View Full Version : Love how EST does nothing....

Wayne Griffin
10-26-2010, 07:42 PM
Loving how EST does jack about the bots, and in the meantime I've been stuck on this one quest for the last 3 days cause of bots in the area using Range hacks that hit EVERYTHING in a 2 screen area.

3 days trying to get 25 quest objects cause they can't seem to do anything.

I've switched channels (I've even went into the war channel, and was promptly dropped by a bot LOL), I've pk'd the bots (doesn't matter cause they can seem to pot outside of the potion cooldown timer, and most of them are 135, in a midrange area). About to say screw it and find something else, taking my money along with me.

Yes I'm QQ'ing, but its pathetic, a bajillion bot reports from tons of people and they have yet to do anything (and I asked around and the bots in each channel have been there as long as people can remember)

maybe I might check out that game everyone is talking about, Vindictus? (pardon my spelling)
maybe nexon would like my money more than EST would.

10-26-2010, 07:46 PM
obviously you didnt pk them

Wayne Griffin
10-26-2010, 07:51 PM
actually I have, love how thats everyone answer, when its a level 135 in one channel, handful of 120's in the other channels, a level 110 that can pot no matter what *stunned, knocked down, even after just potting 1 second before (wish I could do that lol)* I'm 99, and I can't do jack to the 120+'s

and the last couple bots I did manage to kill were right back to botting in under 2 minutes if that.

any other bright thoughts?

10-26-2010, 08:05 PM
actually I have, love how thats everyone answer, when its a level 135 in one channel, handful of 120's in the other channels, a level 110 that can pot no matter what *stunned, knocked down, even after just potting 1 second before (wish I could do that lol)* I'm 99, and I can't do jack to the 120+'s

and the last couple bots I did manage to kill were right back to botting in under 2 minutes if that.

any other bright thoughts?

Get some friends who can pk them. its not really that hard u do realize that dont u? o-o

10-26-2010, 09:15 PM
if you really did manage to kill them then you wouldnt be here complaining

10-26-2010, 09:16 PM
ill pk them for u!

10-26-2010, 10:07 PM
there are hacks and bot in very game, it all comes down to how well u update gameguard to filter some crazy hacks like damage, copy items, alz, speed or GM God hack
and depends on GM blocking high leveler bot...low level ones who cares just pk them..they are wasting their electricity camping all day and getting pked.

Hook up level 160+ in your buddy list and ask them to help u pk if u need do quests...if u spot high leveler bots then fraps them GM

My character from global will be in Venus tomorrow feel free to pm me, i pk the bot for u xD

FB 170

10-27-2010, 06:45 AM
I pk them and they're only back within minutes

10-27-2010, 06:46 AM
Bots=Cheaper dungeon entry

10-27-2010, 07:46 AM
Bots=Cheaper dungeon entry

wow are u to lazy to go and farm u own entry items O.o

10-27-2010, 08:15 AM
Bots=Cheaper dungeon entry

wow are u to lazy to go and farm u own entry items O.o

why farm when it's given to you? :D

10-27-2010, 08:25 AM
actually I have, love how thats everyone answer, when its a level 135 in one channel, handful of 120's in the other channels, a level 110 that can pot no matter what *stunned, knocked down, even after just potting 1 second before (wish I could do that lol)* I'm 99, and I can't do jack to the 120+'s

and the last couple bots I did manage to kill were right back to botting in under 2 minutes if that.

any other bright thoughts?

you on merc or venus.... ill pk them long enough for you so you can get your items.

10-27-2010, 09:21 AM
wow are u to lazy to go and farm u own entry items O.o
So far Bots farm eod,rs and lid entry. Entry that I wont spend 30 minutes to get one each, when a bot can do it and sell it for 60k?

10-27-2010, 03:51 PM
Im not complaining getting free eods and lids while walking around ...

10-27-2010, 06:58 PM
WOW do u even know what bots are? no matter what u do they will keep coming its like a dog thats been fed to many times > meaning people who buy alz makes more bots appear. you take one out and morw will come its not like they can just make it go away completely. never heard of a game without bots so yeah shhhhhh

10-27-2010, 08:44 PM
Bots=Cheaper dungeon entry

Said like a pro =)

10-27-2010, 09:20 PM
WOW do u even know what bots are? no matter what u do they will keep coming its like a dog thats been fed to many times > meaning people who buy alz makes more bots appear. you take one out and morw will come its not like they can just make it go away completely. never heard of a game without bots so yeah shhhhhh

go check out Cronous then. bots attempted to chat spam and sell gold etc there, gms sat on the game for a week str8 bannin em. after that....no more bots...ever.

we just happen to have gms that get paid to have circle jerks here at cabal.