View Full Version : War is a I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥, and I'm going to I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love

10-29-2010, 09:13 PM
I was just d/ced at the very end for the 3rd time in a row. I'm not sure if this is just my internet anymore x.x

10-29-2010, 09:15 PM
either someone dcing or the servers are messed up...

lol no way cabals messed up after est changed something?

10-29-2010, 09:16 PM
Usually I wouldn't mind it but after the third consecutive time in a row I'm kinda like WTF, STUPID MOFO GIVE ME MY POINTS. Anyways 300 HR gone to the netherness.

(O^_^)===O (X_Xo)
10-29-2010, 09:21 PM
got d/ced at 10 secs left in war >.> my fellow guildies also got d/ced as well but earlier than me.

10-30-2010, 12:46 PM

DUDE your sig is fu.king hilarous
specially the last one

"Rastafarianism: Let's Smoke This ****."

10-30-2010, 05:45 PM
Sorry to hear this but ESTsoft has to cut their internet bill cause you guys don't buy cash shop items.