View Full Version : Yo GMs and Seireitei

11-30-2010, 06:52 PM

Haven't you learned by now that locking and trying to ignore and deny the problem is not a good policy to any leadership?

Lets ignore the mass of global hackers which seem to be being ignored despite GMs supposedly having logs of them from global servers which should be enough to show blatant hacking and get a large amount of them banned.

Lets ignore the mass of aoe hackers on all different servers sometimes aoeing up to 50% of a single map and nothing is done to get rid of them. gameguard updates clearly not happening and not being enough. GM patrols equivalent to a 5 year old taking a few minutes looking around once a week or so. GMs only response is to provide evidence if anyone wants anything done yet GMs can't see to it that they look into anything themself.

Lets ignore that everyone is told to help desk. help desk leads to "its being investigated" which leads to nothing ever. This is if a help desk is responded to otherwise people are left with maxed out help desks for months and nothing to do otherwise.

so lets take one small sample of all the trash in the game atm that everyone likes to talk about.

seireitie - the guild mainly responsible for the infamous alz glitching from some time ago. Everyone was so adamant about the people being banned back then and happy with the banned list that est seems to be riding on that single positive response for the rest of there career.

TOO BAD most everyone that was banned and people were happy to see banned is now back and nothing at all is done about it.

Lets take a look at seireitie guild list

Whatyolookingat whatever his names are
- TWO lvl180 characters with full gear and whatever you could want while few people have even one 180 character who played since the 180 update launched, suspicious? nooooo definetly not worth investigating

-banned previously, randomly unbanned. Pictures of him inside the wall in ca hacking have been posted and completely ignored

-fairly well known to buy alz and gear with usd yet no investigation is ever done despite such common knowedge

-Banned many times, randomly unbanned. Again pictures of him in the wall in ca hacking yet nothing is done

-xcon, whatever his other names are, bought countless accounts and gear with usd and doesn't even deny it, laughs it off as people jealous of his epic job as a nurse and all his money

Hanny, Haniel, Allurer
-banned for alz glitching, comes back with high level FA, full forcy fa amp, eos8, rw3+7 as allurer and then renames to hanny as if enough people didnt already know it was haniel

DavidKanz, DeeKay, DavidKan
-previous guild leader of seireitie/soulsociety etc, glitched billions and billions of alz, was banned. Bought multiple accounts for gear and to get a high level wa. Then bought ibyte the 16x wa with forcy gear etc and account transfered. continues to buy gear with usd for himself and his guild. commonly know to do so, many people in game will even say he bought them gear. snatches up a majority of any forcy amp gear the second it comes out. Find a friend that is quiting who doesn't send their gear/account list to him for usd offers

-See hanny etc. Haniels brothers FS who he played after he was innitially banned, full forcy amp gear out of nowhere and renamed. didn't deny who he was at all either

-also banned and randomly unbanned, seen in ca with romp etc when they were hacking

- Just throwing out a lulz @ GoldFalcon for renaming after he looked like an idiot pretending to have sigmetal gear and owning himself hardcore

KeyKyo aka Kyoka
- banned and randomly unbanned and account transfer/renamed as usual in seireitei. Also see Saiyomii his fb in seireitei

-banned previously for an extended period of time, randomly unbanned out of nowhere and in seireitei

-"pro" wa well known for having bought mytankisfights gear for a large sum of usd

-DavidKan(z) FS that he bought with usd

Just to name a few of the more well known culprits left in one major guild here, could list more but lets see if anyone can read this as it is even.

To the supposed GMs that do anything on this game, why exactly are all these players left? Is it not an overly easy task to take a few names and compare IPs with banned players or look at random gains of huge amounts of alz out of nowhere or gear or anything? Even half the time spent locking forum threads could likely get a huge amount of unlegit players banned on a regular basis

Does hacking etc and then account transfering and renaming characters magically make them legit as seireitei seems to have been practicing and bragging about as a big secret?

11-30-2010, 07:08 PM
+1 keep up the good work....feel like im on facebook reading post about them exposing other people...i was lookin for the like button >_<

11-30-2010, 07:10 PM
Estsoft will do nothing, because they have been infiltrated by seireitei, its corruption at its finest. :l

11-30-2010, 07:10 PM
smd the gm's made a mistake on my ban in the first place

11-30-2010, 07:22 PM
smd the gm's made a mistake on my ban in the first place

shut up phaggot

11-30-2010, 07:33 PM

if it was a mistake why were you in party with these players here hacking in the wall? Sure you might not be in the wall but you're still leaching exp off them and knowingly doing so with blatant hackers. Last I checked thats just as much of an offense. Just because you stand by the wall while your buddy aoe and wallhacks somewhere doesn't mean youre not just as much unlegit and at should be banned too.

And don't try to say you werent in ca in the pic, your name is clearly lit up as being nearby

11-30-2010, 07:35 PM
Estsoft will do nothing, because they have been infiltrated by seireitei, its corruption at its finest. :l

Anybody wanna email the bbb and have them do a bit of investigating. It is a US based business and they seem to be doing a bit lately with getting some of the trash companies these days shown they need to man the I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ up

11-30-2010, 07:36 PM
lol look at the SS that looks kinda old ppl zz -_-

11-30-2010, 07:37 PM
old as in they were banned for clearly hacking and are now randomly unbanned and were calling it out and showing that we arnt totally oblivious to ests blatant disregard for their own rules and such?

11-30-2010, 07:39 PM
im not saying that they didnt hax, i mean if they still hax now i agree they should be banned too

11-30-2010, 07:40 PM
im not saying that they didnt hax, i mean if they still hax now i agree they should be banned too

so youre saying if i murdered people on a regular bases 2 years ago but dont muder people now i shouldnt be put in jail for my previous crimes? k

11-30-2010, 07:44 PM
not like murdered goes to jail and are release -_-

11-30-2010, 07:58 PM
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooL! wat a bunch of crying little girls.

11-30-2010, 08:31 PM
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooL! wat a bunch of crying little girls.

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQuDpqDsWXzAn2xYfOmUhKvkKo20Qwcu _aKom-lR6F9ZaPgptK7Ag

11-30-2010, 08:49 PM
I would have to agree with you on this one. You are saying that they need to do MORE, which they aren't. I myself am going to start a united guild with a separate homepage and everything for catching people that make games like this not fun to play. We will have our own webpage and everything, with updated names of people who bot, so lists like this will come in handy, in fact, I am writing these down now. I'm sure Cabal won't mind, since they don't do anything about it anyway.

11-30-2010, 09:09 PM
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQuDpqDsWXzAn2xYfOmUhKvkKo20Qwcu _aKom-lR6F9ZaPgptK7Ag

you're not making sense.

11-30-2010, 10:24 PM
Anybody wanna email the bbb and have them do a bit of investigating. It is a US based business and they seem to be doing a bit lately with getting some of the trash companies these days shown they need to man the I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ up

estsoft isnt a us based company its based out of south korea. but yes they do need to have a whip the dog session. i would suggest the watcher program but we all know how that failed and certain players got gear and other things they shouldnt of gotten. i hope the rumors about gameguard getting a major update is true. that should take care of the problem for a short time and if we are lucky est will continue to update gameguard once a month.

12-01-2010, 12:25 AM
they only want money, anything cant buy with money, it can buy with more more and more money LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOL

12-01-2010, 12:28 AM
You can hate Sei now........


but they wont ever stop haterz,p=)

12-01-2010, 03:19 AM

Haven't you learned by now that locking and trying to ignore and deny the problem is not a good policy to any leadership?

Lets ignore the mass of global hackers which seem to be being ignored despite GMs supposedly having logs of them from global servers which should be enough to show blatant hacking and get a large amount of them banned.

