View Full Version : our lovely botters <3

10-29-2010, 06:41 AM
We see them everywhere :D But before this thread gets flamed, ch2 UG has the best bots ever.

prove me wrong.

he even called me kind. -sniff-

10-29-2010, 06:44 AM
LOL that reminds me a few days ago going to eod I saw like 10eods entry on the ground lolol, you got to love them :>

10-29-2010, 06:45 AM
looks like 4 ppl who downed a pumpkin to me. no bot.

10-29-2010, 06:55 AM
looks like 4 ppl who downed a pumpkin to me. no bot.
Cool Story Bro, Maybe if you read what the guy said You will get it.

10-29-2010, 06:56 AM
LOL that reminds me a few days ago going to eod I saw like 10eods entry on the ground lolol, you got to love them :>
I've gotten so much uch and eod entrances from them. :D they been there for mooooonths.

looks like 4 ppl who downed a pumpkin to me. no bot.

k, acro.

10-29-2010, 06:59 AM
Cool Story Bro, Maybe if you read what the guy said You will get it.

fun fact: bots don't talk to you. nor do they where vamp costumes. they also don't have easy names to remember such as "Radamant".

This looks like you guys downed a pumpkin, kicked a player from the guild for a moment to pretend he's a bot and took a SS.

Are you that bored? Same question can go out to those of you selling RoL+0 and CR+0 from AH to an alt account or a friend. GJ kids.

10-29-2010, 07:02 AM
God your a moron , He just said they been there for over a month CH2 or maybe your just that bored thinking of a dumb answer ?

10-29-2010, 07:02 AM
fun fact: bots don't talk to you. nor do they where vamp. they also don't have easy names to remember such as "Radamant".

This looks like you guys downed a pumpkin, kicked a player from the guild for a moment to pretend he's a bot and took a SS.

Are you that bored? Same question can go out to those of you selling RoL+0 and CR+0 from AH to an alt account or a friend. GJ kids.

lmaoooo are you that stupid, acrofail?

10-29-2010, 07:05 AM
Same question can go out to those of you selling RoL+0 and CR+0 from AH to an alt account or a friend. GJ kids.
Oh and lose 25mil from tax in ah ? You sure are smart. GJ meng.

10-29-2010, 07:06 AM
Oh and lose 25mil from tax in ah ? You sure are smart. GJ meng.

AH coupon. You must be smarter than me, "meng".

10-29-2010, 07:08 AM
just took right now in ch2 UG.

^^ guild, title, name, AND costume.

good game, acrofail. keep failing more, k?

10-29-2010, 07:13 AM
AH coupon. You must be smarter than me, "meng".
Idk smart ass I'm not him. Or either you will be trolling to find the answer :). Gj

Maybe getting this thread back to topic would make you less of a troll and not bringing out a 10 day old topic.

10-29-2010, 07:13 AM
lmaoooo are you that stupid, acrofail?

Are you that stupid you think bots actually talk to you? If a person was botting, what's the point of even being near the computer? Lemme explain to you what a bot does and I'll break it down kindergarten to help you comprehend it.

1. They kill $hit.
2. They collect the desired items (usually slotted items)
3. They sell it to NPC or throw it in the bank.

They wear luck gear and they don't wear vamp costumes.
They don't bot pumpkins. A bot couldn't even kill a pumpkin in UG. Assuming it's using dmg hacks and aoe hacks and could attack the pumpkin, the bot would be killed if it were in range OR the pumpkin would be reset if the bot is out of range.

Flames don't disregard the facts.

10-29-2010, 07:14 AM
Are you that stupid you think bots actually talk to you? If a person was botting, what's the point of even being near the computer? Lemme explain to you what a bot does and I'll break it down kindergarten to help you comprehend it.

1. They kill $hit.
2. They collect the desired items (usually slotted items)
3. They sell it to NPC or throw it in the bank.

They wear luck gear and they don't wear vamp costumes.
They don't bot pumpkins. A bot couldn't even kill a pumpkin in UG. Assuming it's using dmg hacks and aoe hacks and could attack the pumpkin, the bot would be killed if it were in range OR the pumpkin would be reset if the bot is out of range.

Flames don't disregard the facts.

Your just hating cuz bots are finally smarter than you :)

10-29-2010, 07:15 AM
just took right now in ch2 UG.

^^ guild, title, name, AND costume.

good game, acrofail. keep failing more, k?

Are you that stupid you think bots actually talk to you? If a person was botting, what's the point of even being near the computer? Lemme explain to you what a bot does and I'll break it down kindergarten to help you comprehend it.

1. They kill $hit.
2. They collect the desired items (usually slotted items)
3. They sell it to NPC or throw it in the bank.

They wear luck gear and they don't wear vamp costumes.
They don't bot pumpkins. A bot couldn't even kill a pumpkin in UG. Assuming it's using dmg hacks and aoe hacks and could attack the pumpkin, the bot would be killed if it were in range OR the pumpkin would be reset if the bot is out of range.

Flames don't disregard the facts.

nice try avoiding the picture. I'm post it again for you since you're that retarded.

10-29-2010, 07:16 AM
just took right now in ch2 UG.

^^ guild, title, name, AND costume.

good game, acrofail. keep failing more, k?

show me the bot please.

1. they aren't in guilds.
2. they don't wear costumes.
3. they don't have pets.

This is UG so you can't be certain of this next one, but

4. they don't (usually) have nations, but there are a few.

Also, WA's aren't usually bots. Wow. Is that the best you could do? Because I know that spot in UG and there's usually an FA there.
Only time I've seen a WA even bot is in FGR on hexscythers. Prove me wrong.

10-29-2010, 07:17 AM
nice try avoiding the picture. I'm post it again for you since you're that retarded.
Dont sweat it, his eyes are probably burning, to much trolling bro.

10-29-2010, 07:18 AM
show me the bot please.

1. they aren't in guilds.
2. they don't wear costumes.
3. they don't have pets.

This is UG so you can't be certain of this next one, but

4. they don't (usually) have nations, but there are a few.

Also, WA's aren't usually bots. Wow. Is that the best you could do? Because I know that spot in UG and there's usually an FA there.
Only time I've seen a WA even bot is in FGR on hexscythers. Prove me wrong.

lol you really are just failing more.

10-29-2010, 07:19 AM
Lol kid cant see the picture can he ?fail.

10-29-2010, 07:33 AM
ok so..his picture is totally clear, and isnt botting like a program,u make ur own character then u set it and let him go at it so u can go on the char at any time? that explains the talking vamp.

10-29-2010, 09:02 AM
nope some bots talk back, have guild, have pets too