View Full Version : Skill Exp

01-13-2011, 11:36 AM
hey guys, i was confused on how skill exp works because im slowing down in it. b4 it was 1 hit and the bar went up now it's 1 hit nothing and then the second hit it goes up. After getting my helm with +5 skill exp per skill it's 1 hit nothing and 2 hits that make it go up. I went on my blader which is only lvl 4 and for him it goes up everyhit. Since i hit A expert it's been doing that i think. didn't notice it b4 that. My friend is regular and he is the same way, first hit nothing and then gets it on the second or third one. Does skilling slow down and how? and i met someone who was master and they said that their go up after every hit...
thks :D

01-13-2011, 11:43 AM
Well, it is like EXP, its not that nothing is happening its just that it takes more points per bar the higher you go up. Get yourself a good skill set and afk on the dummies at night and in a couple days you will be all set.

01-13-2011, 12:05 PM
so basically there are like miniature points within that 1 skill point u get? so like lets say at regular 100 skill exp = 1 skill point and then at lets say expert you might need 105 per point..is that what u mean by it needing more? i thought that it was just more and more skill points u needed. Like 105 to be master and then keeps going up and up but that 1 skill point was same amount of time for all skill levels. And how come my friend who is regular takes 2 hits when me at regular took 1 and my other friend takes one and he is master. idk if he was talking about with all his skilling equipment though but idk if he has any or if he was talking about it as he was killings the mobs we were near....
i have +12 skill exp right now because of title and 2 armor pieces and i do a hit that does nothing(well it does but not enough for the bar to go up) and 2 after that brings it up

01-13-2011, 01:25 PM
ok, and i have the 2 magic novice skills at lvl 1 and i just use that. gonna try and get skilling equipment at a good price.

01-13-2011, 02:34 PM
adept gear is cheap to and most likely a guildie can craft you some arimid skill gear. it will take you a few days to complete the process though.