Lets ignore the mass of aoe hackers on all different servers sometimes aoeing up to 50% of a single map and nothing is done to get rid of them. gameguard updates clearly not happening and not being enough. GM patrols equivalent to a 5 year old taking a few minutes looking around once a week or so. GMs only response is to provide evidence if anyone wants anything done yet GMs can't see to it that they look into anything themself.

Lets ignore that everyone is told to help desk. help desk leads to "its being investigated" which leads to nothing ever. This is if a help desk is responded to otherwise people are left with maxed out help desks for months and nothing to do otherwise.

so lets take one small sample of all the trash in the game atm that everyone likes to talk about.

seireitie - the guild mainly responsible for the infamous alz glitching from some time ago. Everyone was so adamant about the people being banned back then and happy with the banned list that est seems to be riding on that single positive response for the rest of there career.

TOO BAD most everyone that was banned and people were happy to see banned is now back and nothing at all is done about it.

Lets take a look at seireitie guild list

Whatyolookingat whatever his names are
- TWO lvl180 characters with full gear and whatever you could want while few people have even one 180 character who played since the 180 update launched, suspicious? nooooo definetly not worth investigating

-banned previously, randomly unbanned. Pictures of him inside the wall in ca hacking have been posted and completely ignored

-fairly well known to buy alz and gear with usd yet no investigation is ever done despite such common knowedge

-Banned many times, randomly unbanned. Again pictures of him in the wall in ca hacking yet nothing is done

-xcon, whatever his other names are, bought countless accounts and gear with usd and doesn't even deny it, laughs it off as people jealous of his epic job as a nurse and all his money

Hanny, Haniel, Allurer
-banned for alz glitching, comes back with high level FA, full forcy fa amp, eos8, rw3+7 as allurer and then renames to hanny as if enough people didnt already know it was haniel

DavidKanz, DeeKay, DavidKan
-previous guild leader of seireitie/soulsociety etc, glitched billions and billions of alz, was banned. Bought multiple accounts for gear and to get a high level wa. Then bought ibyte the 16x wa with forcy gear etc and account transfered. continues to buy gear with usd for himself and his guild. commonly know to do so, many people in game will even say he bought them gear. snatches up a majority of any forcy amp gear the second it comes out. Find a friend that is quiting who doesn't send their gear/account list to him for usd offers

-See hanny etc. Haniels brothers FS who he played after he was innitially banned, full forcy amp gear out of nowhere and renamed. didn't deny who he was at all either

-also banned and randomly unbanned, seen in ca with romp etc when they were hacking

- Just throwing out a lulz @ GoldFalcon for renaming after he looked like an idiot pretending to have sigmetal gear and owning himself hardcore

KeyKyo aka Kyoka
- banned and randomly unbanned and account transfer/renamed as usual in seireitei. Also see Saiyomii his fb in seireitei

-banned previously for an extended period of time, randomly unbanned out of nowhere and in seireitei

-"pro" wa well known for having bought mytankisfights gear for a large sum of usd

-DavidKan(z) FS that he bought with usd

Just to name a few of the more well known culprits left in one major guild here, could list more but lets see if anyone can read this as it is even.

To the supposed GMs that do anything on this game, why exactly are all these players left? Is it not an overly easy task to take a few names and compare IPs with banned players or look at random gains of huge amounts of alz out of nowhere or gear or anything? Even half the time spent locking forum threads could likely get a huge amount of unlegit players banned on a regular basis

Does hacking etc and then account transfering and renaming characters magically make them legit as seireitei seems to have been practicing and bragging about as a big secret?


12-01-2010, 03:39 AM
lol still surprise me why "GM in Sei" not block this Thread yet
prove me wrong tho

everytime there is a Thread about Sei they always got blocked X P

12-01-2010, 03:39 AM

sure sounds like it :)

12-01-2010, 03:40 AM
lol still surprise me why "GM in Sei" not block this Thread yet
prove me wrong tho

everytime there is a Thread about Sei they always got blocked X P

Go overprice some more forci boots. Please, go fail more.

12-01-2010, 03:43 AM
Go overprice some more forci boots. Please, go fail more.

U MAD Trap ?
wonder how i sold other one of my 4% forcy amp eh ?

12-01-2010, 03:46 AM

Haven't you learned by now that locking and trying to ignore and deny the problem is not a good policy to any leadership?

Lets ignore the mass of global hackers which seem to be being ignored despite GMs supposedly having logs of them from global servers which should be enough to show blatant hacking and get a large amount of them banned.

Lets ignore the mass of aoe hackers on all different servers sometimes aoeing up to 50% of a single map and nothing is done to get rid of them. gameguard updates clearly not happening and not being enough. GM patrols equivalent to a 5 year old taking a few minutes looking around once a week or so. GMs only response is to provide evidence if anyone wants anything done yet GMs can't see to it that they look into anything themself.

Lets ignore that everyone is told to help desk. help desk leads to "its being investigated" which leads to nothing ever. This is if a help desk is responded to otherwise people are left with maxed out help desks for months and nothing to do otherwise.

so lets take one small sample of all the trash in the game atm that everyone likes to talk about.

seireitie - the guild mainly responsible for the infamous alz glitching from some time ago. Everyone was so adamant about the people being banned back then and happy with the banned list that est seems to be riding on that single positive response for the rest of there career.

TOO BAD most everyone that was banned and people were happy to see banned is now back and nothing at all is done about it.

Lets take a look at seireitie guild list

Whatyolookingat whatever his names are
- TWO lvl180 characters with full gear and whatever you could want while few people have even one 180 character who played since the 180 update launched, suspicious? nooooo definetly not worth investigating

-banned previously, randomly unbanned. Pictures of him inside the wall in ca hacking have been posted and completely ignored

-fairly well known to buy alz and gear with usd yet no investigation is ever done despite such common knowedge

-Banned many times, randomly unbanned. Again pictures of him in the wall in ca hacking yet nothing is done

-xcon, whatever his other names are, bought countless accounts and gear with usd and doesn't even deny it, laughs it off as people jealous of his epic job as a nurse and all his money

Hanny, Haniel, Allurer
-banned for alz glitching, comes back with high level FA, full forcy fa amp, eos8, rw3+7 as allurer and then renames to hanny as if enough people didnt already know it was haniel

DavidKanz, DeeKay, DavidKan
-previous guild leader of seireitie/soulsociety etc, glitched billions and billions of alz, was banned. Bought multiple accounts for gear and to get a high level wa. Then bought ibyte the 16x wa with forcy gear etc and account transfered. continues to buy gear with usd for himself and his guild. commonly know to do so, many people in game will even say he bought them gear. snatches up a majority of any forcy amp gear the second it comes out. Find a friend that is quiting who doesn't send their gear/account list to him for usd offers

-See hanny etc. Haniels brothers FS who he played after he was innitially banned, full forcy amp gear out of nowhere and renamed. didn't deny who he was at all either

-also banned and randomly unbanned, seen in ca with romp etc when they were hacking

- Just throwing out a lulz @ GoldFalcon for renaming after he looked like an idiot pretending to have sigmetal gear and owning himself hardcore

KeyKyo aka Kyoka
- banned and randomly unbanned and account transfer/renamed as usual in seireitei. Also see Saiyomii his fb in seireitei

-banned previously for an extended period of time, randomly unbanned out of nowhere and in seireitei

-"pro" wa well known for having bought mytankisfights gear for a large sum of usd

-DavidKan(z) FS that he bought with usd

Just to name a few of the more well known culprits left in one major guild here, could list more but lets see if anyone can read this as it is even.

