View Full Version : I proposed a server ROLLBACK regarding those RUNES high probability errors!

12-09-2010, 10:01 PM
When we have the UCH glitch from event a few weeks, EST rollback. Now we have glitch with the new updates, we should ROLLBACK. It's NOT FAIR that people getting EPIC RUNES from this glitch/buggy update should be allow to keep them because we weren't allow to keep our gears from the UCH glitch from the Thanksgiving Event. To make it fair, it should be ROLLBACK.


12-09-2010, 10:02 PM
...please read the updates by GM Q. ktnxbi

Roy Watson
12-09-2010, 10:07 PM
Q;149045']The epic runes were intented to be supplied after this update. You will still have a good chance to earn the good runes through the cubes after the fix.

was not a error

12-09-2010, 10:10 PM
It's NOT FAIR that people getting EPIC RUNES
chances of getting runes are even, its not a glitch
work harder for your runes :O

12-09-2010, 10:13 PM
Then why does it have to fix then? Then why does G.M fixed the probability on the list posted by GM. Jamie? The error is the HIGH probability and since it been fix, it wouldn't be HIGH probability as before. So those individuals that get those cube when it was HIGH probability errors now have EPIC runes. How's that not cool? Now we all stuck with I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ probability when those individuals gets the best of HIGH probability before the fixed.

12-09-2010, 10:16 PM
Are you an idiot?

12-09-2010, 10:17 PM
Are you an idiot?


12-09-2010, 10:18 PM
mebe not so extreme as rollback but just a more careful look into this, if a higher rate was intended there wouldnt be a fix in the first place. Better look at it now then have many complaints about it after people find out that good chance is like a chance of getting forcium amps or something ^ ^ lolz

12-09-2010, 10:19 PM
Do you really believe that just because GM Q said that we will have a "good chance" that its going to turn out like that? I don't think so. From past experience I would say whoever wasn't on to get those runes is pretty much going to be spending tons of wexp to just get alz drop runes or other I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ runes till they give up on it, so +1 to roll back.

P.S As mentioned somewhere else if they really intended to supply us with the epic runes as they say than why fix the rate of getting epic runes and not leave it as it is. Plus why wasn't this mentioned in the update notes either if it wasn't a glitch?

12-09-2010, 10:22 PM
Are you an idiot?

It's fix cuz there was an error, idiot! read the whole dam thread from the errors page, idiot...people were stating such as mat saying that people are getting high probability of EPIC runes... GM look into it and got it fixed so it means the high chance is gone, idiot...it's not a fair opportunity for others from now on, idiot. Got it, idiot?

12-09-2010, 10:22 PM
No I am pretty sure that it's EST that are the idiot's this time around.

12-09-2010, 10:23 PM
It's fix cuz there was an error, idiot! read the whole dam thread from the errors page, idiot...people were stating such as mat saying that people are getting high probability of EPIC runes... GM look into it and got it fixed so it means the high chance is gone, idiot...it's not a fair opportunity for others from now on, idiot. Got it, idiot?

Yea but, people got the runes while it was on a high chance idiot. How do you feel they getting rich while, we all have low chance idiot?? How do you feel now idiot??

Roy Watson
12-09-2010, 10:25 PM
They want people to get good runes so they can sell more AXP beads/ new beads.
They have to make money to do all the updates they do here.
Its free to play but not free to run a game like this.

12-09-2010, 10:26 PM
They want people to get good runes so they can sell more AXP beads/ new beads.
They have to make money to do all the updates they do here.
Its free to play but not free to run a game like this.

Which is why i mentioned in the other thread the advantages to est of them keeping the current rate the same.

12-09-2010, 10:28 PM

12-09-2010, 10:29 PM
Which is why i mentioned in the other thread the advantages to est of them keeping the current rate the same.

Which is, obviously not taken in by the EST Staff as, it's been set back to normal rates already. Odd But they still get to keep them??? SO EST WHERE IS MY FREE UCH AT??????

