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View Full Version : What to do What to do

12-15-2010, 04:29 PM
Well, i've returned for the Christmas break in hopes that there will be some promotions and exp events etc. Atm my FB is a full CD build which is unadvised by more experienced FBs. Currently my fb is lv 125 and needs to stay in this range (up to 139) for war honor. I'm not sure where to go in terms of what direction to head in. I've read before that FBs need 1-2 7amp Forc weps, but I am really far from affording this. Can someone please tell me how and where to make this happen, cause I really like the FB class and I'd like to continue playing.


12-15-2010, 07:02 PM
Well 1 forci amp wep would be good, but you don't absolutely need it. You can just use bof2/3 sloted and stit amp gloves/boots. That alone will put you near 30% amp. Add in a suit thats either amp in slot with 50hp or amp crafted with double hp of at least 5% and a eof6, youll have about 35% amp. Plenty if you ask me.