View Full Version : Gameguard Error 114?

10-16-2010, 09:06 PM
Hey, When I open Cabal..
Click Start Game..
The Game Guard Patches and Completes.
Then Closes.
Nothing Happens...
And Webpage Opens For error 114..
How To Fix?

[GM] Harlequin
10-16-2010, 09:48 PM
This error means that Gameguard fail to initialise. First go through this checklist:

1) Run the game from an administrator PC account
2) Make sure the firewall and router are not blocking connectivity (make sure your ports are open in the router)
3) Check the antivirus to make sure it's not blocking GameGuard or Cabal.
4) Make sure you don't have any software that blocks GameGuard (such as Outpost Firewall, Panda antivirus, PunkBuster, Windows Sidebars, Avira antivirus , etc)

If that won't fix your problem it is a random program blocking Gameguard. In that case you need to provide a screenshot of your runing processes so that we can look in to it.