12-09-2010, 10:29 PM
QQ some "moar." If you havent noticed the whole lot of the GM's more or less are tackling this problem, if GM Q was wrong then he wouldve been corrected. He also mentioned about checking with the other to see it this rate was intended and hence it was or so it seems. Minor fixes sure why not, a little bit too high oh well.

If you havent noticed the new runes require an amazingly high amount to even level. No one will have that much time to do so. Maybe the one who do have the time and are able to get plats., bb+, and what not. Oh well then they more or less deserve it for spending as such.

I didnt take advantage of it, didnt get a epic end game rune and I could care less.

Highly doubt that they will have a rollback for a few kids who QQ about a minor issue when it seems the dev. team has already looked into it.

Satisfy a bunch of whiny kids or maintain for the majority? I vote majority. The kids, go QQ some "moar."

12-09-2010, 10:32 PM
QQ some "moar." If you havent noticed the whole lot of the GM's more or less are tackling this problem, if GM Q was wrong then he wouldve been corrected. He also mentioned about checking with the other to see it this rate was intended and hence it was or so it seems. Minor fixes sure why not, a little bit too high oh well.

If you havent noticed the new runes require an amazingly high amount to even level. No one will have that much time to do so. Maybe the one who do have the time and are able to get plats., bb+, and what not. Oh well then they more or less deserve it for spending as such.

I didnt take advantage of it, didnt get a epic end game rune and I could care less.

Highly doubt that they will have a rollback for a few kids who QQ about a minor issue when it seems the dev. team has already looked into it.

Satisfy a bunch of whiny kids or maintain for the majority? I vote majority. The kids, go QQ some "moar."

You be surprise of how many "no life" that will pull all strength in this game to max those EPIC runes. Because they want to be the very best. It amaze me that those people really do exist. I farm and got like 3-4 AP and I got bored. I ask you HOW do those people do it????

12-09-2010, 10:32 PM
being a douche that you are you complain when something is better for us... what u want it to be like MF, LS, PF now? where almost nothing drops and no im not expecting end game items to drop from those maps, but take up dungeon card drops ffs. also so what if runes are easy to find, it will help us out but not too much you still need to grind like 200+ rune points to upgrade them

12-09-2010, 10:34 PM
No one cares about your uch hence a BB+ was given out for compensation.

Youre the one who doesnt get it. From a business stand point its all about supply and demand as well as maintaining a worthwhile gaming economy. It all about predicting future values and its appliances to such areas. Take a step into the business world and see how you do with your fail theory and mind set as youve displayed. Actually dont even bother because youll get chewed out.

12-09-2010, 10:34 PM
I agree we should still have our uch, and such a shame to obtain a coating kit and aog+7 in an eod run and come back only to find that we had a rollback so all that was for nothing. A cheap little blessing bead was no compensation in comparison to all of that.

12-09-2010, 10:36 PM
being a douche that you are you complain when something is better for us... what u want it to be like MF, LS, PF now? where almost nothing drops and no im not expecting end game items to drop from those maps, but take up dungeon card drops ffs. also so what if runes are easy to find, it will help us out but not too much you still need to grind like 200+ rune points to upgrade them

cuz that would be too easy.like make the runes drop to high would mean the runes market will drop(only one of the few things were ppl are making money)if u want ur rune then move ur freaking ars and get it the way it is.instead of wasting time qqing spend it trying to make alz and get enough wexp ^^

12-09-2010, 10:36 PM
no,I'm not expecting end game items to drop from those maps

you should,especially if you're 15x +

12-09-2010, 10:36 PM
being a douche that you are you complain when something is better for us... what u want it to be like MF, LS, PF now? where almost nothing drops and no im not expecting end game items to drop from those maps, but take up dungeon card drops ffs. also so what if runes are easy to find, it will help us out but not too much you still need to grind like 200+ rune points to upgrade them

you talk too much... those EPIC runes are sold for millions. You are saying to me you don't want to make millions of alz? Who in their dam right mine not want to make millions of alz? you?