To the supposed GMs that do anything on this game, why exactly are all these players left? Is it not an overly easy task to take a few names and compare IPs with banned players or look at random gains of huge amounts of alz out of nowhere or gear or anything? Even half the time spent locking forum threads could likely get a huge amount of unlegit players banned on a regular basis

Does hacking etc and then account transfering and renaming characters magically make them legit as seireitei seems to have been practicing and bragging about as a big secret?

ima correct you on this one some of your info bit wrong
Rw3+7 that hanny have he bought it from me

12-01-2010, 03:47 AM
U MAD Trap ?
wonder how i sold other one of my 4% forcy amp eh ?

why would i be mad? i got my 7 amp forci boots.

Actually im more surprised fail noobs/globals buy ur boots.

12-01-2010, 03:47 AM
Stop whining, if you can't beat em join em.

12-01-2010, 03:48 AM
ima correct you on this one some of your info bit wrong
Rw3+7 that hanny have he bought it from me

LOL OWNED. 800m for rw3+7 is a steal. Got owned son.

12-01-2010, 03:50 AM
why would i be mad? i got my 7 amp forci boots.

Actually im more surprised fail noobs/globals buy ur boots.

lol you just mad cuz you cant craft eh ?
and forcy amp junk craft and amp in slot what the big deal ? not like you have it anyway lol
if i want to have full forcy amp i would get that in just 1 day if i want
but i rather turn my alz to something that really going to give me a free vacation X D

12-01-2010, 03:56 AM
lol you just mad cuz you cant craft eh ?
and forcy amp junk craft and amp in slot what the big deal ? not like you have it anyway lol
if i want to have full forcy amp i would get that in just 1 day if i want
but i rather turn my alz to something that really going to give me a free vacation X D

funny cause i have 7 amp forci boots. umad?
You can't buy full forci amp in just 1 day, prove me wrong.

12-01-2010, 03:58 AM
funny cause i have 7 amp forci boots. umad?
You can't buy full forci amp in just 1 day, prove me wrong.

im sure i did prove you wrong already bought my forcy wiz suit amp b4 then resell for what ? x3 what i pay for ?
QQ amigo
bro ? how much you apy for 7 amp ? 300 usd ?
shiz i rather use that 3b+ turn to "_____"
yea think about it son free game no point to get epic gear rather play game and get extra in pocket
people sitll now days dont get why you waste so much money in game that you play for free ROFL sad

12-01-2010, 04:01 AM
bro ? how much you apy for 7 amp ? 300 usd ?
shiz i rather use that 3b+ turn to "_____"
yea think about it son free game no point to get epic gear rather play game and get extra in pocket
people sitll now days dont get why you waste so much money in game that you play for free ROFL sad

yeah i payed alz for the boots. who uses USD to play a free game?

12-01-2010, 04:02 AM
yeah i payed alz for the boots. who uses USD to play a free game?

lol that not what you said in Sei vent amigo
keep lying broski X P like i care anyway lol

12-01-2010, 04:05 AM
lol that not what you said in Sei vent amigo
keep lying broski X P like i care anyway lol

lol go ask around moron. i payed full alz for the boots that were in AH.

p.s. since when in the last 3 weeks have you been in the Sei vent?

12-01-2010, 04:09 AM
lol go ask around moron. i payed full alz for the boots that were in AH.

p.s. since when in the last 3 weeks have you been in the Sei vent?

lol bro i dont need to be in ther my self i know someone that in there that you guys think "your friend" nuff said
p.s. lol it not just last 3 weeks .... hint pretty much 3 times or more per weeks X D
k bye have fun with your boots lol

12-01-2010, 04:12 AM
lol bro i dont need to be in ther my self i know someone that in there that you guys think "your friend" nuff said
p.s. lol it not just last 3 weeks .... hint pretty much 3 times or more per weeks X D
k bye have fun with your boots lol

If ur 'friend' was actually in our vent then you would have known i had 7 amp forci boots and not have questioned me about them. Please, go lie some more fool.

12-01-2010, 04:14 AM
If ur 'friend' was actually in our vent then you would have known i had 7 amp forci boots and not have questioned me about them. Please, go lie some more fool.

lol what did I question you about ?
kidding me ? lol i just point it out right there lol
get your word right boi ? what your next goal ? 400 usd for your suit eh ?

12-01-2010, 04:18 AM
lol what did I question you about ?
kidding me ? lol i just point it out right there lol
get your word right boi ? what your next goal ? 400 usd for your suit eh ?

bro ? how much you apy for 7 amp ? 300 usd ?

Remember typing that idiot? U dun goof'd.

12-01-2010, 04:19 AM
Remember typing that idiot? U dun goof'd.

and you still lie ?lol word

12-01-2010, 04:21 AM
and you still lie ?lol word

Care to tell me how im lieing? Just re-posting the things your saying which point out you have no idea about my gear and the alz i payed for the gear. Before posting, think next time. kthx bromengski.

12-01-2010, 04:23 AM
Care to tell me how im lieing? Just re-posting the things your saying which point out you have no idea about my gear and the alz i payed for the gear. Before posting, think next time. kthx bromengski.

lol if you say so
all good like i care anyway that you USD to waste X P

12-01-2010, 04:23 AM
s t f u

12-01-2010, 04:24 AM
s t f u


12-01-2010, 04:25 AM
lol ya'll MAD ?

12-01-2010, 04:25 AM
lol if you say so
all good like i care anyway that you USD to waste X P

Go ask darkcrusader how much tax he lost from the forcy boots

12-01-2010, 04:28 AM

Haven't you learned by now that locking and trying to ignore and deny the problem is not a good policy to any leadership?

Lets ignore the mass of global hackers which seem to be being ignored despite GMs supposedly having logs of them from global servers which should be enough to show blatant hacking and get a large amount of them banned.

Lets ignore the mass of aoe hackers on all different servers sometimes aoeing up to 50% of a single map and nothing is done to get rid of them. gameguard updates clearly not happening and not being enough. GM patrols equivalent to a 5 year old taking a few minutes looking around once a week or so. GMs only response is to provide evidence if anyone wants anything done yet GMs can't see to it that they look into anything themself.

Lets ignore that everyone is told to help desk. help desk leads to "its being investigated" which leads to nothing ever. This is if a help desk is responded to otherwise people are left with maxed out help desks for months and nothing to do otherwise.

so lets take one small sample of all the trash in the game atm that everyone likes to talk about.

seireitie - the guild mainly responsible for the infamous alz glitching from some time ago. Everyone was so adamant about the people being banned back then and happy with the banned list that est seems to be riding on that single positive response for the rest of there career.

TOO BAD most everyone that was banned and people were happy to see banned is now back and nothing at all is done about it.

Lets take a look at seireitie guild list

Whatyolookingat whatever his names are
- TWO lvl180 characters with full gear and whatever you could want while few people have even one 180 character who played since the 180 update launched, suspicious? nooooo definetly not worth investigating

-banned previously, randomly unbanned. Pictures of him inside the wall in ca hacking have been posted and completely ignored

-fairly well known to buy alz and gear with usd yet no investigation is ever done despite such common knowedge

-Banned many times, randomly unbanned. Again pictures of him in the wall in ca hacking yet nothing is done

-xcon, whatever his other names are, bought countless accounts and gear with usd and doesn't even deny it, laughs it off as people jealous of his epic job as a nurse and all his money

Hanny, Haniel, Allurer
-banned for alz glitching, comes back with high level FA, full forcy fa amp, eos8, rw3+7 as allurer and then renames to hanny as if enough people didnt already know it was haniel

DavidKanz, DeeKay, DavidKan
-previous guild leader of seireitie/soulsociety etc, glitched billions and billions of alz, was banned. Bought multiple accounts for gear and to get a high level wa. Then bought ibyte the 16x wa with forcy gear etc and account transfered. continues to buy gear with usd for himself and his guild. commonly know to do so, many people in game will even say he bought them gear. snatches up a majority of any forcy amp gear the second it comes out. Find a friend that is quiting who doesn't send their gear/account list to him for usd offers

-See hanny etc. Haniels brothers FS who he played after he was innitially banned, full forcy amp gear out of nowhere and renamed. didn't deny who he was at all either

-also banned and randomly unbanned, seen in ca with romp etc when they were hacking

- Just throwing out a lulz @ GoldFalcon for renaming after he looked like an idiot pretending to have sigmetal gear and owning himself hardcore

KeyKyo aka Kyoka
- banned and randomly unbanned and account transfer/renamed as usual in seireitei. Also see Saiyomii his fb in seireitei

-banned previously for an extended period of time, randomly unbanned out of nowhere and in seireitei

-"pro" wa well known for having bought mytankisfights gear for a large sum of usd

-DavidKan(z) FS that he bought with usd

Just to name a few of the more well known culprits left in one major guild here, could list more but lets see if anyone can read this as it is even.

