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View Full Version : New PvE/PvP combos?

11-16-2010, 09:32 PM
So with the new skill, how are your PvE/PvP combos? I recently came back and need some new ones. Share? :)

11-17-2010, 05:46 AM
its the same the new skill is a better version of assbyal crystal or somthing liek that

11-17-2010, 07:49 AM
lol SoD can do so much dmg if it crits XD

11-17-2010, 08:08 AM
I use sod in the start of the normal combo in pve and war. Sure it doesn't hit that hard, but it still has the debuff effect for the skills after it.

11-17-2010, 11:19 AM
I use sod in the start of the normal combo in pve and war. Sure it doesn't hit that hard, but it still has the debuff effect for the skills after it.

there is a problem with this.
If you start combo with SOD, most likely you will chase if your enemy starts with a completer skill, that's why i always start with assassinate.

11-17-2010, 11:37 AM
he said he uses it in pve and war.. even if they use a chase move u can still use AC and if they use a comp skill first, assault and fk after sod first will prevent the chase to put u in their face to do w/e (stop using preset combos and smashing combo start plz)

11-17-2010, 11:53 AM
he said he uses it in pve and war.. even if they use a chase move u can still use AC and if they use a comp skill first, assault and fk after sod first will prevent the chase to put u in their face to do w/e (stop using preset combos and smashing combo start plz)

Yeah in war I usually root and debuff my target, then sod, fk, etc...

11-17-2010, 06:55 PM
Got it. Thanks guys :cool: