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12-11-2010, 06:01 PM
Now we wait 24 hours for the 2-3 day rollback and hopefully a fix.

12-11-2010, 06:03 PM
Now we wait 24 hours for the 2-3 day rollback and hopefully a fix.

u must not've been on when the big red message came around the screen

"There will be no roll back. Sorry for the inconvenience."

however, this isn't to say they won't work the bugs out of this update..


12-11-2010, 06:05 PM
Well if they actually knew what was going on, then I'm sure they will reconsider. Also, by the look of my xfire signature, I'm not on Cabal.

12-11-2010, 07:03 PM
They'd be retarded if they didn't rollback.

It must be a lot of work to do that if they're holding out so hard.

It's the weekend, so day off. Parties, drinks, late nights til midnight! lol

Luckily I have something better to do so I think I'll just afk in-game while I play Eternal Sonata, FFXIII, and Valkyria Chronicles 2.

12-11-2010, 07:10 PM
for everyperson that has lost something, there is probaly more than one who has achieve something (lvling up, trades, drops) during this bugged time... so if they roll back more ppl will suffer, I mean they should fix ppls missing things but not by roll back. If they just roll this one back its not gonna be like the other roll back, its gonna have a huge effect since it has been alot of days, the other was in the middle of the night for a few hours ( a little more acutally)

12-11-2010, 07:21 PM
It's the weekend, so day off. Parties, drinks, late nights til midnight! lol

Luckily I have something better to do so I think I'll just afk in-game while I play Eternal Sonata, FFXIII, and Valkyria Chronicles 2.

oh lord ff13 is horrid lol i couldnt believe how much they fked it up eternal sonata i couldnt even start it the pve of it was so terrtible x_X

12-11-2010, 07:33 PM
they need to fix though i get what they TRYED to do though .... they tryed to make all classes hit like fs but the thing is they over did it they should have left the fs class alone boosted the other classes i mean just a bit of a boost ...... 2 more cr and 50 more crit dmg .. dont bost normal attack est thats worst <_<

12-11-2010, 07:35 PM
They would be retarded to roll back. Fix their ups, don't punish people that happened to get lucky during this time.

12-11-2010, 07:43 PM
They would be retarded to roll back. Fix their ups, don't punish people that happened to get lucky during this time.

.... i used to rape my bl friend now she rapeing me nothing new sept the update......now she two hitting me...

12-11-2010, 10:23 PM
They better not roll back, and they should just leave the classes hitting like how they used to hit before the update.

12-11-2010, 10:26 PM
They better not roll back, and they should just leave the classes hitting like how they used to hit before the update.

you really do have no clue on what's going on, do you?