To the supposed GMs that do anything on this game, why exactly are all these players left? Is it not an overly easy task to take a few names and compare IPs with banned players or look at random gains of huge amounts of alz out of nowhere or gear or anything? Even half the time spent locking forum threads could likely get a huge amount of unlegit players banned on a regular basis

Does hacking etc and then account transfering and renaming characters magically make them legit as seireitei seems to have been practicing and bragging about as a big secret?

Omg kids these days will post the most hillarious stuff. >.<

Uhm what can I say? ermmmm our guild is .................................. Happy! Weeeeeeee! :D Do you know that? xD

12-01-2010, 04:29 AM
Go ask darkcrusader how much tax he lost from the forcy boots

i talked to him early already he told me he sold his boots that not my point lol
learn to read old post

12-01-2010, 04:30 AM
i talked to him early already he told me he sold his boots that not my point lol
learn to read old post

trap bought them

12-01-2010, 04:31 AM
lol if you say so
all good like i care anyway that you USD to waste X P

Proven wrong yet fool? For someone that doesn't care you sure went to great lengths to suggest that i got my boots for USD.

Go ask darkcrusader how much tax he lost from the forcy boots

Yeah he could go ask darkcrusader but that would mean he would get some actual proof to add to his arguements. Can't have that now can we.

12-01-2010, 04:32 AM
i talked to him early already he told me he sold his boots that not my point lol
learn to read old post

Ever wonder why i was running around in forci boots and the boots were sold? God some kids are stupid.

12-01-2010, 04:33 AM
trap bought them

duh i knew and your point is ?
lol my point is that he didnt bough tthat boots with USD ofc.
but think other way around eh ? lol
slow much keep try to help your fail guildie out on this one bro ?

12-01-2010, 04:35 AM
lol double post and bring in 2 of your guildies to back you up mang ??
lol tru is out so just enjoy your USD>Alz>Boots son X P

anyways sleep time gotta work later kidos

12-01-2010, 04:37 AM
this is DK when he got unbanned
and yes he looks way to happy!! so he did this for the GMs his thanks for getting his account back


12-01-2010, 04:40 AM
and also romp before war


12-01-2010, 04:40 AM
this is DK when he got unbanned
and yes he looks way to happy!! so he did this for the GMs his thanks for getting his account back


+1 XD epicness

12-01-2010, 04:42 AM
how can i forget sircritsalot


12-01-2010, 04:46 AM
lol double post and bring in 2 of your guildies to back you up mang ??
lol tru is out so just enjoy your USD>Alz>Boots son X P

anyways sleep time gotta work later kidos

later little asian kid. have fun in your sweat shop making me my shirts and shoes for $2 an hour. kthxbye.

12-01-2010, 04:47 AM

12-01-2010, 04:54 AM
later little asian kid. have fun in your sweat shop making me my shirts and shoes for $2 an hour. kthxbye.


12-01-2010, 05:01 AM
duh i knew and your point is ? you fail?
lol my point is that he didnt bough tthat boots with USD ofc. bro ? how much you apy for 7 amp ? 300 usd ? not what you implied there

U dun GOOF'd again?

12-01-2010, 05:03 AM

Defending a troll i see......and if he "fails" why dont you pvp him?????

12-01-2010, 05:03 AM
u dun good'd again?

goof'd fixed
and btw he was right that trap bought alz prove me wrong ^^

12-01-2010, 05:05 AM
defending a troll i see......and if he fails why dont you pvp him?????

and why you defending a alz buyer ? You must buy alz like he did didn"t you ? ^.^

12-01-2010, 05:07 AM
Defending a troll i see......and if he fails why dont you pvp him?????

dumbass read right im trying to say he is FAIL for buying his gear with USD! GET IT? or do i have to explain it more clear cause it seems your to slow to understand what im trying to say. =,=

12-01-2010, 05:10 AM
ops forgot to post hannys vid that he made when he got his account


12-01-2010, 05:13 AM
goof'd fixed
and btw he was right that trap bought alz prove me wrong ^^

I don't buy alz. Prove me wrong.

12-01-2010, 05:14 AM
btw he was right that trap bought alz prove me wrong ^^
and why you defending a alz buyer ? You must buy alz like he did didn"t you ? ^.^

hai dasmexy

12-01-2010, 05:16 AM
dumbass read right im trying to say he is FAIL for buying his gear with USD! GET IT? or do i have to explain it more clear cause it seems your to slow to understand what im trying to say. =,=

woo fo the "gf" of dasmexy. Btw your display pic looks like 2 chicks kissing

12-01-2010, 05:16 AM

Lol i make 500m a week from CA5. Dungeon earnings vary from 200m+ dependant on drops but usually 200m. Capslock doesn't make you look cool either by the way. If anything it indicates your yelling so umadbro?

12-01-2010, 05:20 AM
woo fo the "gf" of dasmexy. Btw your display pic looks like 2 chicks kissing

lol great come back dumbass XD and da went to bed like 30mins ago
so ya you can stop posting your stupid comments :3
you must be retarded if you see 2 girls kissing i guess you cant really tell the difference between a girl and a guy thats how stupid you are :3
p.s thats me and da so ya >_>

12-01-2010, 05:22 AM
lol great come back dumbass XD and da went to bed like 30mins ago
so ya you can stop posting your stupid comments :3
you must be retarded if you see 2 girls kissing i guess you cant really tell the difference between a girl and a guy thats how stupid you are :3
p.s thats me and da so ya >_>

If thats you then i'd say the ass end of a baboon looks better. Feel really bad for dasmexy cause he looks worse still.

12-01-2010, 05:23 AM
Lol i make 500m a week from CA5. Dungeon earnings vary from 200m+ dependant on drops but usually 200m. Capslock doesn't make you look cool either by the way. If anything it indicates your yelling so umadbro?
and not im not mad :3
and i aint a bro
and did i ask you how much alz you make per week? like i care

12-01-2010, 05:26 AM
If thats you then i'd say the ass end of a baboon looks better. Feel really bad for dasmexy cause he looks worse still.
Lol u jealous all you got is your anime hentai? XD
n k im done =,= you guys bored me :3 im off to work see ya ^_-

12-01-2010, 05:27 AM
lol gms deleted the other thread? i guess they're allowing us to hack now? =D

12-01-2010, 05:28 AM
and not im not mad :3
and i aint a bro
and did i ask you how much alz you make per week? like i care

dumbass read right im trying to say he is FAIL for buying his gear with USD! GET IT? or do i have to explain it more clear cause it seems your to slow to understand what im trying to say. =,=

Calling me an alz buyer? Pointing out how I make my alz. Not my problem ur FAIL character can't survive in CA to make money.

