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04-22-2010, 08:59 AM
I've had a few ideas i never botherd posting on the forums so why not now. Ill put them all in 1 thread to save space.

I. Astral Staff
- So Force Shielders and Force Archers get Astral Shields and Bows. The items are able to be put away and summoned with there astral skill. Then we have the Staff the wizards get, wich is always out, all the time. Just a little thing, but why not give Wizards a skill also to summon their staff so they dont need to walk around with it all the time.

II. Alz Spammers
- Alz Spammers get very annoying in-game. Its like a daily routine, Log on > Block spammers > play game. Obviously GMs have better things to do then to go around kicking Spammers on every channel. So heres the ideas
Step 1: Remove - ability to talk when dead
Step 2: Add - If someone posts 10 lines of post within 10 secounds, they are turned red, and PK able for 1 minute. People in the town can then simply kill the spammer, and then the spammer wont be able to talk till respawn.
Step 4: Because spammers are bots, they will most likely learn to respawn and just go back to spamming. So to solve this, After being PKed 5 times from spamming, the spammer will be sent to jail for 1 hour.

III. PvP - Capture the flag
- I havent played much Nation War or Mission War. But i dont believe theres a capture the flag? if there is then just ignore this part. But if there isnt, its a pretty basic game.
2 Bases, Procyon and Capella
2 Flags
Players per team - Up to ESTsoft
Scoring to win - Up To ESTsoft
Basicly just grab enimy flag and score it.

IV. Skill Fix
- I been playing my blader ingame. Been lvling up my skills. But one thing i cant understand is. Im Currently an Expert and i have 9 Sword skill slots, and 11 Magic Skill slots. Bladers dont use magic! so why am i given more magic slots then sword slots. I dont quite understand the logic in it, but in a future update please fix skills so bladers like me can get more sword skills like we're sposed to.

04-22-2010, 12:33 PM
I've had a few ideas i never botherd posting on the forums so why not now. Ill put them all in 1 thread to save space.

III. PvP - Capture the flag
- I havent played much Nation War or Mission War. But i dont believe theres a capture the flag? if there is then just ignore this part. But if there isnt, its a pretty basic game.
2 Bases, Procyon and Capella
2 Flags
Players per team - Up to ESTsoft
Scoring to win - Up To ESTsoft
Basicly just grab enimy flag and score it.

Just get some wizzys on your team and you win unless you have as much bladers to root them.

04-22-2010, 05:50 PM
Capture the flag would be prosauce. Everyone wants it.

04-22-2010, 07:57 PM
Disable dash/blink when you're holding the flag.

04-23-2010, 06:08 AM
I. Astral Staff
- So Force Shielders and Force Archers get Astral Shields and Bows. The items are able to be put away and summoned with there astral skill. Then we have the Staff the wizards get, wich is always out, all the time. Just a little thing, but why not give Wizards a skill also to summon their staff so they dont need to walk around with it all the time.
you must not pay attention to updates much huh? the bow and shield are now summoned automatically. only way to not have one out is to take off your wepons, or equip the wrong ones. ALTHOUGH, getting stats from the staff would be nice x_x