even if you do that, its not very impressive boy.

10-06-2010, 09:42 PM
1. You prolly need both orbs.

2. You prolly gonna bm2.

Even if you do that, its not very impressive boy.

whats your def/hp i can tell u right now if i can 2 shot u...my edc hits semiauto for 1739 without bm or shorts and i highly doubt ur stats are that far off from his kiddo

10-06-2010, 09:51 PM
Just wait, k?

10-06-2010, 09:57 PM
Just wait, k?

The fact that you're avoiding posting your stats just goes to show you're scared of getting 2 shot by me after finding out the dmg I deal on Semi.

10-06-2010, 10:01 PM
Anyone can make up numbers. Im just sayin.

10-06-2010, 10:12 PM
Anyone can make up numbers. Im just sayin.

Make up numbers? LOL...sry but its not hard for me to get 1123 mag atk and 173 cd along with 49 amp dont worry ull find out tomorrow when i 2 shot ur POS wi

im sure ur gonna want screenshots, ill take some dont worry

10-07-2010, 01:50 AM
Cool story, too bad I've made over 5b in less than 450 SoD's and all the other money I've ever made in CABAL is well known and documented throughout these forums I'm sure, but if youd like to try to say I've purchased ALZ at least show some kind of proof, thanks. You know, proof??? Like how we had PROOF of you being a P3do Hentai watcher? And also had PROOF that you tried saying someone hacked your account when it didn't get hacked?

Also, if you're broke and need money, you've gotta be pretty terribad to have to resort to farming the easiest dungeon in the game.

u wouldnt b talking bout PROOF that u scammed some1 for 40$ would u? think that out weights reborns anime love.