12-01-2010, 05:29 AM
Lol u jealous all you got is your anime hentai? XD
n k im done =,= you guys bored me :3 im off to work see ya ^_-

ok have fun at work. Walk infront of a bus please, it will make an improvement on ur messed up face :) Just sayin'

12-01-2010, 05:31 AM
lol if you say so
all good like i care anyway that you USD to waste X P

lol you care enough to keep replying to trap


12-01-2010, 05:31 AM

12-01-2010, 05:33 AM
lol you care enough to keep replying to trap


lol'd +1

12-01-2010, 05:37 AM
lol'd +1


12-01-2010, 05:52 AM

12-01-2010, 06:27 AM

Weed is not cool........

12-01-2010, 09:14 AM

YOU IS MY HOE. I pay usd for your sex. I do you like a lilttle doggy, in your butt.

12-01-2010, 09:15 AM
lol great come back dumbass XD and da went to bed like 30mins ago
so ya you can stop posting your stupid comments :3
you must be retarded if you see 2 girls kissing i guess you cant really tell the difference between a girl and a guy thats how stupid you are :3
p.s thats me and da so ya >_>

that is me and fake e-girl friend kising, i have epic photo shop skills. viet power!

12-01-2010, 09:19 AM
lol double post and bring in 2 of your guildies to back you up mang ??
lol tru is out so just enjoy your USD>Alz>Boots son X P

anyways sleep time gotta work later kidos

Hi mr. unlegit viet, I know for fact u are unlegit, you buy alz and ur friend tell me. how u like ur alz glitch money from selling ur bike and eog+8? oh and lastly get life, tard, and tell my e-gf she need to post real picture on facebook no more in-game chara pic it looks not good.

12-01-2010, 10:53 AM
Hi mr. unlegit viet, I know for fact u are unlegit, you buy alz and ur friend tell me. how u like ur alz glitch money from selling ur bike and eog+8? oh and lastly get life, tard, and tell my e-gf she need to post real picture on facebook no more in-game chara pic it looks not good.

ROFL ? Re tard failed hard core
im unlegit ? kid get a life and "my Friend telling you"? good one
buy alz ? lol kiggind me ? if i buy alz i proby have better gear than what im using now which is i careless
i make alz then change that alz to _____
alz gitch money from eog? lol you a retard
and rw3+7 i sold it not even long ago ?
lol you just hatin on keep trollin

p.s. get ya fact stright im not Viet lol

12-01-2010, 11:36 AM

Haven't you learned by now that locking and trying to ignore and deny the problem is not a good policy to any leadership?

Lets ignore the mass of global hackers which seem to be being ignored despite GMs supposedly having logs of them from global servers which should be enough to show blatant hacking and get a large amount of them banned.

Lets ignore the mass of aoe hackers on all different servers sometimes aoeing up to 50% of a single map and nothing is done to get rid of them. gameguard updates clearly not happening and not being enough. GM patrols equivalent to a 5 year old taking a few minutes looking around once a week or so. GMs only response is to provide evidence if anyone wants anything done yet GMs can't see to it that they look into anything themself.

Lets ignore that everyone is told to help desk. help desk leads to "its being investigated" which leads to nothing ever. This is if a help desk is responded to otherwise people are left with maxed out help desks for months and nothing to do otherwise.

so lets take one small sample of all the trash in the game atm that everyone likes to talk about.

seireitie - the guild mainly responsible for the infamous alz glitching from some time ago. Everyone was so adamant about the people being banned back then and happy with the banned list that est seems to be riding on that single positive response for the rest of there career.

TOO BAD most everyone that was banned and people were happy to see banned is now back and nothing at all is done about it.

Lets take a look at seireitie guild list

Whatyolookingat whatever his names are
- TWO lvl180 characters with full gear and whatever you could want while few people have even one 180 character who played since the 180 update launched, suspicious? nooooo definetly not worth investigating

-banned previously, randomly unbanned. Pictures of him inside the wall in ca hacking have been posted and completely ignored

-fairly well known to buy alz and gear with usd yet no investigation is ever done despite such common knowedge

-Banned many times, randomly unbanned. Again pictures of him in the wall in ca hacking yet nothing is done

-xcon, whatever his other names are, bought countless accounts and gear with usd and doesn't even deny it, laughs it off as people jealous of his epic job as a nurse and all his money

Hanny, Haniel, Allurer
-banned for alz glitching, comes back with high level FA, full forcy fa amp, eos8, rw3+7 as allurer and then renames to hanny as if enough people didnt already know it was haniel

DavidKanz, DeeKay, DavidKan
-previous guild leader of seireitie/soulsociety etc, glitched billions and billions of alz, was banned. Bought multiple accounts for gear and to get a high level wa. Then bought ibyte the 16x wa with forcy gear etc and account transfered. continues to buy gear with usd for himself and his guild. commonly know to do so, many people in game will even say he bought them gear. snatches up a majority of any forcy amp gear the second it comes out. Find a friend that is quiting who doesn't send their gear/account list to him for usd offers

-See hanny etc. Haniels brothers FS who he played after he was innitially banned, full forcy amp gear out of nowhere and renamed. didn't deny who he was at all either

-also banned and randomly unbanned, seen in ca with romp etc when they were hacking

- Just throwing out a lulz @ GoldFalcon for renaming after he looked like an idiot pretending to have sigmetal gear and owning himself hardcore

KeyKyo aka Kyoka
- banned and randomly unbanned and account transfer/renamed as usual in seireitei. Also see Saiyomii his fb in seireitei

-banned previously for an extended period of time, randomly unbanned out of nowhere and in seireitei

-"pro" wa well known for having bought mytankisfights gear for a large sum of usd

-DavidKan(z) FS that he bought with usd

Just to name a few of the more well known culprits left in one major guild here, could list more but lets see if anyone can read this as it is even.

To the supposed GMs that do anything on this game, why exactly are all these players left? Is it not an overly easy task to take a few names and compare IPs with banned players or look at random gains of huge amounts of alz out of nowhere or gear or anything? Even half the time spent locking forum threads could likely get a huge amount of unlegit players banned on a regular basis

Does hacking etc and then account transfering and renaming characters magically make them legit as seireitei seems to have been practicing and bragging about as a big secret?

lol ur guild fails that much u spend time talking about others ppl guild? o.0 ^^

12-01-2010, 12:17 PM
rofl ? Re tard failed hard core
im unlegit ? Kid get a life and "my friend telling you"? Good one
buy alz ? Lol kiggind me ? If i buy alz i proby have better gear than what im using now which is i careless
i make alz then change that alz to _____
alz gitch money from eog? Lol you a retard
and rw3+7 i sold it not even long ago ?
Lol you just hatin on keep trollin

p.s. Get ya fact stright im not viet lol

viet powa!

12-01-2010, 12:38 PM

12-01-2010, 01:49 PM

12-01-2010, 04:37 PM
lol buncha noobs all mad because they got pwned in a pvp eh? stop crying everytime someone from seireitei pwns u

12-01-2010, 04:50 PM
Whoever loses to Siereite is full of aids and fail.

Those kids have no skill.

Their Warriorsvcan barely retarget. And their bm2 is probably the easiest thing to use.


12-01-2010, 05:39 PM
I agree that if they've been perma banned, they should stay that way. But, that's just me.

12-01-2010, 06:13 PM
i agree that if they've been perma banned, they should stay that way. But, that's just me.

+100000000 xd

12-01-2010, 06:21 PM
hey lethal im in merc now, come show me the true BL ways.

12-01-2010, 06:24 PM
im in ch4, come get dropped huuuuuuur.

12-01-2010, 06:28 PM
I don't play anymore, remember how they banned me for no reason?
My brother plays though, I gave him the 3b I had left! Talk about nice. Just don't give him swine flu if you're going to play with him.

u dont play anymore yet your still dedicated to trolling. i have mad respect for you determination my friend. you are relentless in your pursuit. hi5

12-01-2010, 06:29 PM
I don't play anymore, remember how they banned me for no reason?
My brother plays though, I gave him the 3b I had left! Talk about nice. Just don't give him swine flu if you're going to play with him.

lol, nig here dont even play cabal yet he trolls forums 24/7. pretty damn pathetic if u ask me.

