View Full Version : Help mee!

02-02-2011, 08:50 AM
hey guys i am dirtpoor literally. idk what to do, i can't pick a class and i want a rich char. i've heard that wiz are good for getting rich but its hard to gear them. honestly i just want some tips on getting cashflow you can call me a derp, tard, (any other troll name-calling word i forgot), etc. yeah i need some tips, so any would be useful!

p.s i like magic chars, wi, fa. don't know much about dungeons so i think a guide would be cool. i have a 52 wi and a 61 fa (fa has no luck in weak eod so i ditched him). ok thanks bye.

02-02-2011, 11:13 AM
hey guys i am dirtpoor literally. idk what to do, i can't pick a class and i want a rich char. i've heard that wiz are good for getting rich but its hard to gear them. honestly i just want some tips on getting cashflow you can call me a derp, tard, (any other troll name-calling word i forgot), etc. yeah i need some tips, so any would be useful!

p.s i like magic chars, wi, fa. don't know much about dungeons so i think a guide would be cool. i have a 52 wi and a 61 fa (fa has no luck in weak eod so i ditched him). ok thanks bye.

Go FA, wiz are the most fun and easy to get stuff but u pree much have to hack to be a good wiz compared to the others that are playin. so yahhh FA man, only problem is FA are really squishy. for sword class go FS or WA. WA are the cheapest to gear bc they only need one weapon.

02-02-2011, 11:17 AM
but u pree much have to hack to be a good wiz compared to the others that are playin. .

wrong. wiz are fun because of their mobility and their skills, especially those big ones that hit great damage, stuff are not easy to get, and u dont have to hack to be good.

02-02-2011, 11:29 AM
wrong. wiz are fun because of their mobility and their skills, especially those big ones that hit great damage, stuff are not easy to get, and u dont have to hack to be good.

the fun part: thats what i mean. the stuff: as in dungeon to get drops to sell,not the gear, nto to mention bosses. and to the last sentence: yeah u can be good but to top over the other wiz players u pree much have too since a decent amount of the top ones have hacked or magically got stuff.

02-02-2011, 12:06 PM
the only thing is with FA i have to get forc weapons but wi's orbs are basically free from weod.