View Full Version : Farming Question...Opinion based.

01-19-2011, 09:07 PM
+1st slot, +2nd slot, or +ALZ gear, because my luck gear drops my lvl 119 FB's Def. by around 74. And I know, buy higher than Os gear and my def. will go up, but I can't afford better than Os luck gear right now.

Oh, and reference your opinion on which is best in which situations, dungeons, lands, etc.

Engage or "Flame ON!"

01-19-2011, 09:08 PM
luck gear doesnt do much =s... especially in LS

you're better off using 2 slot osm.

01-19-2011, 09:13 PM
luck gear doesnt do much =s... especially in LS

you're better off using 2 slot osm.

Yeah, I've come to realize that Luck Gear doesn't really give you much more of a chance for 1 and 2 slot items to drop. I wonder if there is an exact formula for it somewhere?!?

01-19-2011, 09:13 PM
if u want formula ask valdoroth bet he got one

01-19-2011, 09:14 PM
Yeah, I've come to realize that Luck Gear doesn't really give you much more of a chance for 1 and 2 slot items to drop. I wonder if there is an exact formula for it somewhere?!?

probably, but i wouldnt be too bothered =p
well for now anyway :x
in Pontus Ferrum and some parts of Mutant Forest is when you should look for luck o.o

*cough* forcium amp drops! *cough* ^^

01-19-2011, 09:16 PM
i would go 2 slot drop for port lux ( dark bladers) fort ruina ( auto cannons/ mechzards) and undead ground ( zombies). some ppl say it works on chest but i havent had any luck on chest with my set. I do know the 2 slot drop does work i had my set on messing around in bi and got 2 2slot silk items, also got a 2 slot tit kat from a mob in lid and 2 slot 99 and sig gear from mushids in aos2.

01-19-2011, 09:29 PM
Actually, a +4000% set gives a x41 multiplier (100% basic+4000%)of the basic chance you have...
The chances on dropping a 2slotted are extremely low and although you do have an increased chance, it still stays low.

To give you some perspective :
Before I used a dropset, i dropped 2x 2slotted in 8 months time (while farming maps)
A few weeks ago, with my +4550% set on the EU-jupiter server, I dropped 3x 2slotted in 2 hours.
An exceptional case, I agree, but it shows what can be done with a good set...
Normally I now drop a 2slotted item every 4 to 6 hours of farming, or every 6000 to 8000 mobs.

According my farming experience, the set works linear. The more you get in %, the shorter the intervals will become between the drops.

Now apply the same logic to the chests and even with the higher 2slotdrop chance you get on chests, you'll understand that you need to a lot of runs before getting that 2slotted from SOD, or any other dungeon...
And because it takes a relativly large number to kill, your perception is one of "it is not working"...
Blame the low drop% for that perception, but realise that your drops IS working...

If someone on a map (FR, UG, MF, etc) is using luck gear, then the bonus is applied to the entire map. *The bonus stacks if more than 1 person is using the luck gear.
Simply not true...
2slotdrop is not for the complete map but applied individually.
When EU servers were hit by the 2slotdrop hackers, about 1.5 years ago, only the hackers benefited from it. none of us normal players saw any increase in 2slotted dropping, even tough they used stack 2slotdrop well over +100K %...

To actually understand how 2slotdrop works, you have to get an insight on how low the actual dropnumbers are.
There are 3 parameters that matter in the droptables :
-the droprate (in %)
-the mob level
-the "quality group" it has been assigned too

As a consequence, different mobs can get different drop % depending on their level, but can also get different "quality groups"
the droprate for a blade on autocannon-op is 1/141 and IF it is a blade, it's chances for it to be 1slotted is 1/20 and to be 2slotted is 1/16400.
The chances you got to drop a 2slotted blade, without a set, would be 1/141*16400 = 1/2 312 400.
With a set like mine (+4550%) i can multiply that so it becomes 46.5/2 312 400 = 1/49 729 chance to drop a 2slotted blade...

Dungeons and espacially chests have a much higher chance and quality, but then again, you can only open a limited number of chests per hour, compared to the hundreds of mobs you can kill on a map...

Copied from http://forum.cabal.com/archive/index.php/t-11441.html

That explains a lot...

01-19-2011, 09:32 PM
I heard that,
in order to have good luck set

U must have 2000% 2 slot item drop
and 200-300% 1 slot item drop
alz is just for alz and i know some1 who maxed alz drop rate

and decided to farm alz
but it was a waste of time
like at max point, the person who has tried it
whom has a forum here somewhere, cant remember tho
and the outcome was 1m per hour of mob killing counting alz bombs.
SOd can give u 9 uch if ur lucky and 5 at least, noobs luck u will get 3 uch.
in all cases, its useless.

1 slot item drop refers to the quanity of items with slots and
2 slot item drops refers to teh quality of the items slots

so its a must to amke sure that u score both 1 slot and 2 slot
to have a better shot at the gain