12-01-2010, 06:34 PM
^ lol first you imply that i glitch alz, and now you saying that i scam selling rol1 for 1.5b? nig here funny.

12-01-2010, 06:35 PM

12-01-2010, 06:35 PM
Ohheyder, how did u get in the stairs?


Props to Lethal for the pic. :L

12-01-2010, 06:36 PM
hi my name is romp nice to meet u

12-01-2010, 06:37 PM
hey romp sell me that kat damit.

12-01-2010, 06:37 PM

12-01-2010, 06:37 PM
hi my name is romp nice to meet u

Hey my name is namechange after unban, pleased to meet you got.

12-01-2010, 06:39 PM

12-01-2010, 06:40 PM
Hey my name is namechange after unban, pleased to meet you got.

you're trying a little too hard there buddy. shut up LOL.

12-01-2010, 06:41 PM

12-01-2010, 06:41 PM
Hey my name is namechange after unban, pleased to meet you got.

ledouche ftw!!! Nice try n i g g e r

12-01-2010, 06:42 PM

12-01-2010, 06:45 PM

12-01-2010, 06:45 PM

12-01-2010, 06:46 PM

12-01-2010, 06:47 PM

12-01-2010, 06:50 PM

12-01-2010, 06:57 PM

12-01-2010, 07:00 PM


Well soon to be.

12-01-2010, 07:01 PM
SRSLY..He has just been proven unlegit...and he makes it worse. if i were him i would shut up change guilds and change my cha name lol

12-01-2010, 07:02 PM
SRSLY..He has just been proven unlegit...and he makes it worse. if i were him i would shut up change guilds and change my cha name lol

Hackers will always revert to hacking and get caught over and over because they are a bunch of retards.

12-01-2010, 07:05 PM

12-01-2010, 07:06 PM
dashield why u talking like a mexican

12-01-2010, 07:08 PM

12-01-2010, 07:14 PM
Hackers will always revert to hacking and get caught over and over because they are a bunch of retards.

shut up peansant. u whine too much.

12-01-2010, 07:16 PM
shut up peansant. u whine too much.

Please, you're worthless garb, dirty ass mexi.

12-01-2010, 07:16 PM
seireitei recruiting xcons wiz nuff said

12-01-2010, 07:19 PM
Please, you're worthless garb, dirty ass mexi.

insult here, insult there. insults everywhere hurhurhur.. how does seireitei's as.s taste?

12-01-2010, 07:20 PM

12-01-2010, 07:21 PM
insult here, insult there. insults everywhere hurhurhur.. how does seireitei's as.s taste?

You would know what their ass tastes like because you're kissing it got.

btw, last time I played, seireitei was eating my shoes in bi.

12-01-2010, 07:21 PM

seireitei bout to drop a dookie storm on the haters?

12-01-2010, 07:22 PM
You would know what their ass tastes like because you're kissing it got.

btw, last time I played, seireitei was eating my shoes in bi.

Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooL another lethal.

12-01-2010, 07:23 PM
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooL another lethal.

Clear-cut smashed. You can leave my forums now, bring another seireitei scrub to try.

12-01-2010, 07:25 PM
^ try wat? just telling it as it is. gms ban these unlegit players omg ban. is all you're saying.

12-01-2010, 07:30 PM
^ try wat? just telling it as it is. gms ban these unlegit players omg ban. is all you're saying.

So, you support a guild that ruined the games economy for months, continuously hacks, buys alz, spends USD on in-game items? Oh ok, I see that bans aren't necessary.

12-01-2010, 07:39 PM
one way to solve all this, show us some money transactions of the alz buyers and bought gears. and dont try replying with the two SS's in CA. and until then, i can give a rat's as.s about what you or anyone thinks.

12-01-2010, 07:43 PM
one way to solve all this, show us some money transactions of the alz buyers and bought gears. and dont try replying with the two SS's in CA. and until then, i can give a rat's as.s about what you or anyone thinks.

Lets see..they alz glitched, 50% or so of their guild was banned, most bought new accounts with USD..which is obvious as plenty of players popped back up with 170 characters. Besides, if Gms took 5 mins to look into the logs they'd be bannedsauce.

12-01-2010, 07:46 PM
uhhh....well if they bought new chars then how will they prove what you say they did on their old characters if theyre already banned? heh?

12-01-2010, 07:53 PM
CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG???? jk continue, this is fun to read (killing my time as well ^.^)

12-01-2010, 07:54 PM

think this is more important than wat goes on in a damn game.

12-01-2010, 08:00 PM

Haven't you learned by now that locking and trying to ignore and deny the problem is not a good policy to any leadership?

Lets ignore the mass of global hackers which seem to be being ignored despite GMs supposedly having logs of them from global servers which should be enough to show blatant hacking and get a large amount of them banned.

Lets ignore the mass of aoe hackers on all different servers sometimes aoeing up to 50% of a single map and nothing is done to get rid of them. gameguard updates clearly not happening and not being enough. GM patrols equivalent to a 5 year old taking a few minutes looking around once a week or so. GMs only response is to provide evidence if anyone wants anything done yet GMs can't see to it that they look into anything themself.

Lets ignore that everyone is told to help desk. help desk leads to "its being investigated" which leads to nothing ever. This is if a help desk is responded to otherwise people are left with maxed out help desks for months and nothing to do otherwise.

so lets take one small sample of all the trash in the game atm that everyone likes to talk about.

seireitie - the guild mainly responsible for the infamous alz glitching from some time ago. Everyone was so adamant about the people being banned back then and happy with the banned list that est seems to be riding on that single positive response for the rest of there career.

TOO BAD most everyone that was banned and people were happy to see banned is now back and nothing at all is done about it.

Lets take a look at seireitie guild list

Whatyolookingat whatever his names are
- TWO lvl180 characters with full gear and whatever you could want while few people have even one 180 character who played since the 180 update launched, suspicious? nooooo definetly not worth investigating

-banned previously, randomly unbanned. Pictures of him inside the wall in ca hacking have been posted and completely ignored

-fairly well known to buy alz and gear with usd yet no investigation is ever done despite such common knowedge

-Banned many times, randomly unbanned. Again pictures of him in the wall in ca hacking yet nothing is done

-xcon, whatever his other names are, bought countless accounts and gear with usd and doesn't even deny it, laughs it off as people jealous of his epic job as a nurse and all his money

Hanny, Haniel, Allurer
-banned for alz glitching, comes back with high level FA, full forcy fa amp, eos8, rw3+7 as allurer and then renames to hanny as if enough people didnt already know it was haniel

DavidKanz, DeeKay, DavidKan
-previous guild leader of seireitie/soulsociety etc, glitched billions and billions of alz, was banned. Bought multiple accounts for gear and to get a high level wa. Then bought ibyte the 16x wa with forcy gear etc and account transfered. continues to buy gear with usd for himself and his guild. commonly know to do so, many people in game will even say he bought them gear. snatches up a majority of any forcy amp gear the second it comes out. Find a friend that is quiting who doesn't send their gear/account list to him for usd offers

-See hanny etc. Haniels brothers FS who he played after he was innitially banned, full forcy amp gear out of nowhere and renamed. didn't deny who he was at all either

-also banned and randomly unbanned, seen in ca with romp etc when they were hacking

- Just throwing out a lulz @ GoldFalcon for renaming after he looked like an idiot pretending to have sigmetal gear and owning himself hardcore

KeyKyo aka Kyoka
- banned and randomly unbanned and account transfer/renamed as usual in seireitei. Also see Saiyomii his fb in seireitei

-banned previously for an extended period of time, randomly unbanned out of nowhere and in seireitei

-"pro" wa well known for having bought mytankisfights gear for a large sum of usd

-DavidKan(z) FS that he bought with usd

Just to name a few of the more well known culprits left in one major guild here, could list more but lets see if anyone can read this as it is even.

