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View Full Version : WA vs WI - full weod items - who comes out on top for...

11-18-2010, 07:56 PM
Let's say you're level 160-170 and you have the following on both a WA and WI:

1,000 atk
48% crit rate
200% CD
40%ish Amp

Assume you can hit 12-15 hit combos regularly (sometimes 20+, sometimes 11) and are used to re-targeting like a pro...

Which class can solo chain run eod/sod/ft1/eod2/DX dungeons at a quicker pace without a buddy to mooch SP from and no GPS warp?

I use the phrase chain run because I'm not talking about dumping 5 bars in 1 run for sod, etc.. Figure you'll want to run 6-7 or more runs in a row.

Which class can solo rota/derk/quadra with the least amount of SP bars/fastest?

Assume both classes have access to +7-9 osm sets and forcium amp armors are a bit out of the question but could happen eventually.

Since the above is unknown, is it safe to say that both the WA and WI are equally as good in a duo and the NW but perform different roles? I would have to give the WI an edge in duo runs personally because they can duo with anyone since they control the SP buff.

11-18-2010, 08:00 PM
First off you won't get 1k mattk with pheries unless their +15 and u got like a mattk rune. Second, WA prob comes out best if u can get a 14/80 tit gs or dai and a 7/40 helm because WA get enough base to use tit forever if its good

With those stats, both classes could easily solo those dungeons.

Fastest boss solos prob Wi because they can just auto while wa have to retarget
I think they're a great duo, if not FB n WI. :l

11-18-2010, 08:30 PM
FB and any range class is prosause in war

11-18-2010, 08:33 PM
1k is possible with +12 Phers and no m.atk rune. I'm not sure what a WA would have with a +12 GS but I'm just flat out guessing it's really similar to that (~1k).

Yeah it's easy to solo some of them with much worse gear. I'm just talking about overall dungeon running times. From start to finish, using your SP in such a way that you have enough SP to keep running the place until you get bored unless it's a dungeon where it's standard to use 5 bars.

In a perfect world re-targeting has no delay right? I never played a WA but from the videos I've seen it looks pretty easy. You just need to de/re-target and keep count of your hits. Also flat out auto attacking a boss without BM2 as a WI is painfully inefficient. WIs have disgustingly low attack rate and fairly long cast times.

11-18-2010, 08:38 PM
Retargeting is a lot harder than you might expect especially if you lag in-between. I never said without bm2 btw. WIs will always be faster than WA when it comes to soloing bosses because they can just auto-attack and pot.

11-18-2010, 08:39 PM
does anyone else look at this post and go....wuuuuuhhhh???

11-18-2010, 08:40 PM
Maybe you're just an airhead. :l

11-18-2010, 08:43 PM
lol noooo....*opens skull* this is ur brain on druuugggs HAAAIIIIIIXD

11-18-2010, 08:44 PM

11-18-2010, 08:45 PM
LOL ur funny sir -hugs...and steals wallet- lol run along now

11-18-2010, 08:45 PM
Couldn't the WA just re-target and pot, what's the difference? I'm not sure about you but I rebound my keys to things I can hit easily. For example if I were to play a WA I might set the spacebar to target myself so I can quickly tap it with my thumb while I 1-2-3-4-5-6 a combo while potting with my pinky as needed. Hand never leaves the keyboard and it can all be done without delay.

It's actually similar with the WI because when a WI runs out of MP during BM2 the BM2 animation stops completely (really bad for your DPS since it stops everything for a good 3 seconds) so it's necessary to manually regen your mana before it hits empty. Same concept yeah? Hit a key while in the process of BM2'ing.

11-18-2010, 08:49 PM
Have you ever tried retargeting and potting? Just wondering because unless you've tried it then you shouldn't just say its that easy. I still think WI will be able to solo things faster.

11-18-2010, 08:54 PM
Not rhythmically like a WA would but when grinding PF I tend to:

1. Combo
2. Pot
3. Keep an eye out for pesky Caps.
4. Watch my HP like a hawk (5+2 mobs can almost kill me if I'm not careful) and insta-blink when needed.
5. Switch targets mid-combo when a mob is about to die.

I'm pretty sure (but not 100% certain) I can handle re-targeting vs a lone boss and occasionally hit the pot hotkey. It will just take a little bit of practice and effort.

11-18-2010, 08:56 PM
I just found it easier soloing bosses on my WI than WA :l but maybe thats cuz I have poop comp and I lag o_o

11-18-2010, 08:58 PM
The difficulty doesn't bother me. It's brain-dead easy to solo bosses as a WI as long as your defense is high enough to handle the boss. You basically buff up, press 1 key, put your hand down your pants and occasionally tap the mana hotkey, then collect your FCH.

I'm only interested in speed, I don't mind if it's a little bit of extra work.

11-18-2010, 08:59 PM
put your hand down your pants and occasionally tap the mana hotkey,


11-18-2010, 09:01 PM
Well if you control all variables and basically make it perfect retargeting/potting and perfect autoattack/potting then it would depend solely on the stats. Not to mention the WA has to tank in bloody to even reach WI DPS.

11-18-2010, 09:03 PM
Well if you control all variables and basically make it perfect retargeting/potting and perfect autoattack/potting then it would depend solely on the stats.

And now we've reached the point why I made this thread heh. I don't know which is better because I haven't tried first hand.

11-22-2010, 06:35 AM
rox this is a wa thread why you in here woman!

12-02-2010, 12:40 AM
bizzle maybe u wanna change ur hp :P not that much since u got amp boots :O

12-02-2010, 01:04 AM
Fastest boss solos prob Wi because they can just auto while wa have to retarget

does not make any sense whatsoever. just because a WA has to retarget (not necessarily needed but its better for them to and its easy) it does not make them slower. just requires more effort on the user's behalf. its also not hard to retarget and use pots at the same time.

12-03-2010, 04:47 AM
Lol im lol lol at u lol at lol at u .. Say sumthing so i can lol at u . Lol . Still lol at u!!!