View Full Version : EST Compensation? How Are You Going to Compensate????

12-01-2010, 08:02 PM
Seriously EST, how are you going to compensate? people that spend time to level up, upgrading gears, selling items, running dungeons and gets a good or EPIC drop, etc... How are you going to compensate that? Lame 1 day BB isn't going to do much since the community have to start up again. It's your FAULT that you host a FAIL event without testing it, so why is the community have to suffer? Have you learn anything in business? Customer is always right! You want the business to do well, so why are you making excuses for a fail event? You host this game, you launch an event and if fail, so its the community have to suffer about it? Is there a logic in this? or the logic is that you want the customer base to die out and loss of revenue? EST, you made a bad move. EST, you need to retake business 101 again, because you FAIL.

12-01-2010, 08:04 PM
The customer is always right ideology has been thrown out a while ago btw. Its more "the customer doesnt know wtf he is talking about, and unless he can actually do anything about it, just ignore him"

12-01-2010, 08:08 PM

12-01-2010, 08:09 PM
lol as a gm in a diff game i once had to roll back my players levels, my server ranking went form rank # 22 in ut2k4 world stats to over #100 in 1 week. and never recoverd fully
if it had ben making me money that would have ben a major hit to my donations

somethign for gm's to thnk about before they do another roll back :P

12-01-2010, 08:10 PM



12-01-2010, 09:03 PM
Oh no!! You lost a few hours! THE WORLDS COMING TO AN END!!!

12-01-2010, 09:07 PM
lol 1 person lost a forci amp drop another lost 2 forci m amp orbs he made in ft... then he tried again today and not even 1 amp
lol some people lost alot from a few hours, not just exp

12-01-2010, 09:29 PM
Seriously EST, how are you going to compensate? people that spend time to level up, upgrading gears, selling items, running dungeons and gets a good or EPIC drop, etc... How are you going to compensate that? Lame 1 day BB isn't going to do much since the community have to start up again. It's your FAULT that you host a FAIL event without testing it, so why is the community have to suffer? Have you learn anything in business? Customer is always right! You want the business to do well, so why are you making excuses for a fail event? You host this game, you launch an event and if fail, so its the community have to suffer about it? Is there a logic in this? or the logic is that you want the customer base to die out and loss of revenue? EST, you made a bad move. EST, you need to retake business 101 again, because you FAIL.

The community have to start up from what? So EST made a stupid mistake and they decided to fix things by rolling back a few hours otherwise there would be people running around owning you more, so be proud that you won't get one shot. I think you should retake business101 (if you've taken it before) cause you sound like a retarded customer and no, customers are not always right like yourself. If customers were always right, customers would abuse companies and such to satisfy their own greed.

12-01-2010, 09:38 PM
The people that made up the "that customers are always right" probably have never actually dealt with crappy customers themselves XD.

Anyways, I'm glad they rolled back. Sure I lost 60% but its better than getting owned by everyone who upgraded all their gear to +10-11 lol.

12-01-2010, 09:41 PM
the customer is allways right is a policy only used when other customers are watching.. :P

12-01-2010, 09:42 PM
Don't expect est to do something "nice" and "fair" for it's players when they took away +'ed items from free uch's. Nuff said.