To the supposed GMs that do anything on this game, why exactly are all these players left? Is it not an overly easy task to take a few names and compare IPs with banned players or look at random gains of huge amounts of alz out of nowhere or gear or anything? Even half the time spent locking forum threads could likely get a huge amount of unlegit players banned on a regular basis

Does hacking etc and then account transfering and renaming characters magically make them legit as seireitei seems to have been practicing and bragging about as a big secret?

jealous? you got doo doo gear? umad..? yepumad

12-01-2010, 08:02 PM
What about north korea...discuss

12-01-2010, 08:06 PM
What about north korea...discuss

hey, ca5 with me? i need someone to aoe hack all the mobs inside the stairs :)

12-01-2010, 08:10 PM
hey, ca5 with me? i need someone to aoe hack all the mobs inside the stairs :)


12-01-2010, 08:10 PM
uhhh....well if they bought new chars then how will they prove what you say they did on their old characters if theyre already banned? heh?

Lolwut? I can't even read that junk of words you tried to put into a sentence, i'm not surprised though, you're mexican.

12-01-2010, 08:11 PM

Haven't you learned by now that locking and trying to ignore and deny the problem is not a good policy to any leadership?

Lets ignore the mass of global hackers which seem to be being ignored despite GMs supposedly having logs of them from global servers which should be enough to show blatant hacking and get a large amount of them banned.

Lets ignore the mass of aoe hackers on all different servers sometimes aoeing up to 50% of a single map and nothing is done to get rid of them. gameguard updates clearly not happening and not being enough. GM patrols equivalent to a 5 year old taking a few minutes looking around once a week or so. GMs only response is to provide evidence if anyone wants anything done yet GMs can't see to it that they look into anything themself.

Lets ignore that everyone is told to help desk. help desk leads to "its being investigated" which leads to nothing ever. This is if a help desk is responded to otherwise people are left with maxed out help desks for months and nothing to do otherwise.

so lets take one small sample of all the trash in the game atm that everyone likes to talk about.

seireitie - the guild mainly responsible for the infamous alz glitching from some time ago. Everyone was so adamant about the people being banned back then and happy with the banned list that est seems to be riding on that single positive response for the rest of there career.

TOO BAD most everyone that was banned and people were happy to see banned is now back and nothing at all is done about it.

Lets take a look at seireitie guild list

Whatyolookingat whatever his names are
- TWO lvl180 characters with full gear and whatever you could want while few people have even one 180 character who played since the 180 update launched, suspicious? nooooo definetly not worth investigating

-banned previously, randomly unbanned. Pictures of him inside the wall in ca hacking have been posted and completely ignored

-fairly well known to buy alz and gear with usd yet no investigation is ever done despite such common knowedge

-Banned many times, randomly unbanned. Again pictures of him in the wall in ca hacking yet nothing is done

-xcon, whatever his other names are, bought countless accounts and gear with usd and doesn't even deny it, laughs it off as people jealous of his epic job as a nurse and all his money

Hanny, Haniel, Allurer
-banned for alz glitching, comes back with high level FA, full forcy fa amp, eos8, rw3+7 as allurer and then renames to hanny as if enough people didnt already know it was haniel

DavidKanz, DeeKay, DavidKan
-previous guild leader of seireitie/soulsociety etc, glitched billions and billions of alz, was banned. Bought multiple accounts for gear and to get a high level wa. Then bought ibyte the 16x wa with forcy gear etc and account transfered. continues to buy gear with usd for himself and his guild. commonly know to do so, many people in game will even say he bought them gear. snatches up a majority of any forcy amp gear the second it comes out. Find a friend that is quiting who doesn't send their gear/account list to him for usd offers

-See hanny etc. Haniels brothers FS who he played after he was innitially banned, full forcy amp gear out of nowhere and renamed. didn't deny who he was at all either

-also banned and randomly unbanned, seen in ca with romp etc when they were hacking

- Just throwing out a lulz @ GoldFalcon for renaming after he looked like an idiot pretending to have sigmetal gear and owning himself hardcore

KeyKyo aka Kyoka
- banned and randomly unbanned and account transfer/renamed as usual in seireitei. Also see Saiyomii his fb in seireitei

-banned previously for an extended period of time, randomly unbanned out of nowhere and in seireitei

-"pro" wa well known for having bought mytankisfights gear for a large sum of usd

-DavidKan(z) FS that he bought with usd

Just to name a few of the more well known culprits left in one major guild here, could list more but lets see if anyone can read this as it is even.

To the supposed GMs that do anything on this game, why exactly are all these players left? Is it not an overly easy task to take a few names and compare IPs with banned players or look at random gains of huge amounts of alz out of nowhere or gear or anything? Even half the time spent locking forum threads could likely get a huge amount of unlegit players banned on a regular basis

Does hacking etc and then account transfering and renaming characters magically make them legit as seireitei seems to have been practicing and bragging about as a big secret?

I don't quite understand the headway you're trying to make. I'm not going to rag any sort of insult on the intent of making you feel as though you're wrong. But who gives a damn about it? It's old news and our loyal and trusted GM's are NOT going to end this alz-tyranny anytime soon. The only people who know for sure on who bought alz and who didn't are the people you're putting in the suspects list you've created. Don't worry about alz buyers/hackers/and just all around poor sports. Just play the game, end the jealousy, and when you quit scotch free with no sort of debt to yourself for wasting 10,000+ REAL dollars on a free vidya game and the alz buyers/hackers quit, carrying that thought around, nobody will give a damn then either.

12-01-2010, 08:12 PM

why i be mad tho? i solo ca5 with ease...2 people = less profit duh!!

12-01-2010, 08:13 PM
why i be mad tho? i solo ca5 with ease...2 people = less profit duh!!

solo in walls too i bet =)

12-01-2010, 08:14 PM
yea u could just jack some other guys gear n pay him when u want, fk the alz buyers, they stupids paying real moneys when u can scam.

+1 jackk tell em how its done

12-01-2010, 08:39 PM

Haven't you learned by now that locking and trying to ignore and deny the problem is not a good policy to any leadership?

Lets ignore the mass of global hackers which seem to be being ignored despite GMs supposedly having logs of them from global servers which should be enough to show blatant hacking and get a large amount of them banned.

Lets ignore the mass of aoe hackers on all different servers sometimes aoeing up to 50% of a single map and nothing is done to get rid of them. gameguard updates clearly not happening and not being enough. GM patrols equivalent to a 5 year old taking a few minutes looking around once a week or so. GMs only response is to provide evidence if anyone wants anything done yet GMs can't see to it that they look into anything themself.

Lets ignore that everyone is told to help desk. help desk leads to "its being investigated" which leads to nothing ever. This is if a help desk is responded to otherwise people are left with maxed out help desks for months and nothing to do otherwise.

so lets take one small sample of all the trash in the game atm that everyone likes to talk about.

seireitie - the guild mainly responsible for the infamous alz glitching from some time ago. Everyone was so adamant about the people being banned back then and happy with the banned list that est seems to be riding on that single positive response for the rest of there career.

TOO BAD most everyone that was banned and people were happy to see banned is now back and nothing at all is done about it.