12-09-2010, 10:36 PM
QQ some "moar." If you havent noticed the whole lot of the GM's more or less are tackling this problem, if GM Q was wrong then he wouldve been corrected. He also mentioned about checking with the other to see it this rate was intended and hence it was or so it seems. Minor fixes sure why not, a little bit too high oh well.

If you havent noticed the new runes require an amazingly high amount to even level. No one will have that much time to do so. Maybe the one who do have the time and are able to get plats., bb+, and what not. Oh well then they more or less deserve it for spending as such.

I didnt take advantage of it, didnt get a epic end game rune and I could care less.

Highly doubt that they will have a rollback for a few kids who QQ about a minor issue when it seems the dev. team has already looked into it.

Satisfy a bunch of whiny kids or maintain for the majority? I vote majority. The kids, go QQ some "moar."

Oh, so what is it, everyone is a kid now?? I'm glad to know!! And I know for a fact that "moar." is actually typed as "more" go learn some English please???
I also know it's not just a bunch of kids, when someone is threatening EST to either be able to delete their posts, or ban their account if they don't get one in 15 tries?? How about you go look a little further before you just bash us all!!!

Thanks Bye!!!

12-09-2010, 10:37 PM
You be surprise of how many "no life" that will pull all strength in this game to max those EPIC runes. Because they want to be the very best. It amaze me that those people really do exist. I farm and got like 3-4 AP and I got bored. I ask you HOW do those people do it????

how they do it?errr grind?premium?bb?....

12-09-2010, 10:37 PM
you talk too much... those EPIC runes are sold for millions. You are saying to me you don't want to make millions of alz? Who in their dam right mine not want to make millions of alz? you?

it all depends on how obsessed you are with a fake currency

12-09-2010, 10:37 PM
You be surprise of how many "no life" that will pull all strength in this game to max those EPIC runes. Because they want to be the very best. It amaze me that those people really do exist. I farm and got like 3-4 AP and I got bored. I ask you HOW do those people do it????

And why do you care so much as to figure out how they do it or if their lives even matter to you. Im sure they all play at their own leisure. Some of them are able to do it because they can afford perks such as plats., and or BB+ straight off the item shop and what not. How can they afford on a basis its cause they most likely work. If youre here asking and QQ-ing about you obviously dont have a job that pays well enough to set off a few bucks to enhance your gaming experience.

12-09-2010, 10:38 PM
Venus noob, QQing is a good thing or else how the hell will the GMs know what to fix? to look at HDs? lol , sometimes there are things you cant let go, i mean rmb the alz glitch what if the Gms didnt do anything

12-09-2010, 10:39 PM
And why do you care so much as to figure out how they do it or if their lives even matter to you. Im sure they all play at their own leisure. Some of them are able to do it because they can afford perks such as plats., and or BB+ straight off the item shop and what not. How can they afford on a basis its cause they most likely work. If youre here asking and QQ-ing about you obviously dont have a job that pays well enough to set off a few bucks to enhance your gaming experience.

oohh that was totally mean..... GOOD =p

12-09-2010, 10:39 PM
Oh, so what is it, everyone is a kid now?? I'm glad to know!! And I know for a fact that "moar." is actually typed as "more" go learn some English please???
I also know it's not just a bunch of kids, when someone is threatening EST to either be able to delete their posts, or ban their account if they don't get one in 15 tries?? How about you go look a little further before you just bash us all!!!

Thanks Bye!!!

Nice. An epic fail with your comeback. Do I really have to e-slap you back to grade school so you can learn your punct. and grammar.

