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01-16-2011, 12:20 PM
To recover a FB char if it was 13x FB with a failure equip and no alz?

Titanium weps +7 | 40 and 41 c.dmg
Titanium helm +7 | 7/40 - only okay part..
Osm battlesuit +4 | 7 s.amp
Terra Gloves/boots +5 and +7 | 4 s.amp
Class 4 honor rank (ew..)
Mergaheph ring and 3x cr1.
Vamp ammy+3
~3m alz lol.

Soo yea its a poor fb that might have a chance but idk what I gotta do to recover this guy :( . The sole reason would be for the 7/40 helm which could be useful.

Thanks for Suggestions.

01-16-2011, 01:55 PM
It's not that bad?

01-16-2011, 03:39 PM
idk..i've been comparing my items with people in my guilds and stuff (same lvl) and they seem to be so much better :(