Lets take a look at seireitie guild list

Whatyolookingat whatever his names are
- TWO lvl180 characters with full gear and whatever you could want while few people have even one 180 character who played since the 180 update launched, suspicious? nooooo definetly not worth investigating

-banned previously, randomly unbanned. Pictures of him inside the wall in ca hacking have been posted and completely ignored

-fairly well known to buy alz and gear with usd yet no investigation is ever done despite such common knowedge

-Banned many times, randomly unbanned. Again pictures of him in the wall in ca hacking yet nothing is done

-xcon, whatever his other names are, bought countless accounts and gear with usd and doesn't even deny it, laughs it off as people jealous of his epic job as a nurse and all his money

Hanny, Haniel, Allurer
-banned for alz glitching, comes back with high level FA, full forcy fa amp, eos8, rw3+7 as allurer and then renames to hanny as if enough people didnt already know it was haniel

DavidKanz, DeeKay, DavidKan
-previous guild leader of seireitie/soulsociety etc, glitched billions and billions of alz, was banned. Bought multiple accounts for gear and to get a high level wa. Then bought ibyte the 16x wa with forcy gear etc and account transfered. continues to buy gear with usd for himself and his guild. commonly know to do so, many people in game will even say he bought them gear. snatches up a majority of any forcy amp gear the second it comes out. Find a friend that is quiting who doesn't send their gear/account list to him for usd offers

-See hanny etc. Haniels brothers FS who he played after he was innitially banned, full forcy amp gear out of nowhere and renamed. didn't deny who he was at all either

-also banned and randomly unbanned, seen in ca with romp etc when they were hacking

- Just throwing out a lulz @ GoldFalcon for renaming after he looked like an idiot pretending to have sigmetal gear and owning himself hardcore

KeyKyo aka Kyoka
- banned and randomly unbanned and account transfer/renamed as usual in seireitei. Also see Saiyomii his fb in seireitei

-banned previously for an extended period of time, randomly unbanned out of nowhere and in seireitei

-"pro" wa well known for having bought mytankisfights gear for a large sum of usd

-DavidKan(z) FS that he bought with usd

Just to name a few of the more well known culprits left in one major guild here, could list more but lets see if anyone can read this as it is even.

To the supposed GMs that do anything on this game, why exactly are all these players left? Is it not an overly easy task to take a few names and compare IPs with banned players or look at random gains of huge amounts of alz out of nowhere or gear or anything? Even half the time spent locking forum threads could likely get a huge amount of unlegit players banned on a regular basis

Does hacking etc and then account transfering and renaming characters magically make them legit as seireitei seems to have been practicing and bragging about as a big secret?

the guild is RLLY RLLY SMEXY AWESOME...ppl help u on everything,active,fun... like what do u expect from the best guild EVER.
just play the dam game/go get some dep dep dep =p

12-01-2010, 08:39 PM
mmmcake is that all you got? Step ya hate up son at least Mat can spit some hot fire from time to time then again u whine about him to

You can hate Sei now........


but they wont ever stop haterz,p=)

12-01-2010, 09:48 PM
As expected, good post mmmcake, couldn't have said it better myself. Global haxorz and Seireitei :D, best combo of no lifers in cabal lawl.

"Seireitei - You can't hack like us, you can't alz glitch like us, you can't be like us"

12-01-2010, 10:20 PM
As expected, good post mmmcake, couldn't have said it better myself. Global haxorz and Seireitei :D, best combo of no lifers in cabal lawl.

"Seireitei - You can't hack like us, you can't alz glitch like us, you can't be like us"

lol @ ur avatar...u barely fit into ur hollister shirt and they make like the smallest shirts everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. nice hair too.

12-01-2010, 10:31 PM

12-01-2010, 11:51 PM
Seireitei,A group of un-permabanned asians with 3 inch s and non-asians with even smaller s who fail to overcompensate that by cheating their way to the top in an un-popular FREE TO PLAY MMO and confuse online acquaintences with real life friendships because they're too stupid to know the difference.

DAMN son +1 for that

12-01-2010, 11:52 PM
Seireitei,A group of un-permabanned asians with 3 inch s and non-asians with even smaller s who fail to overcompensate that by cheating their way to the top in an un-popular FREE TO PLAY MMO and confuse online acquaintences with real life friendships because they're too stupid to know the difference.

umad bra?

12-01-2010, 11:53 PM
Seireitei,A group of un-permabanned asians with 3 inch s and non-asians with even smaller s who fail to overcompensate that by cheating their way to the top in an un-popular FREE TO PLAY MMO and confuse online acquaintences with real life friendships because they're too stupid to know the difference.

ahahaha XDD, good stuff. :3

12-01-2010, 11:54 PM
DAMN son +1 for that

fight me irl

12-01-2010, 11:54 PM
ahahaha XDD, good stuff. :3

cute shirt

12-01-2010, 11:54 PM
fight me irl

can i watch?

12-01-2010, 11:55 PM

12-01-2010, 11:55 PM

12-01-2010, 11:58 PM
what you going to do lil no life 180 wa ? lol talking about RL Stuffs ?
go look at yourself in a mirror b4 you talk

12-02-2010, 12:00 AM
what you going to do lil no life 180 wa ? lol talking about RL Stuffs ?
go look at yourself in a mirror b4 you talk

Are you scared? :o

12-02-2010, 12:00 AM
what you going to do lil no life 180 wa ? lol talking about RL Stuffs ?
go look at yourself in a mirror b4 you talk

who is this in reference to?

12-02-2010, 12:01 AM
Are you scared? :o

he probly is

12-02-2010, 12:02 AM
lol scared ? doubt it come to SC and lets put this down ? you scared ?

12-02-2010, 12:05 AM
lol scared ? doubt it come to SC and lets put this down ? you scared ?

I'm so scared >< please don't hurt me with your pixelated amp ><

12-02-2010, 12:07 AM
I'm so scared >< please don't hurt me with your pixelated amp ><


12-02-2010, 12:08 AM
Dafailure, i didn't know this game meant so much to you that you have to call me out to SC just to fight me lmfao. I'm really sorry, i didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

12-02-2010, 12:11 AM
did i talking bout you ? i thought DarkD was asking me ?
talking to your self ?
how much you pay for that shirt lil kid ? get out of your mom basement and get a job maybe you can buy something better
oh btw get a haircut too while you there

12-02-2010, 12:14 AM
Dafailure, i didn't know this game meant so much to you that you have to call me out to SC just to fight me lmfao. I'm really sorry, i didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

lol and trust me this game is my extra cash in pocket ROFL FREE game exchange to mula on my free time after work
blah kids now days

12-02-2010, 12:19 AM
lol and trust me this game is my extra cash in pocket ROFL FREE game exchange to mula on my free time after work
blah kids now days

So you really don't have a life then.

& also

"did i talking bout you ? i thought DarkD was asking me ?"
Fix your english dude, and yeah Dark was asking you but you didn't reply :) so still, you scared kekkekekekekeke

12-02-2010, 12:21 AM
lol if i dont have a life i wonld be here all day long and game game game like these noobs try to trolls me on fourm eh ?
it call free time for extra cash
+ i already have 1 decent pay job why would i need 2 jobs to make money? eh ?

free time 3-4 hrs b4 sleep till next day work not bad to me better than 2 jobs lol been there done that

oh wait what bout you ? still gaming and ask for your mama mula kid ?

12-02-2010, 12:25 AM
lol if i dont have a life i wonld be here all day long and game game game like these noobs try to trolls me on fourm eh ?
it call free time for extra cash
+ i already have 1 decent pay job why would i need 2 jobs to make money? eh ?

free time 3-4 hrs b4 sleep till next day work not bad to me better than 2 jobs lol been there done that

oh wait what bout you ? still gaming and ask for your mama mula kid ?

You don't have a life, coz everytime i go on forums, you're always trying to act like you know everything. Apparently you don't =/

12-02-2010, 12:27 AM
You don't have a life, coz everytime i go on forums, you're always trying to act like you know everything. Apparently you don't =/

lol act like i know everything?
so you telling me im on fourm all day ? ROFL ?
and look who talking if you have a life why would you still trying mad hard to trolls me ? even tho you fail at it lol