Hint: Notice the FREAKING "" around "moar"

@Whoever said QQ-ing was good. Yeah I agree to some extent but on a subject thats been handled and tackled by GM's as well as Devs. its like crying over split milk. This situation was more or less imposed and on purpose more or less by the dev. team. In comparison to alz glitching and what not, thats a different story.

12-09-2010, 10:44 PM
people in this game use real $$ to get alz lol..where I don't use a single $$ and I was able to make millions from drops. It just sad that people became obsess and use real $$ for this game. It just dumb how they ROLLBACK when it was UCH glitch, but won't ROLLBACK when individuals are getting EPIC RUNES to sell. I know that a SWORD AMP RUNES can go as high as 500mil or more. EST was fair when it was UCH glitch, so be fair now and ROLLBACK this time too.

12-09-2010, 10:46 PM
this game and forum sure have alot of cry babies...

12-09-2010, 10:47 PM
people in this game use real $$ to get alz lol..where I don't use a single $$ and I was able to make millions from drops. It just sad that people became obsess and use real $$ for this game. It just dumb how they ROLLBACK when it was UCH glitch, but won't ROLLBACK when individuals are getting EPIC RUNES to sell. I know that a SWORD AMP RUNES can go as high as 500mil or more. EST was fair when it was UCH glitch, so be fair now and ROLLBACK this time too.

lmaoo eww not even 1b? omg are poor yo lol

u just mad cuz u dont have the money to buy prem/bbs...... ^^

12-09-2010, 10:47 PM
Venus Noob, by your standards, DH should have his GM's created armor. Thats GREATT keep up that idea!! I'm not complaining that the item is "supposedly" easy to get, but people just got away making millions in a matter of seconds because of EST MISTAKE!!!! Just like the people that Used EST mistake to make GREAT GEARS *coughuchcough* And WE got a ROLL BACK on THAT???? How is it not the same??? They made millions >>>> UCH people made millions ... Est MISTAKE >>> EST MISTAKE !!!!!
I see no difference there do you? Or maybe you see something I don't?? or is that because I'm a "KID"

12-09-2010, 10:49 PM
It was clearly a glitch otherwise a fix wouldn't be needed. Whatever everyone is trying to say is either remove the runes people got from this glitch or give everyone the same fken chance to get them, and no when GM Q has said "good chance" to get them its most likely 1 in 5000 rune cubes to get a decent rune not like what happened with 1 in 10 chance to get a epic rune.

12-09-2010, 10:51 PM
What part of intentional dont you get. As for the "glitch" it was a #$%^-en glitch. Something that was not meant to be. A bug more or less exploited. Now youre probably saying this was also a bug, no the more the GMs bring it forth it seems like it was meant to be but the obtainable rate were just too high. Now theyre setting it lower.

Heres some help:

As define off of google -define: glitch

---bug: a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine

As define off of google -define: intentional

---Intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily; Done with intent

12-09-2010, 10:54 PM
For you kids that don't get this, let me simplify it. Either give everyone a fair chance to get EPIC before the "fixed" or ROLLBACK. Now that the RUNES CUBE probability are FIXED. I'm pretty sure the "GOOD CHANCE" stated by G.M Q is like 1/5000 like that dude "REALLY?" stated.

12-09-2010, 10:59 PM
For you kids that don't get this, let me simplify it. Either give everyone a fair chance to get EPIC before the "fixed" or ROLLBACK. Now that the RUNES CUBE probability are FIXED. I'm pretty sure the "GOOD CHANCE" stated by G.M Q is like 1/5000 like that dude "REALLY?" stated.

what u QQing for a poor nub like u can now have a better chance of getting some alz from selling runes quit QQing

u really think G.M's gonna take any1 seriously when they spam

O mG! R0LLLLB@wK sEBers n@o Mauny PEop|e RuNEs Hi!gh DRaP ratE?! s0 UnF@ire!

shut up and be happy u get something lol

12-09-2010, 11:00 PM
For you kids that don't get this, let me simplify it. Either give everyone a fair chance to get EPIC before the "fixed" or ROLLBACK. Now that the RUNES CUBE probability are FIXED. I'm pretty sure the "GOOD CHANCE" stated by G.M Q is like 1/5000 like that dude "REALLY?" stated.


12-09-2010, 11:02 PM
Man do I have to put this in Layman's term.

Heres a scenario to paint a picture in those ill willed little brains of yours.

Star21 has his front door open and leaves a sign that says theres 100$ under my bed. I see the sign I say "hey, thats an invitation!" -Star21 "INTENDED" for someone to steal his 100$

This next scenario is different.

Star21 has his front door closed but not locked. I walk up and notice that it became ajar. I exploit this given opportunity and instead of stealing 100$ I take his whole wallet, his 10inch box tv. and well that sums it all up of what I was able to pawn. This would be a "glitch" because it wasnt intended and it was exploited when it wasnt meant to be because the door was possibly meant to be locked as with the darn "effin" UCH you were supposed to receive them through a particular way only and with only a certain amount etc. etc.

Man, so much QQ about "epic" runes this and that. If you can't get a $%^&-en rune even when the fix is done then you really blow at war and at getting wexp.

12-09-2010, 11:02 PM
1st amendment: freedom of speech, nub. ROLLBACK or do your magic and make those EPIC RUNES disappear from those individuals.

12-09-2010, 11:03 PM
what u QQing for a poor nub like u can now have a better chance of getting some alz from selling runes quit QQing

If star21 or any of us had the chance to get the runes like other people did do you really think we would be here bringing this up?

12-09-2010, 11:09 PM
Yes, QQ over a few mil. "Nubs" as such probably wont even know what to do with it. Probably go get scammed by Sofastoo or whoever people on these forums have been talking about these days.

12-09-2010, 11:13 PM
wow, Star21 is just a lil b!tch huh?

12-09-2010, 11:15 PM
wow, Star21 is just a lil b!tch huh?

wow you just butt ugly.

12-10-2010, 12:25 AM
Gm roll back kthxbai

12-10-2010, 12:30 AM
GM rollback is imminent.
That is all.

12-10-2010, 12:50 AM
1st amendment: freedom of speech, nub. ROLLBACK or do your magic and make those EPIC RUNES disappear from those individuals.

nyahahha,s to be you,I just dropped 6k wexp and got all my end-game runes,better luck next time....and they announced no rollback

12-10-2010, 12:50 AM
GM says haha no roll back for you all i got was party exp rune and im still not Q_Qing get over it had you goten something youd be like "no dont roll back this def rune is the best drop iv ever goten cause i dont know how to boss or run a dungeon that actually drops stuff" fails

12-10-2010, 01:02 AM
^2 +1 posts above mine.

Roy Watson
12-10-2010, 01:16 AM
When we have the UCH glitch from event a few weeks, EST rollback. Now we have glitch with the new updates, we should ROLLBACK. It's NOT FAIR that people getting EPIC RUNES from this glitch/buggy update should be allow to keep them because we weren't allow to keep our gears from the UCH glitch from the Thanksgiving Event. To make it fair, it should be ROLLBACK.


i agree we should still have our uch, and such a shame to obtain a coating kit and aog+7 in an eod run and come back only to find that we had a rollback so all that was for nothing. A cheap little blessing bead was no compensation in comparison to all of that.

you 2 and everyone else that abused the bug coulda got banned no matter how many did it so be happy there was just a small rollback and S.T.F.U

12-11-2010, 07:41 PM
GUESS WHAT???? I WAS RIGHT!!!! ROLLBACK and all problems of the update glitch will be FIXED!!! All the I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥es that are against are NUBS...NUBBBSSSSSS, LOSER!

12-11-2010, 07:43 PM
Rollback would be for errors your QQ was for the fact you couldnt take advantage of a glitch, facepalm yourself.